Community Discord - All welcome!

Understandable, have a nice day.


unironically i hope they do baby boomer


Looking forward to the mounds of uninformed salt from all the new blood on an RPPvP server.

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All these 1700 heroes talking about rating :roll_eyes:

Let’s just get the Discord owners to duel and settle this for all to see in game!?

Reported for breaking the sacred RP naming policy. I hope Papa Perroy will punish you in the Goldshire inn.

Dude, unscramble your insults. It’s like watching a five year old recycle the same phrase he just learnt from the internet

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Hello, friend!

I think your discord is great and I hope it all goes well!

I just wish you won’t go all Fine Bros™ and trademark ZT discords/employ mods to do that! Let’s have fun in ZT now! Im already level 13!


How are you coping with the painful lack of the most glorious Goblin race in Classic?

fine bros?? don’t know what you mean im not really up to date on memes n stuff

Pain. Unstoppable Pain

i still dont get it

I’m a fellow duelist hero

We’re brothers in mediocre arena achievement, you and I

re. salt I think the PVP griefer population of Argent Dawn probably eclipses the overall population of every ailing EU RP server’s total membership combined

I think as long as people follow Blizzard’s RP rules (ie no OOC in spatial channels / no lil zoom names) people rolling on an RP PVP realm probably desire the risk of being taken out by the enemy faction if they’re rolling in contested territories

ie. as long as you replace yelling pogchamp with “For the Alliance” while you erase my character from existence I think it will be pretty funny RP PVP


Ye, people have to respect the rp of their own faciton, otherwise begone!

Though some of these people demanding people leave if they dont RP is abit sad.

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Might be true nowadays, though the distinction between RP and RP-PvP died with the arrival of Warmode. I doubt AD had too many PvP griefers a few expansions ago.

Yes, that’s what RP-PvP in theory is. In practice - at least on DB until Blizzard killed WPvP - there was a distinct WPvP and RP crowd, with some overlaps which resulted in a quite special community. I have a feeling that the same is going to happen on this server as well, and IMO to make it work it’s going to require some cooperation and tolerance from both sides.

Most PvP/WPvP players won’t go out of their way to disrupt RP (if they do, being on friendly terms with similar guilds on your faction can be helpful and may result in some fun mass slaughter), but most of them aren’t that interested in RP either.

However, if you want to draw in new blood from our crowd, or even from the newcomers to the server, acting as turbo-elitists and pretty much ignoring one half of the community might be not the best way to do that.
Demanding people who don’t RP to leave or threatening to report people whose name does not fit in your criteria of RP name policy is one good example of that behavior, especially because Blizzard absolutely doesn’t bother enforcing those rules nowadays (or in the past 10 or so years for that matter). Or the AD community is just slacking with reports, because I’ve seen some level 120s with rather extreme names from your server in the past month when I resubbed and played on retail.


A community so special that it’s completely dead with all RPers on DB having moved to Argent Dawn (the promised land) – gee, sounds great

i, and all other RPers (on this RP realm), hope it doesn’t

this coming from the guy who earlier in the thread told RPers to migrate off to Hydraxian Waterlords is absolutely mango loco

it’s simply bizzare to see how far you’ve flip-flopped in the space on a few posts – i get it king, you’re quite obviously a young / immature guy with a half-formed brain – but, pal, this is completely bonkers

because we don’t want a bunch of OOC twitch kiddies running around /yelling “POGGIES OMEGA POG I LOVE ASMONGOLD” ?

It’s not our definition, bud – it’s blizzards:


hey, tell me your ingame name and we’ll put your theory to the test =)


It’s a server that had / has many more players than DB and many more players that don’t like PVP - ie. the perfect targets for gankers

We had three full raids of griefers trying to disrupt the campaign we had at the end of Legion (though unsuccessfully because there were so many attendees the server crashed)

We had griefers to the point that a lot of people who do RP PVP now have pretty decent gear / at least some basic ability to PVP to send them packing

So I think we did / still do. C’est la vie

You talk about tolerance but about 15 seconds ago you were doing some weird my server vs your server spiel. Come on, king

It’s not “my criteria” or anyone’s criteria but Blizzard’s

If you’re on an RP server, there are RP naming policies. It’s actually the one rule that is enforced very very actively even on retail

Almost all Blizzard moderation is reactive - so it only happens if someone reports it + it’s partially automated & based on numbers

It’s not elitism to want one of the few rules of this server to be abided by



Ill just say this, you should all be more open and accepting.

Your little cliques mean nothing here.

This aint AD, this aint DB.
This is Zandalar Tribe RPPvP.

The sooner people accept that fact the better.


Yeah its pretty much the only RP rule enforced. Over all the time I spent on DB, I never heard of anyone getting reprimanded for ‘griefing’.

Over all the time I spent on DB, I never heard of anyone getting reprimanded for ‘griefing’.

Yeah, mostly thanks to Blizzard destroying any meaningful WPvP with sharding and their failure to uphold RP rules.

If you think you can make this an RP-er exclusive server, you are deluded.

I have nothing against RP or RPers in general, it’s not my cup of tea but I’ve encountered some quite amusing RP action in the past. And a lot of cringe ones as well, but they were also amusing in a different way. Circlejerking RP-ers who fail to notice the PvP-part in the name of the realm are something entirely different, and would be really better of on Hydraxian Waterlords.

Sorry, this is the reality on RP-PvP realms if you move out of the blue zones. And the more non-RP people you piss off with your attitude, the more frequently it will happen.

The same as my retail name. Good luck with the reporting.

At least we can agree on something.

You were pretty much asking for it. Considering that your previous post was entirely reasonable, I’ve replied in a similar manner.

I can agree, however I think there are some gray areas in acceptable/non-acceptable names. Junction and Railcraft threatening me with reports are a perfect example of that, but I really loved the irony of the situation.