Congratulations Echo


This one also tickled me


Finally I can get the axe


Shilling for Echo now too?


I was watching with my partner and neither of us realised what happened to Scripe’s headset until we saw the clip in slowmo. :rofl:

Major congratulations to them. Always such a pleasure watching their stream, the cast, and everything they do. Awesome energy. :heart:


Yes, it being group loot immediately killed all my excitement for it.

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I was under the impression it was a quest drop.

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Sadly the quest item dropped as a group drop and everyone passed…

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Both of the teams fought really well in this tier! Congrats to Echo!

But also thanks to liquid for making this race so much fun to watch! It was so close that either of them could have won!


Ah yes I see


Yes, this as a group drop would be beyond annoying and also p2w. Especially, if everyone can need. Would just lead to people seeling it in pugs for millions of gold

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I was going to put it on your other topic but you’ve deleted it.

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I’ll wait, maybe it’s a bug

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Fair enough

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I wasn’t paying attention to it, but how did Echo win? I thought Liquid was at the last boss a day ahead of them. I even saw Dratnos on Wowhead saying Liquid had a 70% chance of winning.

Congrats to Echo, but I feel sorry for Liquid not being able to win it again with a head start like that. It must be either frustrating or humiliating to be number 2 again. I don’t know how people can call it a race when Echo wins almost every time now and Limit wins now and again.

I struggle to find it interesting when there is no actual diversity in who could win it based on skill, like in real sports. The World Cup happens, and several countries could go home with it. The world race first occurs, and if you bet on Echo winning, you’ll probably be correct.

Deffo this and not humiliating because after all they took part in one of the best races ever and it was good that Method also did well.


Is method still a thing? I thought the method team became echo when they left due to the allegations and the company collapsed.

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They are 3rd atm in the race :slight_smile:


The first one was group loot with the evoker item as well. It’s just for the first drop then it’s personal for everyone else.

Bliz also, in order to hide the item as long as possible, leave everything to do with the item unimplemented until the kill and then have to hurridly push all the quest NPCs and items live to make the quest work. It’s why it was so janky for the first few minutes after it dropped.