Completely unplayable game

every dungeon i join i am kicked for not having mana to heal because the tank is chain pulling usually instantly wiping us after a boss, then i get 30 min dungeon cd.

i literally cannot play the game cos i am perma deserter bebuffed

edit; i wont be resubbing, came back after 10years+ subscribing and the game is worse than ever


You came too late. This is one of the worst expansions in the history of WoW. Not the worst ( that goes to BfA, Shadowlands and Little Dragons expansions ) but … knocking at the “worst door”.

You should have come back for Vanilla, TBC or especially, Wotlk.

And yes, healing in Cataclysm is pathetic when it comes to mana management. One of the worst.


Funnily enough, when you know how to play your character and pay attention, cataclysm is very rewarding. Wrath babies wouldn’t understand


i played a lot of dungeons since cata classic release (i think 200+dunegons for sure), and didnt see a single kick even if tank or heal was retarded or dps deal low damage, only kick reason was afk. May be we playing different games???


Oh yeh it’s terrible because you’re not having infinite mana and need to use your brain instead of just spamming Holy Light for every scratch. Yes you will run into mana issues if you throw your heals around needlessly and not use your cooldowns. But honestly even as a paladin who’s at the moment peak case of being inefficient when it comes to ST healing it’s possible to manage. Done dungeons where the tank paid no attention to my MP bar and I constantly hovered between 20-50% tops. You just need to know how to ration your heals.

Right because people weren’t bunch of a-holes back then. Oh wait… Seriously though the only thing different especially in Wrath was that dungeons were so dead brain easy you’d need to try to get yourself killed. And while we didn’t get original Cata Difficulty the dungeons will still kick your rear if you don’t pay attention to mechanics unless you’re really up there with DPS and survivability.

To OP: seems like you’ve got a bad luck running into the worst of the worst idiots that don’t even know how to use their defensive cooldowns. Never be afraid to use yours. Regardless of the class they will provide a throughput bonus though it’s hard to give any solid advice on mana management since you never specified your class.

The only general advice I’d give is to look for a guild and run dungeons in mostly premade groups. Saves a ton of stress. Healing in RDFs is really a mix of trial of patience and declaration of Masochism.


Same, if anything I’d say people are surprisingly patient.


I healed on my pala in my first heroics yesterday.
Finally hit 85 on it.

My god, some people are horrible. But alas no one was kicked.
I even healed poorly sometimes, mismanaging cooldowns. Never got kicked.

Did HoO, they did 4k aoe dps & did 0 interrupts or cc on the first pack, obviously tank died pretty much immediately. Going from 100% to 10%, i spam healed that back up, hp jumped straight to 0% as i stopped for a second.

But ye still no kicks. I did not votekick, they improved, did more dps, played better. And we cleared it.

Where are you guys getting these dungeons? Can we join together, i really wanna see this for myself. My last votekick was a week ago i think in Deadmines, they votekicked a guy performing poorly. One guy got pissed because we did & demanded being kicked. I don’t know why he did not just leave as he got deserter regardless.


nah you are just lying or you just not doing rdf

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can always reroll dps if being a healer is to hard for you

its ok - you cannot be good at everything :slight_smile:

try something else if you fail as healer constantly .


not a heal issue if dps keeps standing on aoe and not interrupting xd


Exactly. You either master your class from the get go or gtfo. There’s no room or understanding for mistakes. People call WoW playerbase toxic but I don’t know where that comes from. Im here to get objectives completed not to have fun or give a damn about other players as they’re worthless to me if THEY’RE SLOWING MY DAMN PROGRESS DOWN!!

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Then explain to me, how was it any different in TBC?

If anything, TBC heroic dungeon were actually harder, both trash and boss.


Thank god we entered an expansion where there’s a skill cap on healing, and a phase that revolves around mana management and triage.

Edit: it’s even more ironic that the complaint is coming from a paladin.


In TBC it was much slower to acquire a new subject to do my bidding. Now it takes just a snap of my fingers and a new tool is teleported to me. No need to calculate how beneficial getting a replacement would be for me. Just old one to trash bin where he’ll wait for half an hour. Maybe he was just a kid who had only the half an hour as his daily playtime, I dont care. He can go for a jog for all I care but I’m moving forward slightly faster now.

Mercy is for the weak.

get off you high horses. No one expecting you to play like a pro and rock 20k dps on dungeon.

Just play normally, not even optimally, try your best to not stand on fire, switch on adds and everything will be fine. You don’t even have to interrupt, someone will take care of it for you.

Bold of you to assume these scrubs even get to the first boss before I get rid of them. Based on the vibes I get from you, you wouldn’t even get past first encounter with Millhouse Manastorm in my group.

You’ve wasted enough of my time already. Begone.

thankfully, the vast majority of classic player, me included, are far more tolerant and accepting of new players.

I’ve ran hundred of heroic so far, never been kicked, and never seen anyone being kicked except for prolonged AFK/Disconnect, and even then, it only happened a handful of time in a hundred run.


Sounds like skill issue… Go ahead and unsub, you won’t be missed. And for the sake of everyone, I ask you to seriously reconsider before you resub. In the meantime I’ll be off doing dungeons/raids with people who neither suc not whine.

I feel for you man.
If you’ve already made up your mind to leave then fair enough (although in that case it’s a weird / pointless post)
But if you ARE trying to stick around and give it another try - then I recommend the following:

  • make friends and RDF queue with them
  • queue with guildies
  • queue as DPS for a few runs whilst you initially gear up as a healer so that you’re more equipped as a Healer when you try again
  • announce when you first join a group that you’re low-geared and you’d appreciate a bit of patience / support.
  • make the most of Consumes - flasks / pots
  • itemize and reforge for Mana regen / spirit so you’re able to keep up better.

RDF isn’t a great system and brings out the worst in some people - but it’s here to stay.
But I’ve geared up 4 toons and 3 healers from scratch so far and I’ve been kicked a total of 1 time by a group that was just trolling.

Communicate - be polite - ask for patience - and help yourself out as much as possible outside of Dungeons and people will overwhelmingly give you a decent chance.

Good luck man.


1 Thing cata showed was how bad wrath players are and were like the amount of people who can’t even do simple things is out of the world