Congratulations to all paladins

I wanna take this opportunity and congratulate all paladins.

Blizzard has added yet another thing to your swiss army knife toolkit. It’s now basically strength + agility totem in one package but actually stronger than TALENTED versions of said totems lol. What blizz will give you next? Stealth? Blink? Rogue level of CC? Purge? Life drain? I guess nothing’s impossible anymore. I guess constant whining does pay off after all.

P.S. Don’t forget to whine about it not being raid wide and only lasting 2 minutes. Shamans have to use 2 GCDs to get the same (actually no, shaman totems give less even when talented) effect and also constantly redeploy their totems. But who gives a damn about that, right? I’m sure if you whine hard enough, it won’t take long for blizz to oblige you.


Listen… Aggrend needs his class buffed… dont forget Wave will find a way to complain about shamans again.

Its just insane how much paladins can do and get at the moment. Its literally all classes in 1 these days…


this is truly a smh my head moment.

surely we can cope about what dogtier garbage they will give us from the paladin kit to compensate yet another “worst trade in history” deal ever.

my guess is gonna be :poop: all and we’re unironically expected to just go “oh yeah, of course, who cares if horde gets nothing”.

obviously alliance deserves to have everything a shaman can do (literally all their utility totems) in a superior format while horde gets literally nothing in return.

how about adding paladin aura effects on the shaman totems like you did the boon things from the new shield, eh blizzard?

perhaps earth element totems provide devotion aura but 2x better, and maybe wind element totems provides the spell pushback resistance aura but instead of 30% its 100%.

seems the way you go about things, so don’t call this a ridiculous exaggeration.

bro i have absolutely no idea what the hell the devs are smoking… you can’t just flat out take all the faction specific :poop: and copy paste it over, AND THEN BUFF IT, and expect it to go quietly.


Haven’t you heard? Shamans are getting nerfed. No more instant lava burst procs off riptide ticks. Only flame shock ticks will proc it. So as long as flame shock gets promptly dispelled you might as well stop using power surge altogether.

Shaman was arguably the only class that paladins had a hard time fighting. Enhancment got nerfed at the start of p4. And now elemental is getting nerfed. A coincidence?


Lucky that 99% of paladins dont know they can dispell it, they come here whining about it instead

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I think it would be beter if they just bosted the curent blessings instead.
Dont ad new things when you alredy can buff some you allredy got.
But this is just a big beta for + so just test things out and lern from it.

https:/ /

Horde literally does 200-500DPS more and you guys say horde is underpowered? Literally you guys have been treated better in PvP and PvE, yet still whining as if papa aggrend hasn’t given you enough. Greedy faction stays greedy.

That is without mentioning racial advantages and AV advantages.


Hey, you guys wished for classic+ and this is what blizzard gave you. Be happy.

Look who discovered warcraft logs. All of a sudden logs can be used as proof right?

I guess warcraft logs don’t matter only when they show something busted alliance side. Then logs are no proof again.

What a whiny hypocrite troll you are :rofl:.

lol whatever you believe is hilarious, but hey aggrend surely favors paladins over shamans right?

literally lack of brain there considering everything shamans got from pally and what paladins got from shamans.

didn’t knew a literal 99% of the horde players have a brain missing.

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true we will pass on the nerfs of the shaman amelio self heal and the shaman tank lightning Shield aoe they nerfed too elemental with no range spell when use rune way of earth…, now the worst with this rework (tested on the ptr) is proc from Flam shock and proc from Riptide have the same buff icon and name, when it procs we don’t know if we can use a lava burst/chain lightning or chain healing now… and the proc of Riptide for the chain healing is almost nonexistent, I thought about replacing the rune now but we have nothing else… nova rune rolf who uses it? so sad now. well good for paladin who get that buff, but they give it better in power and range than shaman totems, and 1 cd versus 2. Now we have windfury totem usefull →feral buff. the real problem with shaman totems is the range, for those who buff, and some are outdated and need a serious rework, who uses these totems? (healing/mana/wind wall/earth skin/stone claw/sentinel/magma/flame tong/31 mana point totem heal shaman??) example at lvl 60 it’s ridiculous 14 life every 2 seconds, why not a 1% life? same for the mana one, it costs you as much as it gives you back over 30 seconds so boring…or flat Armor/physical reduction for earth skin ?? give us more fun utility to use this totems. If paladins can buff 2 stats at a time, why can’t we place 2 totems at a time with presets? make us want to reuse these totems, I hope to see them again one day in my spell bar.

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from the looks of whats happening patch after patch, its pretty much undeniable that this is the case.

paladin cries about something.
paladin’s problem gets immediately addressed.

that is pretty clear cut evidence for what you saying being exactly the case.


What is there to believe? When linked logs in the past showing issues you were all about logs being meaningless.

The tune changes based on how you feel about a subject. Proof can be no proof in an instant if you decide so.

Oh you are certainly the authority on who’s missing a brain. The bumbling fool crying about losing to resto shamans in P2,3. Don’t think I forgot about that.

How incompetent do you have to be and idiotic to manage such a feat truly does raise the question where your brain was/is?

Wavé of tears, always a constant.

Actual cope ngl, Horde have been able to push more DPS in more consistently than alliance. Clearly theres papa aggrends favor towards alliance.
Shamans were better tanks in those phases compared to paladins.

you mean takes 2 phases to address and appeared later than Shamanistic Rage as a base ability? Rage had more uses that HoL. Clearly alliance getting favored by devs, would explain logs then why horde occupy more top dps slots than alliance.

Tagor of clowns and fools, always there to provide a troll post.

Horde players posting loads of skill issues is actually pretty funny when they get carried by their insane advantages compared to alliance. Unironically horde shouldn’t have a single reason to complain when their fac based class does most things simply better than paladin.

Paladin tanking:
1 Cast holy shield.
2 W Walk.
Paladin needs the biggest nerf of all classes in all their 3 specs.

But, but 5 wall of text Wave replies, Horde has advantage in AV…
Cmon you troll who the f cares about AV.
Only clown and fool in here is You.

If Blizzard ever even peak in these forums, only thing they’ll see is Waves wall of text with utter bs all to protect the broken bubbleboys.

And that is when they get 6pc, the majority wasn’t even just that. Tank shamans had it in ST for a while LOL and all they had to do is collect a rune, a 5min thing to do compared to raiding potentially weeks of MC.
They were DW tanking Thermaplugg while alliance needed critimmune tanks.

Taking horde serious in their responses is not a thing anymore, literally boosted to be better in both PvE and PvP. Logs literally reflect that, even previous phases alliance got screwed over everytime. Horde had 2 sources of WF whilst it was only group wide, WF was hardly a thing on alliance, literal easy mode horde vs hard mode alliance in PvE. Didn’t knew you guys ever even struggled at all, because you didn’t in the grand scheme.

what do you base this claim on?
and are you talking about phase 2? because phase 2 has been irrelevant for a solid 5-6 months now bro, stop living in the past.
you can’t justify issues taking place right now with issues of the past that has long since been fixed aka SHAMAN DW ROCKBITER TANK WAS NERFED EONS AGO SO STOP CRYING ABOUT THAT.

from what i’m hearing paladin tanks are currently (as in; right now, when its relevant) performing the exact similar role as shaman tank with far greater efficiency.

from what i see in logs paladin tanks are performing better in the role of tanking than shaman as well.

you can literally google “tank rankings SOD phase 4” and Paladin is literally ranked 1st, with an S-tier ranking while every other tank is below them.

  • Paladin Tank (S-Tier)
  • Warlock Tank (S-Tier)
  • Druid Tank (S-Tier)
  • Warrior Tank (A-Tier)
  • Rogue Tank (A-Tier)
  • Shaman Tank (B-Tier)

Shaman is in fact THE WORST tank right now with a B-tier ranking, even below rogue (now i personally don’t recognize this because i’m a giga champion at the game, but the stats at least seem to imply this).

the actual wowhead link seems to be broken (im getting “Bad gateway” error) so best i can do for now is the google search that snippets the wowhead article.

you literally got seal/judgement of matyrdom raid mana regeneration mere days after you, as a community, started crying in phase 3 that shamanistic rage was unfair, so that’s another invalid argument from you.

btw, no that’s not at all what i’m talking about either.
i’m saying paladin community cries (very loudly) and immediately the problem gets addressed.

you cry about bad dps rotation and lack of 2 sec speed 2h weapons in phase 3 and lo and behold a fullblown brand spanking rework for ret paladin comes up next patch. (and i remember you being there crying loudly about this too, which is hilarious).
you cry about shamanistic rage and bam, there’s a similar mechanic.
you cry about wf being hard to get, and bam there’s raidwide WF with 100 yards.
you cry about str/agi totem and bam, there’s a version of it which is baseline and even better than the totems even when improved by talents.

how can you delude yourself to this level.
the history of the game disagrees with you.
you are trying to deny the undeniable you absolute lemon.

seeing as people like you are the average player occupying raid slots in alliance raids it is no bloody wonder you are performing worse than horde raids.

Every single paladin has t1 6set now unless they been busy cleaning their basement.
Still not a valid thing to say just because all dont got it doesnt mean its too powerful wtf?

Make hand of Rag 1shot people on hit, just because not many got it its fine?..Dumb dwarf.

They should also reduce prot paladins dmg by like 40% and their threat by like 100% to be on par with other tanks.

he thinks the t1 6piece requirement is a big deal because he doesn’t do pve and when he gets clapped in pvp by people in the vastly superior t1 gear, he thinks the world is out to get him and cries about pvp gear being bad.

its hilarious really.
it really goes to show that this buffoon suck very hard at the game.
imagine thinking a set bonus is a tall order to fill.

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