I almost always enter new raids without doing any research for tactics beforehand. It often goes well as I’m a healer, as that role do very little fight mechanics.
I don’t like being in a guild as I don’t want others to decide when I should play the game.
I have about 17 level 120 characters all with at least 400 ilvl. I have kind off too much free time and I should really cut down on playing.
I’ve never been very good at making gold, I just sell WoW tokens.
Years ago I once submitted a ticket to get a tier 3 set from a Game Master for free. Needless to say it didn’t go very well.
Lastly, I wish I was older when WoW was originally lanched in 2004 so I could’ve played from the start.
Do you have anything to confess?
Oh boy here we go…
Alot of people will hate me for this but. I’ve sacrificed everything, what have they given?
I still laugh every time i read one of Retributors Horde bias threads.
Diary products make me fart a lot !
Back when I still raided actively I did so without DBM because I don’t like how it trivializes alot of mechanics. When a boss starts doing something I can figure out I need to move without some annoying timer telling me. My guild at the time was not pleased 
Also, and I know I shouldn’t, I judge people on their mogs far too often 
Threads about fart bugs amuse me more than they should.

I’m sorry I couldn’t resist.
I thought I would like Classic, but I can’t force myself to do anything there 
I want more dragons, elfs, fairies, mermaids, magic and Sylvanas.
And also moore goofy races
The only reason I continue to play the modern version of WoW is so that I can swapblaster my party members off of ledges and bridges.
I full on laugh every time I do it and see somebody fall to their death.
My guild in Legion used to put a skull marker on my character whenever we ran over the bridge to the spider boss in Emerald Nightmare.
I’m upset that I don’t know why I’m still subbed as I’ve barely logged in the past few weeks, seriously hoping that Blizzcon and 8.3 will reinvigorate the joy I used to have playing this game.

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I’ve been playing since TBC and yet i’ve never leveled a character to max level without using a expansion character boost.
I honestly enjoy talking heck in trade and RPing way more than actually “playing” the game
I love fries and chips. I could be totally full, you would put a plate full with fries or chips and I could just finish it. I need help.
Same goes for me and pasta.
Also, I wish I was born earlier so I could fully experience TBC.
Also also, I spend too much money on coffee. I’m surprised I haven’t OD on caffeine yet.
I’m not entirely sure that’s possible, coffee is pretty much all I drink. I drink around 10 cups of it a day.
Same, I drink about 10 to 20 depending on the day.
I should probably stop.
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It took me 5 years to realise you could move the camera without moving your character.
I used to play on a laptop without a mouse, only to realise you could move the camera when I moved to PC.
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