Confused.. what happened?

I never buy a 6 month sub, WoW is literally never worth it to sub for that long.

Basically first 3 months of the season make sense, after that only if you’re a mount farming enthusiast I guess.

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you have my very best word its over whenever i cant post anymore.

i made the very bad decision on a split second notice to buy a 6 month sub when 9.1 launched…

i did not even log in for longer than 5 mins.

it shows as my account says (last played 8th july2021)

though tech i havent played longer than 5 mins since january. 2021

For me, 3 months isn’t worth it either. I might play for 3 months, but I just as easily might not. There’s life, there’s other games, there’s the possibility I just won’t feel like WoW. The miniscule savings on a multi-month payment doesn’t justify it unless I’m incredibly certain I’ll be playing that much, and that’s rare.

if you like MMO games,
try GW2, its free to play and its combat is very nice

yeah i love gw2… i have completed it though until the new expansion got all the mounts most the achievements completed fractals… 5 man’d the raid etc

gw2 pvp and WvWvW is fun , i only play for pvp content tbh

yea the pvp is good , mesmer is my go to for wvw

i may give ESO a go tbh… i got all the expansions the play through and a new one been announced for FEB…

also dying light 2 releases in FEB… a game i been waiting for a while for now.

other than that is focus on IRL, fitness and VR games :stuck_out_tongue:

VR IS the future people just don’t know it yet.

VR will be the future but its still early development, most games are still producing clipping issues or not picking up movement correctly

  • i do like a good horror zombie survival on VR, i played a 4man zombie survival game in VR and it was amazing

it will change with metaverse… occulus quest 3 was just leaked too with major upgrades

feels bad for me as i only had a quest2 for about 5 months lol…

ol facebook is going all in on the VR front though…

interesting ill google it, i like VR games that are FPS or 4 man co-ops, they seem to never be boring to play

i love fitness games or rhythm games…

anything to break a sweat in and get in shape tbh while enjoying myself.

it beats sitting at my pc hunched over the keyboard for 5+ hours playing a mmorpg imo :stuck_out_tongue:

It only will become the future if it becomes afordable. 300 minimum for a vr headset is too pricy just to play vr.

What a shock, would have never thought you would remain after your “sub ran out”… never in my wildest dreams.


Sounds like addiction 101, they just keep coming back to the thing that makes them suffer.

Totalt get What you are saying


Gosh you are the most amazing example of the wow community these days :joy:

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Deja is just blunt and honest thats all and people cant take it .
The OP of this thread is actually one of the most negative toxic posters there is all they have done has gone thread to thread the last 6 months trolled others and spread negative vibes.
Were as Deja has been helpful and supportive to others doing MT recently you all just jump on him because you cant handle the truth.



Why am I not surprised you see you here spreading misinformation and upvoting hate comments towards me…

Truth is I have a bit of a vindictive hate fan club on this forums which would love nothing more than me to leave.

Petty as they come every single one of them.

And as bitter as they come…

Ironic thing is I am actually leaving…

They will never leave… the game or their basements.

Dw though I’m gone now flame me till ur hearts content I won’t reply anymore :wink: