Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

I wouldn’t assume that the average beam edge lord Joe knows his path to the screenshot keybind.

Well op didn’t have fel erruption on his bar, could be him

You compare a player not having a talent in his bar to a player not having a BASELINE SPELL in his bar.
But I can’t blame you: such subtleties are lost on Demon Hunter players for obvious reasons.

The single target dh stun is that talent though, you are really clueless about dh. Do you use chaos nova to stun single targets ?

? people use nova to stun single target for alot of reasons just because its aoe stun doesnt mean you have to use it on more then 1 target what, so you dont eyebeam or blade dance because there aoe abilities?

And it is fun and it has utility mobility good dps !
Put potions on your bars/focus targets,put there healthstones!

And take active pvp taletns btw!

My bars
https ://

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Yes because tunnelvision classes and specializations such as Warrior, Dk, Ret and Feral is a lot harder.

Give me a break

i play them a lot idk why thread made by someone who is not even 120 has 0 exp post about how many HE uses abilites has any point beyond saying.

HE is using this and his ui is like this.

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Because he does arena and just lost to a DH and got salty

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I am quite entertained of seeing how some DH players pretend as if their class is complex product of scientific research. No, DH is one of the simplest classes there is. In PvE and in PvP. Threy have given this class everything - stuns, dispel, abysmal amount of self heal, damage out put on single target, aoe. And all this without much of setting up.

No need to be so defensive of triggered if you happen to like simpler, currently powerful class. It is not a sin. I have played DK very long time and occasionally it has been overpowered 2 button class and thats ok too.

Currently DH is a meme class, next expansion there might be new meme and trend, maybe not.

I have 2 L120 DHs, one of them is herber and othe is Azeroths Next Top model and I do not see where people get 2 bars full of DH abilities. Out of all my classes DH UI is one of the cleanest. My male DH even has toys on bars so I’d have something more there.

Can’t speak for havoc but as vengeance it was super easy to fill my bars in legion when I played it, especially with every sigil on @cursor and @player depending on what I needed

Admitted, I might have more squares bars on my non Blizzard UI. Wait I go read on OP and compare with mine.

Going to log my Dh’s now (since time for fresh coffee early morning) and go count my spells!

EDIT : ok, I have 2 full bars on my male-dh with PvP talents. I stand corrected!

Emote macro’s, revive battle pet and toys does not count.:wink:

I see makes sense then

check my screen if you do not see i got 3 full bars filled with abilites/pvp talents consumables perhaps if you did something beyond plucking herbs you woudl use them.

https ://

My memes are hoter than yours though :flushed:

To Rompuche (OP):

Humbled by your attention to my class :smirk:

the irony when DH is so much more fun to play then shaman with so much less buttons to press :slight_smile:

Just like any other melee class, jump in stick to the target and blow all your cooldowns and hope they die

No one said they are complex either but that is today’s WoW

Dh’s are not defending their class, they are just pointing out that there are not much difference in skills between other classes

Because fel erruption stuns last longer maybe ? 0 reasons to use nova above erruption when stunning a single target.

I hope you don’t play frost, you must feel big brain when you do.