[Conflict RP] Theatres of War - Boiling Water 🍄

I think that was quite possibly the most epic campaign I’ve attended so far…?

Name your favourite part of the campaign.

Quite simply: Monty C. Railcraft’s red wedding moment when he ploughed down Vanrosh on the edge of peace.


Being a leper gnome and fighting… FOR HIM!
Our beloved antiquarian shall never be forgotten.


Just wanted to say thank you in this thread as well – loved this week for the RP it brought, especially the last couple of days which were v. cool with how many people were there. It was manic, but in a -good- way.

Despite not being part of the PCU, I didn’t feel excluded or isolated at all – on the contrary, it was instead very welcoming with a very friendly group of peeps.

Love to do it again sometime <3


Amazing campaign, amazing people, no drama, full quality! I can’t wait for the next one! Big ups to the organizers and the participants!


I did try keep myself updated on this thread and saw the screenshots. Very good, glad you all had a good time.

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Thanks for letting me come along. It was a fun week.

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I can second this!

Although sadly due to work, I wasn’t able to attend the last few days; the rest of the week was a absolute blast and I hope the Onslaught is most welcome in any future RP campaigns from this great lot of people! :smiley:


I second this, campaign was rather epic.
Thanks for having us :pray:


I’m not just saying this because I signed a dark pact to be a part of this, but genuinely I wanted to say how impressive the work behind the scenes was to make this campaign feel so smooth. I was concerned about a campaign that was going to focus on emote fights primarily, but being able to easily communicate without conflict and coordinating people playing NPC roles was really impressive.

Great example of how WoW can create events which are something unique and special - speaking as someone who has done everything from tabletop to LARP. : )


Genuinely the most fun I’ve had for a while, every guild, every member, and every officer came together and helped create this epic experience.

The twists and turns of Horde and Alliance politics, the aftermath RP, the camp drama, the seriously cool battles that immersed you right into the action, and the huge range of unique individuals to fight and roleplay with… it was just perfect, I spent every day of this quarantine watching the clock and waiting until the evening showtime.

I can’t imagine not roleplaying within this community now, and all I can say is that I would love to be able to see more people join in the fun, and be part of something great.


One of the best campaigns I ever attended, truly. Met new people IC and OOC, having new friends of noth kinds, and was an absolute Joy as well. Can’t decribe how much I liked it, truth to be hold.
The story rich, the combats actually engaging, immersive and epic, and the people really evil (read: pleasant) to interact with.

And I’m not writing this to flatter or something, really enjoyed it.
To all who attended, especially organizers:

Thank you. You’re a star.

Glory to the Federation of Evil!


You don’t need to be in the PCU to tag along. All you need to do is ask.


First campaign I’ve attended as a member of the PCU and all I can say is this was great.
Awesome story, twists and people. Hardly a raid marker in sight with amazing volunteers NPCing intense emote-based fights.
Can’t wait for the next one!


I’ve been to a good few PCU campaigns at this point, and time after time they never manage to disappoint; this instalment of Theatres of War was just as good as the rest, and I really can’t wait until more undoubtedly come along.

I’m a broken record at this point, but for all the rumours and Chinese whispers that people try to spread due to having far too much time on their hands, the PCU as a community is like no other that I’ve ever been a part of. The members are kind, welcoming and helpful and the officers have a genuine drive and passion to create solid, quality roleplay for their respective guilds and the community as a whole.

Say what you will about us, but I know that I feel immensely lucky to consider myself one of the community’s officers and a part of the community as a whole.

Here’s to all the years to come as part of Argent Dawn’s #1 community



Cheers for an absolutely amazing campaign!

I’ve not really engaged with RP or been able to become as absorbed in events as I once was recently but this campaign has managed to capture my full attention. All the guilds who have been involved have been great sports and chipped in with things like NPCing and creating little snippets of RP and it just felt like an all round lovely experience where a community came together. A brilliant story which has generated plenty of RP for weeks to come!


This was my first proper event since Moonlight Melody was accepted into the fold and I had a blast. It was lovely making some connections with other units that hopefully will continue to build during further campaigns.


A big thanks to all who came and made this event possible, kudos to the fellow officers for npcing / creating memories and storylines for this EPIC campaign + Perroy himself for hosting, cannot wait for the next PCU blockbuster :crazy_face:

Likewise, loved the dynamic we all created + Zangarmarsh was a very good choice, showing that TBC zones still hold up too today’s standards.

Might I add to this, thanks to all who made my character’s death / story enjoyable and to the Assemblage for being the best as usual …


:crab: RAILCRAFT’S DEAD :crab:




Unless what!?

Unless you’re raised as a Knight of the Ebon Blade :smirk: