Congratulations Echo

How do they compare against the other two? I assume the skill gap must be by orders of magnitude, as I’ve never heard of them putting stress on the other two to perform. The last guild I heard did that was Pebbles in shadowlands I think.

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They are very close again after major rebuild tbh and so is another guild insta dollars , first tier of TWW is going to be amazing.


That’s good, the more teams we get in the actual race the more healthy of an event it will be for the game.

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Ok awesome, hope it’s as you say. I just bought the shadowflame essences and fell on my nose a bit seeing how the price alrdy halfed lol

Instant dollars aren’t really trying to be is the thing, they’re moreso just one of the really good / efficient top 10 guilds who found themselves awkwardly out ahead because they weren’t spending 3 days doing splits. Guilds like it have affectionately been known as “RWF retirement homes” in the past.

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No rush on buying items who knows when you will get it and the prices will change so much for coming resets.

So… Which team got a boss nerf in favor of them this time?

Also have a hard time taking these raids serious with the rng loot.

Oh no, race ended means nerfhammer will strike hard on the specs on top and I have to reroll to the best spec after the nerfs or you know I can play apply-declined simulator with nerfed specs.
Anyways, augvoker is the last option if everything falls, at least they cant nerf it where people stop using it, but that spec is more dog to play than Affliction, you are just an ebon prescience bot.

Thanks for the time zone difference :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: else there would be no competition lol.

I hope you prepared your gold cause as of right now all the crafting mats needed are at about 700-800k, sure it’ll get a bit cheaper but I don’t think by a lot.

all the crafting etc. in DF made to increase token sales :slight_smile:

Yes congratz so is fyralath now unlocked?

Nice, now they can get off meds, have some sleep and rest and we can have our balancing :woman_in_lotus_position:


That’s good to know!!!


All of them. It was Fyrakk.

It would be nice if they started on an equal footing. I don’t understand why they don’t just do a global release at this point for the RWF.

Nice now we can finally have proper class/spec tuning.

And its not even clear if it drops on heroic or normal haha

Yeah I got enough alrdy to buy it immediately

So demo, havoc, bm, all rogue’s specs nerfs? And yes also demo locks

gz you guys won by 12 hours
now they can finally balance the game again for the rest of the time and for 99.99% of the player


Last evening/night both guilds where really close to killing the boss many times and anyone of them couldve killed it on practicly any pull, boss is just so tightly tuned (for their gear atleast) that smallest things could lead to wipe.