I just discovered communities. I am looking for a community or guild that wants to take on a bit of a loner. I am not comfortable in raids/dungeons and groups so I mainly spend my time questing( still deciding on main), farming, dailies and exploring. I don’t mind starting over if there is a guild for me. Right now I am on Sylvanas Alliance.
Hi, if youre just looking for a place to call home Belan Shi may be what you would like. We do some M+ content but we also have several other ppl who mostly play alone. We are on horde side of Draenor, give us a visit if you want!
Hi there, if you don’t mind switching realms to Silvermoon, Dungeons and Flagons are recruiting at the moment. Here is a link to our guild page. If you’re interested in joining feel free to add my battletag and drop me a message.