Congratulations to all paladins

Was standing there waiting for You on my PROT paladin with HOLY Shield.
2 Undead rogues came by, i killed them both by only pressing 2 buttons total. I didnt even use bubble. <-Explains alot.

We are on two different servers… I did not think replying to such an obvious thing was needed…

Well, we usually just que WSG or AB with premades and duel it out. I have alts on LF, making a lvl 1 char on LW is not that hard.

You ain’t being honest half the time, you troll a majority of time whilst crying for paladin nerfs and say things that aren’t even happening.
ST doesn’t kill a single person in a HoJ.

100% Honest, ive encounter plenty paladins. I spend my time chase them bubbleboys while you spend yours on forum to protect the godlike abilities.

Last paladin i met did 43% of his dmg Exo spam, 1k autohit, his pet did rest while he sat in bubble.
Next patch every paladin gonna run 3set ZG and i suppose 80% of their dmg going to be exo spam? Going back to what it was p2 before blizz decided to nerf it for p3?.. But now its coming back even stronger…

You the one working at blizz Wave? Only GM? Since you the only one defending paladins on a daily basis. Strangely they keep getting more and more… Wouldnt be suprised if that Legendary weapon they link is the new Bubbleboy item, because getting Hand of Rag wasnt enough.

Make a char on PTR, any class any race, ill make a paladin with 0 keybind and faceroll you back to forum.
If you win, ill stop cry forum and leave you to it. /wave
If i win, ill upload video and cry even more.

Wave reply to above post^

You trying to get people to fight you because your fragile ego got hurt and you try to prove something. It doesn’t change the fact howmuch you whine and are clueless about AV to be honest.



Hold on, wall of nonsense inc.

Brother dont bother with that troll, biggest crybaby on these forums dating back to P1.

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I can see that clearly. Thanks for headsup too.

While not a bad idea, I am not bugging 9 ppl to join a premade w/ me for a duel.

If they merge the servers, and we are on the same one ? More than happy to duel.

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Yap and TBH SOD PvP is crap, I dont mind Pala´s getting these changes - but Palas have a bit too much atm (even though they arent the strongest class out there).

I get the argument that Shamans exist, so there is that :stuck_out_tongue:

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AoW was nerfed from instantly resetting exo CD per crit in P3 to reducing the CD on Exo by 2s per crit.
But sure pally dps wasn’t nerfed at all and we only got buffs and new abilities. Surely shamans got better after each nerf after P2 and P3, oh wait they did and they went back to dominating PvE and PvP. :clap:

A 5min CD is meant to be powerful, too bad there are even more 3min and even 2min CDs that are even more powerful than bubble. I could run it down but you would keep whinin about paladin anyways rather than shamans LOL. (Riptide, Shamanistic Rage, Frenzied Regen/Survival Instincts, Wolves)
If you were even 100% honest you would realize that this isn’t the case, reckoning is the only consistent way for a paladin to kill you in that 6s stun. But you haven’t been and why people call you out on your blatant dishonesty about paladins.

Hilarious how good you got it and want to nerf the inferior faction even more. Gotta be a clown there.

Ok, and thats fair. But imo this is mainly a PvE change. Dont see it changing much for pvp purposes.

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True, I only joined this debate when I saw Wavé yapping here tbh.

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You’re joking, right?
Ok. let’s see. Do shamans have:

  • dispel like 90% of ALL negative effects in the ENTIRE game?
  • insane burst with a plethora of instant cast spammable abilities that ignore armor and resistances?
  • an “oh crap!” button that let’s them escape ANY cc and do FULL damage whilst being immune to everything?
  • amazing group buffs that you don’t have to recast every 2 minutes and constantly move them to stay in range?
  • plate armor?
  • multiple ways to get your hard casts off, and if that fails, well you have a trusty bubble.
  • a gap closer/gainer?

Well? Do they? I can continue this list even further, but I hope you get the idea.


Reckoning along with a 2 hander instantly BLAST any rogue 0.1 sec when stun is out on paladin, paladin need 0 cds to win, just rightclick once. Its stupid.

Wotkl version of Reckoning is alot better, the one that got fixed. chance to grant 1 extra swing at a time. also ONLY usable with 1 hander.

Only one on these forum that “called me out” is You.

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There’s more but you couldn’t care to admit that.

And having shamans doing similar things to literally anyone is not? hypocrisy at it’s best. just dont fix/nerf shamans but nerf paladins :clown_face:

Everyone give Wavé a break, he is playing the weakest class in the game. Just ask him.

nobody was complaining about shamanistic rage in phase 1 or 2, get lost.
you only started considering it OP in phase 3 when mana started to actually matter in raids, and within the span of literal days you got given a similar mechanic THAT ISN’T A RUNE btw.
i’m surprised you faeries weren’t also given a disease and poison cleansing aoe spell that is raidwide and costs 0 mana, because i distinctly remember you guys crying about that too.

shamanistic rage in phase 1 and 2 was a rune, and for tanks it was unavailable because it competed with way of earth, effectively meaning we had 0 mitigation abilities and no way to regain mana once oom which, when you are tanking, is a huge problem - this is why the rune became baseline.

literally anything the horde had which the alliance didn’t you would complain to the high heavens about, unceasingly so, and that is not how classic wow works.
you aren’t supposed to have access to the same things as the opposite faction, hence why shaman and paladin are faction specific classes.

it is literally ingrained as part of the philosophy of classic wow, and going against that philosophy is quickly causing a lot of problems, as you can see here, because now that there’s blood in the water, the sharks are coming to feast.

too bad blizzard unfairly decides to only feed the sharks on one side of the boat while neglecting the other.

there is 0 fairness in what they are doing right now.

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****ing irrelevant.
also untrue btw.

not gonna read the rest of your post.

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are you really gonna sit there and say they are the same thing?

alliance got SUPERIOR versions of what the horde has.
they are NOT “the same”.
even when talented the horde shammy totems are INFERIOR to horn of lordaeron and wild strikes in EVERY WAY…
you lemon.