blizzard does not care about pvp in general
Dusty, or should i say “Asada”
Cmon, we all know how it went
U sucked at priest in early season, it’s fine, non of us is a “progamer” here, some are high, some are not. It’s fine to be mediocre, nothing wrong with it, you know it.
So you decided to make a fotm char and get high rated.
That’s how Warrior - Sicarii from Kul Tiras was born.
But while going for glad you slipped few times at 1148 rating with your 41% win ratio, and then you knew - without good healer you won’t get glad.
So you decided to go 3s, since it’s so easy!
3s were fine, up to 1,6k rating where ppl actually start playing with at least one hand.
And you got stuck again.
So you said “eF it, i’m going back to priest”, but here the story also wasn’t paved with gold.
And here you are 1,7k rated priest that gets tunnel visioned by some random warrior, zug zug, u dead, warriors suck, nerf plox!
We’ve been there mate, no worries, all you need is…
Dude wtf is wrong with u i have no time for u sorry
There is azunniyaki guide on skillcapped for sp
Actually condemn replaces execute, so kinda every warrior will have 30% of dmg done as that ability cmmon.
But zugg zugg needs nerfs for sure.
Only WW/rets are worse than zugg zugg’s atm.
But i love zugg zugging?
Everyone does, hence the amount of arms/hpals/rets/ww xd those 4 specs together are played more than all other 30specs combined
Oh please.
u liked it also back in bfa s4?
u played ghoushing on hunter and sp if i am right Therapeuten? so why u complain now?
No i didnt play SP in BfA, that was just for Shadowlands but hunter by heart so had to shelve it I actually hated gushing but if you didnt play it as survival you were 8 miles behind everyone. Which you were anyway since there were only DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH.
Hey listen, I’m not judging warriors for playing Condemn. Its dirty, filthy and overpowered but anyone saying “I WONT PLAY IT CUZ TOO EASY” can go crap itself. If hunter had a similar ability, OF COURSE i would play it. That wouldnt mean it shouldnt be nerfed.
Actually I believe execute/condemn should apply deep wounds as well.Why do I have to press my inferior mortal strike occasionally?
Depends on the uptime he has.
Oh wait death sentence perma uptime xD
Blizz shouldent hit damage. Intervene needs a nerf and after it you will see a big drop in warrior ratings. It is what enables many specs to shine. Nerfing dmg now makes it so you really can’t touch the support aspect without gutting the class further down the expansion.
Edit: Smaller nerfs first to any class. Don’t go nuking anything because that makes specs trash.
They didnt nerf warlock in s4 for 9 months so if warrior stays like this for 1 season its just fair same goes for rmx who has been op since release of arena, and now as warr u gan counter it after 14 years seems kinda fair to me aswell.
Is it tho? You’d need to compare it Vs a warrior who doesn’t have it as the damage from execute proc is still there on non condemn procs
Yea the execute procc is there foe yearsso i dont know why complain.
what is more interesting in that screenshot is that
Mortal strike damage is almost twice bigger than melee trash swings
kekw, without condemn / execute that class could que with mistweavers and survival hunters
Yeah its reetarded i’m not gonna argue with that. They should nerf it in PvP it really lowers the skillcap of Warriors being a 1 button class. Atleast if you play Kyrian your rotation matters. I regret going Kyrian ngl if they can fix the spear that would be a huge help. Tired of seeing mages just walking out of the spear every 5th time.
A warrior has to learn to press condemn. Just like you need to learn to play.
Just line condemn, ez. Kekw