Confused.. what happened?

apparently i can still post even though my sub time ran out?

did something change?

Others have said it locks you out on next reset but you are not the first to say they can post after sub time has expired.


ah i see, was just confused usually it just locks me out straight away from previous experience

may as well make us aware why you quit the Sub, any feedback is welcomed .

it’s all been covered a million times on this forum over the past year, its just down to if blizzard bother to read it or not tbh :slight_smile:

i’d just be repeating what hundreds of others have said if said my reasons.

EDIT: in a nutshell though.

i want the game to be fun again … and not a job


But should you though? :stuck_out_tongue:

Suppose we’ll see next reset, never heard of that having any influence before.

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I’ll just leave this here.


Higher forces are telling you that you should not quit :stuck_out_tongue:

you know Dejarous bitterness grows out of you like a rot.


They secretly don’t want me to leave the forums it seems.


I guess I can second your statement?

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I’m not bitter. Just amused that you’ve “quit” a game you’ve grown to hate for many reasons yet you can’t even respect yourself enough to be true to your word.

Your word means nothing.


As long as you didn’t accidentally resub for 6 months that night you got so drunk you put your keys in the washing machine and shoe in the sink…

you arent bitter??? dont make me laugh…

its hard to take offense at anything you say to me tbh it just makes me feel bad for you everytime…

you take what i say to you as insult but fail to see solid advice.

i dont hate or dislike you… but you definitely are under the impression that i do.

like i said before lighten up you’ll be better off for it.


nah i checked it is inactive (both accounts) last played 8th july 2021


“Oh man, I’ve grown to hate this thing I’m subbed to, but by God, I’ve paid for another 2 months so I’ll carry on using this thing that I hate until then compulsively, every day!”


Then after my sub ends to the thing I’ve been hatin on forever, counting down the days till I’m free, I’ll take a peek the very next day.

You can’t make this stuff up.

I honestly don’t care. I’m not sure I can clearly articulate how little weight I attach to someones words who does what I described in the first part of my post.


that is your flaw…

one day i hope you realise that.

its right there in that sentence for you to see.

EDIT: as far as me coming back i came to check if my sub ran out and noticed i could still post so made this topic… to ask why that is the case…

don’t you sweat it i’ll be gone very soon.

the logic to why i made this topic is in the OP and title. …

sometimes a war on your own emotions can out weigh logic.
we understand the return to check on the sub and forums

it grips us all at some point and WoW is hard to stop thinking about as we enjoy it in our own way.

good luck in the future and i hope you find something that you find fun to play

I feel like you keep saying this for like a year now.


hmm i feel people like to jump to conclusions as to why people make these decisions here.

this topic is legit as they come.

Dejarous is just bitter as always cause i been giving them a hard time the past few days because they are grumpy SoB…

i want them to change but they never will i think its wasted effort.

sry this topic got offtracked by Dejarous though. to be expected by someone so bitter.

I’m putting a fiver on “came back to check out 9.2 because it looked promising, but now I regret having bought another 6 months” personally.



lol :slight_smile: