Congratulations on castrating the horde

that’s not true baine is obviously in charge from what we saw of 8.3 previews he didn’t even consult his fellow council members before telling the furries that they couldn’t join the horde his so his clearly in charge

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Actually I’m looking forward to see Genn changing into a better person and Tyrande going to hunt Sylvanas.

Whether Baine is in charge or not doesn’t really matter, since the Horde nations function independently when not given orders by a warchief.

Baine is more interested in how we are going to remember the “Earth Mother” we have somehow forgotten. Did you see Sylvanas / Bolvar fight? She slapped him like a red-headed step child, she beat him so hard the picture of his granny he has in his lounge started crying. Do you still think Baine is the right guy for the job?

But on a lighter side, I love these two comics:
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Baine is traitor and pathetic kid since W3. Same as Genn is warmonger.


If you haven’t noticed, the war in warcraft is against an outer force that threaten Azeroth. The Scourge / Lich King, the Burning Legion, the Old Gods and forces corrupted by them, and so on.


Its like in our world there is aways war on some part of world-.

Those are some very tough words from someone at a… well, a very disadvantageous height, to use the SFW version of the phrase.

This guy think horde started in 2004.

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Always green I hope to see him in shadowlands I miss his persona, he was the most interesting character in game for me


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Destroy all draenei.

You can count on your fingers that they will bring him back. BfA was critically destroyed by the fan base, obviously they need something to get the interest of the player base back. On top of that the game suffers from get-away mechanics, too much rng, a significant faction imbalance and a dishonesty towards their paying customers.

Of course they will bring Arthas, KT, Garrosh and everyone back. Only every second expansion is good.

Not necessarily.

Stinky human, draenei would be better off in their own faction anyway just like the night elves than in the human supremacist faction.

Draenei would actually be dead without :grin:

To be fair, story-wise Shadowlands so far look much, much worse than BfA ever was when you think about it.

It single-handledly destroys the franchise. It cheapens death, it unveils too much of what little mystery is left in the setting and it portrays the afterlife as something that would make one prefer undeath over it lol.

Honestly, if it turns out that Shadowlands was an expansion purely made to make Sylvanas an undead Illidan in sense that she’s liberating us all from the horrors of the afterlife, then the story can go to hell for me. I’ll just play for the phat lewt and giggles.

No they wouldn’t be, there are other races with which they can ally with like the night elves instead of humans, they are technically much more advanced than humans as we have seen in the Argus and eredar were some of the strongest mages in the universe.

Name one popular Eredar Mage of this time. I’ll wait.