Congratulations to all paladins

U… do realize Aggrend plays a Shaman, I mean the man said it himself xD

Secondly, just for comparison purposes, I as a Feral am getting… what ? 226 AP from Might ? Something like that.

Where as from Shaman totems I would be getting well over 300 + 2-3% crit ? Its a massive difference. Its not a “Omg they were crying and got X and Y”, both sides have the same thing.

Also unsure how a Shaman can qq about anything in SoD, you have exactly as many tools as do the Paladins. In fact Shammnys had endless mana for the raid for one and a half tier longer than Rets.

Also, as mentioned. For ALL melee classes/specs, Horde was doing a lot more dmg at the top end because of the massive gain from Agy/Str totems. I dont see where the drama comes from outside of “We wanna be special and op” mentality.

You mean near 2 phases after ? Yes… that does sound like “mere days” later.

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based on previous tank rankings in p1-p3. Tank shamans were just outright better and had no issues compared to paladin tanks in those phases.

oh no the phase hasnt even started and horde is whining about prot paladins, whilst they had it on easymode since SoD came out until P4 dropped.

And then in Phase 4 SR got buffed, like you already had enough mana to go around with that many shamans in a raid providing mana which wasn’t wasted. SoM generated a lot of wasted mana.

Literally not what happened, ZF literally had a fast 2h even in Era, literally twisting words and actions done by Blizz/Paladins. Priceless brainless monkeys.
People could’ve played with ACP in P3.

Your brain couldn’t understand this: both abilities were added at the very start, and already at the start SR > SoM, this ain’t a debate, this is a fact.

Until Phase 4 it was Group only and a 30y at best, don’t blame the people for asking for it when MC had 3 bosses that displaced people.

Hardly better than talents (it’s literally 1 point you gonna argue and whine about?) and it’s group wide.

Coming from the clown how bloody ironic,


  • WF (which horde also got in their groups in BFD)
  • HoL that literally hindered and straightup griefed DPS (0 gain from that rune)


  • Freedom Totem that persisted a buff even after killing totem or it soaked a melee ability
  • Alpha, straightup buffing the caster with AP and their targets threat output
  • Kings from hunters.
  • critimmune faction tanks

You are deluded, there’s no denying it everytime you whine about “alliance have it better PvE”.

hilarious, i compared both top faction guilds and the differences are day and night.
i even played as a horde in their raids, it was straightup easier.
Literally horde has garbage players in PvE to even ask for more buffs or something.

No? Quite literally no. The fact you ignore the time spent getting a rune that just made Shamans the best AoE tanks for a while against grinding a raid is insane.
I had hunters attempt taking items for their OS against literal MS users.

cope and seethe, literally your motto, whilst also sucking in PvE, no wonder you roll horde :rofl: . Priceless.

The guy has a world first in PvE, and you the biggest clown on these forums are claiming he is bad at PvE?

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ah look nitrometroll is back to yapping nonsense and isnt even bringing up anything useful. goodjob.


Dont get the outrage.

We have the exact same buffs now. There is no difference. The only buff related difference was Alliance had Might, Horde has Totems.

Totems were quite a bit better, and now we both have the same. Both giving 89 Agy/Str. Id only maybe adjust that 89 is if you take Imp. Might. That way its the same as Imp. for the Horde.

So again, what is the actual complaining about ?

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No? Quite literally no. The fact you ignore the time spent getting a rune that just made Shamans the best AoE tanks for a while against grinding a raid is insane.
I had hunters attempt taking items for their OS against literal MS users.

Quite literally YES, even i got full t1 on my alt, collecting OS on my main for last 2 weeks… Shaman Lightning shield got NERFED like 2w after it was released you remember or tiktok brain dont understand?

