Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

Now that you mention it, it’s actually pretty sad that healing specs like Rshaman and Mistweaver monk have more spells as part of their DPS rotation than an actual DPS spec.

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Demon Hunter is fun. But yeah, the lack of skills triggered me, so I went back to my Shaman. I get easily lost in so many buttons, but I like to have skills for situations.

And that is exactly why they are so popular

BM Hunter is really lacking in actual dps buttons too.

BM Hunter, Frost Death Knights & Havoc DH were always the 2 button specs of the game, yes.

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I Don’t know how to link screeshots to the forum :confused:

No, i didnt even put PvP talents in there but its still full lol

Sure you do :joy::joy::joy: toys don’t count


Butthurt warlock n1

Metamorphosis is a dh ability.

Just do like I did:
Upload your screenshot to a third party website, then copy paste the link.
Since links are forbidden, select it and use the “preformatted text” option.
Like this.

Eeeh… Sounds like work, you can add more abilities if you want with some talent like nemesis and fel erruption, I would recommand you use Mana rupture (not sure of the name, my game is in in french) too.

The difference between warlock Metamorphosis abd Demon hunter is one of them was feared while the other one is memed upon guess what one Dh is?

Except those are underperforming, and sometimes clunky. But even then, you still end up with fewer spells than most classes.

I don’t know how you do it, the voice acting is just plain terrible in French.

That’s why people still cry about dh being op, thanks for keeping the ability warm while we were off napping but now rent time is other. Stick to your own class.

I mean you didn’t took first blood so I thought you wer going for the most button to press build, beside fel eruption and mana Something is a must pick in pvp and I am pretty sure fel errpution is the best pick on that row overall.

And when it come to the voice acting I am just used to it now, I started playing before I learned English so now English voices sound weird for the characters.

Look at your toolkit genius, you literally have every utility in the game not to mention your damage is stupid and with that dumb demonic talent combind with the leech and 0 thiught process in your rorations it’s completely op

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Kind of go against your point of being a meme.

Can someone call the waaaabulance ?

I don’t know either class well enough to be informed about what’s most appropriate, but I did take two DHs to 110 and 111, and I say:

Not every class has to have every possible tool. I like my mage, and my paladin, that I enjoy playing, to be full classes, with all the niche abilities I can think of, from every facet of their fantasies - Heals, Frost, Shield, Fire, Avenging swords, portals, polymorph, bubble - ALL of it.

But it’s also OK that Demon Hunter is a more stripped-down, single-focus class, with more directness and less baggage.

Classes SHOULD feel different. I’d hate every class to be like the Demon Hunter, but I’m happy that the Demon Hunter is as it is; honestly, I’m impressed at how well visualised and executed it is.


Hero classes will always be I think… they were a main selling point in their respective expansions.

Tools are not what’s lacking for Demon Hunters though. The few spells they have are incredibly powerful, especially in PvP.

The problem is: they combine incredible mobility and a complete toolkit with the easiest rotation in the whole game.
There’s not a single class in the game that’s as easy to be effective with than Demon Hunters.

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