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That literally means nothing.

Was it same faction griefing or PvP griefing? The former is entirely different, tbh the only form of that which I’d consider acceptable by my own standards is throwing Infernals on obnoxious ERPers as a Warlock. Just to protect the moral purity of the Alliance/Horde children of course.

You state you’ve never heard of anyone getting reprimanded, I show you an example of someone having been reprimanded, and you say it means nothing.


It was same-faction griefing with the usual routine of oversized and/or loud mounts.


What you showed me was some text on a blue background.

Nothing else within that shows me anything except what the text says. I could make something like that in 2 minutes. You expecting me to take that at face value is what is strange here.

I’ll take my experience on the rules and how they’re enforced on RP-PvP realms over a picture of text any day.

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Nothing else within that shows me anything except what the text says. I could make something like that in 2 minutes. You expecting me to take that at face value is what is strange here.

I wish I was invested enough in this to create a fake screenshot of a ticket. Here:

another bizzare post, especially considering sharding by default does not exist on RP server ( ) – something the Argent Dawn community is directly responsible for changing =)

And again just telling yourself that Blizzard doesn’t enforce its own rules doesn’t mean that it’s true.

actually, i think you’re the deluded one since – being a non-rper – you seem to have accidentally created your character on an RP realm ? instead of one of the other 8 pvp servers =(

completely bonkers then that you’d choose to play on a server that’s meant to be full of things “not your cup of tea”

I’d use the word :


Correct me if I’m wrong, but afaik it has existed in previous expansions and pretty much killed of DB. Instead of it we have all the RP and former RP-PvP servers merged together, with 80% Alliance pop and a 30% bonus for them in Warmode.

I actually liked the idea of RP-PvP when I rolled on Defias. Ended up staying for a while for the WPvP and the drama instead.

Well, I’d still rather have smug yet thin-skinned RP-ers who are easy to get riled up for some drama on the forums than the usual Twitch crowd, so there is reason number one. Also fortunately some of you can be quite entertaining in-game, as I’ve said.

So this was not on an RP-PvP realm and was more likely than not by players on the same faction?

We are not even 24 hours in and there is an RP drama thread on realm forum with lenghty, boring, multi-quote replies. I LOVE THIS REALM!


Hell yeah 2234

Funny how the same players klick “<3” on all the posts, i wonder


think people who don’t rp should just leave tbh !

roleplayers only on my rp realm


yea it’s funny how people who roleplay agree with eachother! isn’t that really wacky + strange?!


This is why you don’t have friends

All are welcome don’t listen to people like this!

Just have some of that respect this guy lacks and you are golden.

t. some friendless loser

they are not welcome and i will make sure of it

[begins barking like a rabid dog]


Im sure that will work very well for you just before that ignore function kicks in hehe

I do not understand why you flaming in this threat and start being salty. You better to get along with it or leave the game. You are not wow government and you don’t have right to decide who should leave realm or not. your demanding for action is childish as your behavior.


come back when hellishman gets flagged for a name change

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i wonder if that works on a non RP realm???


good thing this is an rp realm!