Topic: Paladin 6set t1 needs a huge nerf Holy shield 0 sec internal cd.
-Wave reply: Well, back in classic 2004 paladin bubble was long cooldown and literally we suffered for many decades now not many have enter the molten core and havent collected the shiny set, so alot of us still suffering. Same in BFD we didnt have sealtwist and bubble long cooldown. We got Exo spam worked quite frankly pretty nice to 2 shot people with a ranged ability. They nerfed it because they didnt think it was fair game. Now next phase we getting it back but still need more buff, because we suffered long time. Pony should be permanent ability so we can ride in any direction to scout for any foes. Also Hammer of Wrath should be instant cast at 100% hp and 0 cooldown because our bubble long cooldown. Shamans has Windfury on their weapon paladin seals should be up at all times. Retri too complicated need to watch swingtimer for unleash the judge, make paladin have ALL seals up at ALL times, and judging should not remove the seal from weapon. Holy shield should scale with spellpower and attackpower 1:1 ratio because shaman lightning shield rune that took 2minute to collect was too powerful for a week…
This Wave needs ban from these forums spamming troll post 24/7 arguing with everyone and everything and calling people by names. Pissing me off already.

Paladin t1 6 set in both specs need a massive NERF, add internal CD to Holy shield and remove the Treetwisting from RET set, delete RECKONING from the game while you at it.
Give them like reduce cooldown on Pony by 10sec, something similar to rogues new fancy t2 dps were u reduce their vanish cd hello??


So he having a world first and you having 0 but you calling him bad in PvE makes sense in your troll world. Got it. No wonder why you are getting crapped on in every post I see you in.

He is a rare specimen for sure


The thing with Wavé is, he is too dumb to realize that he is trolling.

Again, no idea what you are talking about. Guess Google translate does not work the same in Iran.

  • Stop logging on to alts to like your own posts and reply to yourself xD
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Oh look its the crap feral druid that I could beat with one finger in AB. What are you on about this time, Wavé is making sense to you? No wonder lol.

dude if you want to lie about what people say and twist people words at least back it up somewhere where it was already said. LMAO, you are literally why people do not take you seriously at all. your consistent whining about paladin and then trying to get people into fights because your ego got hurt is just pathetic.
You are an utter waste of air and time, suprised you ain’t banned for trolling hard on the forums like some other people.

You getting lucky compared to a majority isn’t gonna prove anything, good troll.

Everyone :poop: on you easily, still gotten the lesson yet.

TLDR, horde asking for more buffs when they already have massive PvE advantages, don’t feed those trolls.

you ain’t beating anyone, you get corpse camped lmao, stop talking small troll.

its ironic that you have been trolling ever since you decided to yap.

Well at least you came clean, playing a Hunter does take only 1 finger xD


Well I mean against a feral of your quality I never needed more than one finger :stuck_out_tongue:



Watch out wall of text with nonsense incoming.

dude if you want to lie about what people say and twist people words at least back it up somewhere where it was already said. LMAO, you are literally why people do not take you seriously at all. your consistent whining about paladin and then trying to get people into fights because your ego got hurt is just pathetic.
You are an utter waste of air and time, suprised you ain’t banned for trolling hard on the forums like some other people.

I asked you the other day to make any char on PTR and duel me as paladin with 0 experience, you kept writing nonsense instead of proving your points INGAME and not with the pencil.

Haha, you starting to imagine things I see xD Lovely.

Well, I play Boomkin in BGs :slight_smile: But yes, keep on lying.

Edit: Haha, he edited this part out xD what a loser. He knew he was lying xD

You didn’t in P2, as you claimed yourself, or are you making things up or did you lie back then? Anyhow, seeing as you are agreeing with the biggest troll on these forums - I rest my case.

Also why did you back out of my gold duel challenge? You realized that I beat you with one finger?

Not what you did, you couldn’t handle the pencil/arguements and thus you decided to get me fighting you because your ego got hurt and needed some sort of excuse to be butthurt. Pathetic, it is the best that the horde can do tbh, we shouldn’t be suprised.



You litterally quite frankkly literall nonsense every post.

Not what you did, you couldn’t handle the pencil/arguements and thus you decided to get me fighting you because your ego got hurt and needed some sort of excuse to be butthurt. Pathetic.

100% I DID. You on the other hand kept writing your nonsense for eternity.

Not happening. This is paladins we’re talking about. Blizzard’s pet class. I mean can you even recall a single paladin nerf through the entirety of SoD? Ok, divine light was nerfed, and they made avenger shield slow dispellable, but that’s hardly a nerf, but rather a bugfix. Other than that. None. Zero. Nada. Instead blizzard kept and keeps buffing their abilities and/or giving them new ones.