Congratulations Echo

Really neither, boss got a 4% nerf but that was before either had even reached last phase.
and the infernal adds aslo got a hotfix small hp nerf but that was when both guilds where raiding at the time so dint favour anyone.

Would it help if I told you that the average ilvl of both teams was exactly the same during Fyrakk? 479.9. They were near enough identically geared.

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Finally …so now the RNG boss fight begins and i’m need to pray to gods that this will drop on first clear of the raid on wednesday so :smiley:
The only question i have is that if i’m tanking raid and i have spec for RET am i going to able to drop that leggo item ?
anyone knows this info?

I would expect it to be spec specific yes. But I’ve no confirmation of that.

A thought I had. Echo should have given their axe to Xerwo for his felguard. Here me out.

Last time the drop wasn’t actually the weapon, it was a quest item so only X class could have use for it. This time the drop is the weapon and it starts a quest.

As things work the same way they did in Aberrus, all subsequent drops will be untradable personal loot, which means only the first one to drop on each region is capable of going to a spec that can’t naturally loot it.

That means the only way a warlock could have gotten this weapon for their felguard was to be given it on the region first kill for their region, meaning if Xerwo’s lock got it, he would be one of max 3 people in the world to ever have access to the weapon for his felguard.


People still use Twitter/X?

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It’s still the most successful atm, I’m on the alternatives too but they aren’t that lively in comparison.


Threads and tumblr don’t allow nsfw. Mastadon is a bit too confusing and bluesky is still invite only.

Really, allowing nsfw and ease of usage is the most important factors to let a new “twitter” blow up.

You just proved my point. There are only two guilds, each guild below the liquid and echo is just far worse by orders of magnitude or doesn’t have the funding to compete with them. So I don’t find it interesting. It is not really a race to world first when you can tell the winner that 50-70% of the time. The diversity just isn’t there to make it a compelling enough eSport.



Why do i wanna see that on a social media site anyway?
There’s specialist sites for that kinda thing…

Because too often, sites like twitter and tumbler is the most reliable way for artists nsfw or not to share their works.

And in my time of using twitter i haven’t seen nsfw outside of their respective communities.


Yay WFR is over, now waiting for class tuning.


That head start ends up being a lot shorter than you’d think due to extended maintenance and bugs. One bug I remember is Limit only being able to fight Tindral for a couple of hours before having to fall back and do keys until the raid soft reset after an hour or so, then they’d go back for another few hours until the fight broke again.
If the game just worked as it should, the head start would be a clear advantage. It often doesn’t work out quite like that, though.

Then there’s the Fyrakk pull counter

Echo - 344
Liquid - 463


Whoever flagged me for the oh so terrible p-word… Please stay off the internet for humanity’s sake.

What head start they both played on NA this time around, though. Liquid was ahead, then they weren’t. Echo killed Fyrak faster. It must be either embarrassing or frustrating that they let lost 24 hours ahead, then lost again in their home region.

I don’t play demo, I literally just play holy priest now because other locks are garbage. Funny how people think that all locks are playing demo :joy: it’s a very different playstyle, u know. Imagine if only one spec of mages would be ok, how many pages of begging for buff we would have :joy:

Echo only did a normal or heroic clear (I can’t remember which) when the US servers went live. They played on EU, as ususal.

So they did less and still won? Also, Icy veins reported them as being on NA.

Oh really?

They did normal on a bunch of characters with silly names. It was very amusing to watch.