Comparing potion exploit to IRL situation

That’s a bad analogy though.
If you were to use the ‘2 people driving to work’ thing, then ‘Johny’ wasn’t jailed for speeding, but he was jailed because he used an illegal substance to fuel his car, or the means he used to fuel his car were illegal. That would be a better fitting analogy imo.

Anyway, long story short; people got what they deserved imo.

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What is the point of comparing this to a “RL” situation? I don’t even think yours is so much better either.


It feels more like an excuse to make yet another topic about this to … well … cry.

Company has a policy/rule. Players broke the rule. And the consequences are clear.

How your example illustrates this is a mystery to me.

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Nobody is arguing that, what they are saying is that the decision that they about this made was not smart and they are critiquing it, for various legitimate and illegitimate reasons. Maybe display some critical thinking as oppose to saying ‘broke the rules’.

To reference ‘RL’ situations, what if someone stole from a store, but it was medicine to help someone having a potentially fatal fit on the street, or what if someone witnessed people freely taking from a cake stand, and assumed the cakes were being given away for free and helped themselves, without realising the owner was only brb.

Things can be complicated buddy.

@Magiola darksorrow

And what do these analogies help? Acting like a sheep doesn’t make stealing justified. And your first one is completely irrelevant.

Actually, they’re surprisingly simple.

Critical thinking? Sure, Blizzard failed to communicate properly about this issue (although why would that be required?) and it took a couple of days to fix it (not too odd). The punishments may be a bit disproportional, although (as I understand) the height of the suspension depends on the player’s history. So it does not depend on this exploit, but on what a player has done before.

I bet by far most players knew perfectly well what they were doing. They knew Blizzard has had waves of suspensions for stuff like exploiting bugs. They played with fire and got burned this time. How much critical thinking do you want?

Blizz didn’t do anything for 2 days, when people told them about it lol. They let people sub then ban them. Because alot of people did resub for it. Lots off people have now quit cause of this. People kept asking and asking with no response. There are also much bigger bugs/exploits going on right now.

(I am not banned btw. Haven’t played since Tuesday)

Don’t know for how much you got banned. But i hope for a good while damn counts crashed the market in my realm

Sometimes small indie companies have long chain of command.

It really really doesn’t take that long. Don’t defend them. They hsve hotfixed things like this in the past very quickly or Atleast reply to people telling them about it and warning against it. Both parties are at wrong in this case besides those players who accidently or blindly did this.

Lol. This exploit did not cause any issues to any other players. However the cauldron bug is very bad and It hasn’t been fixed and has actually impacted the market.

except some people getting some extra exp didnt hurt anyone else, blizzard’s just mad at their own mistakes so they ban people left and right


It affected other players negatively, just because nobody came up and punched me in the face directly doesn’t mean I’m not affected.

how does if affect anyone else if I have an extra level 120 character that I got faster than usual?

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How are you effected???

The underlying foundation of the game is based on the fact that we obey the same rules. Now some chumps level up hundreds of characters by exploiting, they run around picking herbs I could have had but they all disappeared in front of my eyes. They make gold which they wouldn’t have had access to without exploiting, this can affect token prices.

Theres hundreds of variables but to say “it doesnt affect others” doesn’t look at the wider picture.

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You mean, except the part where players can pay blizzard real money and literally get same service as “potion abusers” got, even better actually, just pay money and get 110 levels.

each potion costs 5 “weird currency which name i forgot” and last for an hour, doubt anyone would have enough currency to level hundreds of characters. and no it’s not even a good metaphor if you used it that way, most people just leveled 1-2 characters at most.

No. same herb can be picked by 100001 characters before it disappears. also not sure how anyone could pick herb with 100 characters unless they’re multiboxing, which is entirely different subject.

? how
we’re talking about 1 person have 10 different characters or 100. we’re not discussing multiboxing. you seem to have more issues with multiboxing than someone having extra level 120.

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Yes you are an oppressed victim of these malicious conniving levelers lol. How dare their butterfly wings flap and now there is a tornado in my house!

We’re talking about hundreds or thousands of people doing it, not one person leveling 100 characters. /facepalm
And although nodes disappear in front of me all the time, its not even a stretch to imagine that an exploited character yoinked one in front of me, therefore I was affected.

Theres degrees of separation with this stuff, maybe some upstart said he could beat my M+ score so I exploited an fotm class up to 120 to spank his score saving me 50 hours of leveling…

A Cheat will cheat anyone, anywhere not just in a game…shame there are so many of them out there!!!

Then they should still be arrested, as it’s theft (Or go back and pay for it once the medicine has been given to the person). If they don’t go back to pay for it, then the shop is ALLOWED to go and report them.

Then that person is also to blame, since they should know better. Now, if there was a sign saying “Free Samples”, then people would take them. But, anyone with at least a tiny bit of common sense would know that, just because others are doing it doesn’t make it right.

Plus, how does your analogies even work? The exploit was used to ADVANCE in a game for THAT player. They didn’t do it to help anyone but themselves, so your first analogy is moot.

I knew about the exploit, was in a call with people doing the exploit, but I was also smart enough not to do it myself, because I knew it was an exploit. Again, common sense comes into play here. If I decided to follow my friends and do it because “they were doing it”, then I was told it was an exploit, I would deal with the deserved punishment.

This is a rather simple case. People exploited, it broke ToS, it clearly states not to abuse bugs/glitches within game for your own personal gain. Due to the ToS being broken, people got punished for it.