We have about 25% of players left from BfA Season 1 and it’s getting worse every day. BfA still has almost 1 year to go and without changes, the last few players will be gone soon too.
RBG and 3v3 are pretty much completely dead, 2v2 is still played by some people.
Hope you guys are happy now and proud of yourselves. We’ve asked you to bring back PvP vendors for 3 years now and there are still no signs of it.
With the complete removal of any decent PvP rewards, bad class design and bad class balance in BfA you have finally landed the final blow on WoW PvP.
Arena was a mistake to add to the game anyway. Balancing around it even more so.
Maybe now it’ll be removed and they can start fixing proper PvP instead of pillar humping bullsh*t.
Imagine calling world pvp “proper PvP”
Yes. Pillarhumping is bad.
REAL pvp is when there’s an open field with 60 yard radius in every direction and only 3 spells are allowed. You are also not allowed to move or kite, it wouldn’t be real pvp then.
No cooldowns allowed. It’s cheating. Unfair. Not real pvp.
Generally the biggest issue isn’t that the classes are balanced around pvp. It is that classes are balanced around pvp and affecting how they work in pve.
Numbers and class functions should be different between the game modes.
At this point I’m confused on what real PvP is now
Why would they mix 2 completely different game modes PVE does not teach you proper PvP and vice versa so I see no point in having PvP oriented talents and changes for PVE it’s beyond retarded.
PVP dead because top 5% players always play with the same people, they think all players below 1800 are bad but they dont know many 1800 players can wipe the floor with them when it comes to duel.
PvP system back in MoP was at its best… why do they insist in not bringing it back I don’t know.
That is completely wrong.
Because they want fortnite and league of legends gameplay cause those are 2 popular games not for me thou but apparently Blizzard is looking them up and making PvP that way.
You cant force people to play arena.
Just like they can’t force pvp players to play pve, right?
Aside from that, your comment makes 0 sense because I never suggested that and it has nothing to do with the post
You can’t, and you shouldn’t.
It’s not about forcing people into arena, it’s about making people want to play arena.
If the entire process of playing arena feels unrewarding, people don’t play it.
That’s the issue that’s being brought up.
Yeah that aspect is boring. Either people are constantly running around pillars when there should be none and the healing in PVP seems a tad high. Couple pillar hugging and excess healing, it’s boring to watch.
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Yet another reason why MoP PvP system was so great.
You weren’t forced to arena at all. If you did it you’d get to the weekly conquest cap faster and gear up faster, but I for example used to play only BGs and get there to max PvP ilvl anyway, because that’s how I had fun.
I miss WPVP, sharding made it re!arded. People can just either escape a gank with a realm hop button or seeing a 40 man raid phase in out of nowhere.
Also having no pvp vendors made pvp feel redundant, nothing to aim for beside the Ranked Score. I dont do ranked on any game, I want casual PVP environment where I can work and save up for my 5000 honor mount or a gear piece. Not relying on PVE gear to survive better.
Its so stupid man, nobody does pvp anymore even outside of the faction city.
Timeless Isle pvp on a hardcore server made it so beautifully cancerous i loved it. One day one faction dominated the whole map, the other day the other. It was magnificent! The competition fair and square! So many pvp guilds were made, I made friends who trained me to pvp and I trained the others.
Now theres nothing.
Am talking about the fact that only small population enjoy doing arenas while others dont.
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Yes that’s what the whole topic is about. OP wants them to fix it so it becomes fun for more people again.
I miss the MoP PVP system, I think i had most of my warcraft fun during it. Flashing out the pvp gear you earnt was the sh!t. And if you saw somebody with the complete Elite set, he was a god among people.