[COMMUNITY] The Wardens

Thank you so much for hosting this event, it was extremely special to me and i will likely never forget it. It’s been nearly a year since i discovered RP and joined the Warden community. It has led to so many amazing experiences and friendships.
The journey from a trainee to watcher was a long but rewarding one and i look forward to see what the future brings of new RP adventures.

-Lacun Starstriker


Hello dear Wardens! Here are couple of screenshots from the most recent Warden Moot that was hosted at 21.01.2024!
A record high participation counting a whole of 20 individuals! We’re happy to host for the community!
Thank you Nightwish, Elune’s Justice and Shadowleaf Watchers for coming around!


A small recap of Warden trial of Irisandres Shadewind. Said character has walked the path from trainee all the way to qualifying as a Warden!


Moot was cool, thank you for organizing! I admit I enjoyed the chance to show off our naval conquests hehe… I hope it was an interesting ‘speech’!


A community event hosted by Jaiare!
It was an awesome experience, and the rewards will stick with us forever! Thank you for hosting!


This looks really cool and quality content there. Shame my affiliation goes hand to hand with fel >:]


Feel free to join as a guest aswell!

Will think about it, thanks for the offer.

How do you do, fellow Wardens?

Bathel’daelune, fellow terminator owls :owl:

When is the next moot?

I have some suggestions that I know I passed to Brigita, but I wonder if perhaps it isn’t a good idea to share the agenda publicly as well? That could be cool, you know. Even if the event remains restricted and ‘inaccessible’, preserving an IC mystery, it could be interesting, from an OOC perspective, to gain insight into what the structure is and how things are approached or delivered.

Edit: More context below

This idea comes from having observed a few Thalassian Conclaves in the past, and whilst the moot’s scope is restricted to the rather niche concept that is the Wardens, it could still find a reason/use IC and OOC to have the agenda disclosed… and perhaps, to some extent, even the conclusions drawn.

For example, given how – what looks to be the kaldorei epilogue patch – has ended, on this vague and more “huh :interrobang:” note than before DF started, we could very easily find reason to discuss aspects pertaining to arbitrage as far as the Horde visitors, and Neutral organizations are involved.

In real life, this works because the citizens/subjects/guests of a place need to be informed of the rule of law if they are to know to uphold it :sweat_smile: And while this isn’t an invitation to start laying down headcanon legislation (I’m not sure we could even agree/settle on some haha), the intent here is rather just to show that it’s a topic we approached and… if anything… might’ve settled on the ‘bare minimum’, lowest common denominator, in terms of arbitrage decision.

I guess what I’m thinking about is that… if we are indeed the org tasked with the rule of law, we might as well discuss what that is or should be when it comes to these 2 entities, and what our understanding/interpretation of the in-game facts could be.

I know we have talented and well motivated orators amongst our Order, and it’s always nice for me to hear these types of debates emerge from these more inclined Watchers & Wardens – to see the thought put behind a speech, and the intent to get something done. I quite value that.


Some screenshots from recent promotion event!


Such has been taken into consideration, and thank you immensely for contribution, Jai’are! Here it comes:

Wardens moot!

This upcoming friday, the 29th of March we’ll hold a Wardens moot! To those of you unfamiliar, such is a gathering for the Wardens and those affiliated to the order to discuss recent happenings, ponder on some questions, present opinion and hopefully to arrive to a conclusion!
But no less to meet fellow colleagues from across the world. Share a moment together, talk to other sub groups and find new friends or perhaps even guilds to be part of!

We will be holding the Wardens moot at Arlithrien Lodge, 29th March, 20:00 ST
As moots have over time grown and developed a formal structure, such will now be presented, aswell as agenda for this time.

The topics :medal_sports:

planned for the night will fall in 2 categories

  • I. Urgent / Actual topics which we should get to first
  • II. Important but not really urgent topics we would like to get through, if time allows.

Because of this

The Speakers :speaking_head:

will follow the etiquette and code of conduct listed below

  • Emote that you wish to be added to the queue of speakers on the current Topic, adding (1) in the emote
  • If possible, prep your question/point in advance, while you wait in queue, if this is not possible please keep the point at a manageable size :sweat_smile:
  • Counterarguments / followups are allowed bypassing initial queue, however have a queue of their own. Emote that lifting up two fingers (2) will put you into priority in order to reply to the most recent topic, but for these I am asking you to please keep them at the size of 2-3 paragraphs max

Agenda :pencil:


  • How do we discern genuine repentance from manipulation? (coming with a speech)
  • How can we prevent disillusioned night elves from siding questionable and evil. (Optional, if first one doesn’t take long)


  • Complaints, from kaldorei forwarded by Shadowmoon?
  • Reports and topics from the participants

If anyone would like their topic to be listed onto the agenda, please do send a DM and the list shall be updated! And of course, for clarification, be it a trainee or a Warden ALL are welcome!


Many thanks for the wonderous moot last night. It was a big pleasure to RP with Nightwish and Shadowleaf Watchers! We’ve got something more coming up very soon however!

Watcher Promotion of Silvershot and Silvershade!

Eanlin Silvershot and Eldenar Silvershade have walked the path of becoming Watchers for a long while now, and have shown dedication and determination to our cause.
And thus it has come time for an iconic moment of their story, a promotion to a fully fledged Watcher.

On 6th April 20.00 ST we will hold an event in honor of this. All Wardens, Watchers and trainees are welcome to join us in the sacred ritual of the order!

There are three parts to this event, review, vows and celebration. Location of choice will be Tomb of Sargeras.
OOC reasoning: Due Vault’s number limitation.
IC reasoning: A place iconic for the Wardens and Watchers due to the tragedy that has once transpired there during the third war. And yet, as we head for the renewal of the Kaldorei, we reclaim the tomb and see to the bright future!

Where Watchers have once fallen, many more shall rise in service of Elune’s Justice!


It’s always pleasing to see such quality stuff to be brought up to the table. This is what really keeps Kaldorei RP prosper. I hope this small praise from a random will contribute to your motivation :slight_smile:


A friendly bump to our great Wardens :owl: :crescent_moon:
And a note that the discord link needs a new version, it seems it expired.

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Does this link not work for you?

If it doesn’t, try using:

Lastly, all the other links following original post are just event-links! Those do be expiring.
Aaaand, if nothing of this works reach out to me through Amirdrassil server and we’ll get you in!

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Screenshots from latest promotion event! It was an honour!


Updated info in the original post, community having grown by 50% since original post warranted a number check!

Elune’s Justice from Wardens community recently held an engaging event dubbed to be “House of Memories” involving illusionist trick and quite a main villain for the Warden prey!
Check out the assets!

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Elune’s Justice, from the Warden community eagerly answered the call for aid: campaign Into the Dark.
We have a mission briefing video made for it, credits to Fylin’del!