Condemn Charge and Earthquake elemental should be removed in 9.1

Not a troll post. a serious post. the above is the biggest trolls of the game. warriors having 100% uptime and restoration shaman cleaving the entire team for 60 full seconds.


Things like this were always so funny to me, its likeā€¦ how can it go live in the first place? and then after your incompetent company failed to do its job and made it go live, how was it not removed in like 1-2 days?


well for earth ele at least the resto shaman has a 5min cd legendary and loses earth shield leggo. You could also opt to kill the earth ele, also in this bursty meta you just donā€™t have the time.

condemn on the other hand is stupid in itself, with or without the charge doesnā€™t even matter.
The dmg should be reduced by 30% or something in general for a basically spamable ability.
In pve it works because usually targets are not healed and your uptime on the ability can be calculated but in pvp the goal is to keep people close to full hp whenever possible, so basically you can use condemn for 99% of the time. And if it crits together with MS you directly got the target below 35% which again makes it usable lolz


You mean 1-2 years, right? Because its Blizzard we are talking about. Pre-orders are sold, so they stopped working on the game, obviously.


Hopefully earth ele is 5min cd and used only in 2s but yes itā€™s stupid af, I wonder why leggos got banned in pvp during legionā€¦ :thinking:


100% agreed on war
but for shaman, itā€™s strong but you can kite/cc/outheal
if you want to really complain about restoration shaman advantages go for ā€œonly healing class with a kickā€ and ā€œwhy most of your heal cost almost no manaā€ :wink:

sorry but it wont be removed.

Poor boy, worrying about condemn in 9.1 of all things.
Little does he know about the 8 second spearā€¦

doesnā€™t the leggo just increase it by 1sec making it a 5s root?

I would be more worried about DH sustain & leech buffed, Frost dk burst and survivability massively buffed, assa rogue and feral getting MS, BM hunter not getting touched and of course the lovely PvP talents that will make mw monks really fun to play against.

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Pls dont nerf warrior nor ret I rerolled to warr to play with ret. I want easy games.

You went from hunter to war seeking easy games ? :grinning:

Yes but actually no because they lost 8% magic aura which means their burst becomes actually worse and thatā€™ the only thing they have

I 100% agree with Condemn Charge. Instead warrior needs blink with 40m range when he use Condemn.

Yeah exactly! Crazy nah?

Idk, how did it go at the end ?

While at it, removing melee capabilities to catch up a blinking/running/rooting un-slowable target, make all casters cast and remove their instants. Oh, and return casting push back.
Done deal?

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Resto shaman already the worst healer in pvp going into 9.1 so Iā€™m gonna say no on that one.

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Even with this stuff priest is still number 1

While I can agree Condemn is far too powerful, pls nerf at least Memory of the Deeptremor Stone with itā€™s massive damage and knock downs.

Shamanā€™s overall damage with instant summon of this abomination at start of the arena is no joke at this point.

Having Vital Accretion and on top of this makes rsham unkillable while doing tones of damage