Comparing my spellbar to that of my Demon Hunter

There isn’t even an ability called annihilate, there was annihilation but it was removed. You people have no ideas what you are talking about.

Pretty sure if you, sir Demon Hunter, switch to Resto Shaman, you will drop 500 rating.

Pretty sure annihilation is still in the game mr demonhunter

Blade dance being singletarget, AoE, evasion (with no directional penalty afaik) on a short cooldown and a low fury cost is what annoys me about them the most.

That and passive leech healing and mana burn.
Tone those down (remove manaburn outright) and the class would be a lot less stupid imo.

I am not trying to argue on who’s the most/less complex to play or who has the biggest action bar. I don’t even play havoc, I play vengeance, also known as the spec people forgot so much they call for a dh nerf and not for a havoc nerf most of the time.

Sure Havoc is easy to play but the whole crying on them annoys me for 4 reasons:

-They are not even among the best dps, sure they are good but you can find better.

-People don’t know what they are talking about, they cry about a rotation they don’t even know, lmao two buttons. You would think that if it was that easy people would at least get it right.

-It’s just a petty way to feel superior, even if we say that havoc is the easiest to play how many specs are just slightly harder ? Every specs has been made more easy by the pruning except a few like Survival, so yeah people just pick on havoc while playing a spec slightly harder and act like they are some sort of gaming Genius bugs me.

-And finally when it comes to pvp people still have 0 idea on how to play against a dh and still call it broken. I almost never get my eye beam interrupted despite being the only havoc ability you should aim to interrupt. I even had a druid in a warsong complaining that vengeance was op when I was flag carrying (after they nerfed trample mind you).

I’m sure Dillon, multiple times rank 1 (top 0,1% of the ladder) doesn’t know how to play against Demon Hunters.
Surely he and all those who upvoted him don’t know how to play.

To be fair that seems to be him complaining more about tank trinkets in pvp than about demon hunters. Not even a Vengeance dh would normally outheal a healer.

Still don’t get my eye beam interrupted, even if he has grips with dh that doesn’t excuse all the bs you read on the forums.

I did but it was a very bad healer lol

Your random battleground stories are fascinating.

Just read your link, they are mainly complaining against tanking trinkets. Now that’s just being dishonnest.

during WoD/Legion Blizzard still thought pruning is a good thing, they probably were planning to cut down button count of every other class to a similar amount of that of a DH.

They just realized it in BfA that pruning was one of their worst decisions and made many players quit / hate the game, including me.

too bad adding spells is not as easy as not removing spells, DH will most likely get the most buttons added in the next expansion, or they keep it as a “moron class” for those folks who just want to do the same dps with 50% of the effort as everyone else, who knows ?


This is a very good point, never thought of it that way but it does make sense. Dh were designed at the height of the pruning design philosophy, I sure hope we get some new toys with SL (especially as a Vengeance dh) though you can bet people will still cry about it.

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ofc there will be, believe it or not but I have seen plenty people still complaining about button count during Legion and BfA, saying stuff like “I don’t want to take piano lessons to be able to play the game” yadayada.

people are hilarious especially on the forums >especially under the general discussion category<

Yeah people just love to cry, we should rename ourselves the Salt Collecters.

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Filthy casuals.

I play wow on donkey kong drums, you are all of you beneath me.

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I remember asking once in a m+ to a dh:
“Hey IllidanxD cc moon pls”. After ten long seconds of nothing happening during which I’m starting to get triggered like an ape the answer was just:
“I don’t have that skill on the bars give me a sec”.


Maybe he was taking screenshots to prove a point ?