Congratulations! You Won World Of Warcraft! 🏆

I made more friends I guess! I care less and less about wow with time passing and my friends/guildies just leaving / falling out with them

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In real life? That’s not allowed!

I never said IRL. It’s a wow-related question, isn’t it?

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You made more WoW friends but care less about WoW and losing WoW friends? Nimmy no understand.

Well, I care less about the game itself as time goes over issues I’m having so making such connections is a lovely achievement I’m proud of. Normally they leak outside the game, not necessarily IRL.

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You two look like sisters. Are you sisters? =)

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We are all Twiluna.


Not that I’m aware, unfortunately

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Together. We. Are all TWILUNA!


For me, “winning” in WoW is getting to be part of a team who wants to push as hard as I do.

That requires me to be a little more extraverted and less shy about putting myself out there. And lately, despite playing this game for 18 years, I have gained more confidence to do so.


Had to let go of gladiator this season.

Managed to reroll a new class and tryharded 2.4k in 2s with one of my team members instead. Its a first for him.

Got some transmogs and a tabard at least.


Winning wow? If my character would made it into a NPC in the Shadow Vaults. Must have an annoyed dialogue if you click her too much.
If that would happened I would say that I won wow.


Not actively playing in about 2 years felt like i won my life back and beat the games addictive nature.

Now to disconnect myself from the forums aswell.

I have been in the 9000 post bracket for a very long time now, considering i got to 9k in about 7 months…

Thats progress.

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Easiest way would be to just stop your sub wouldnt it? Seeing as you dont like the game anymore and mostly find the forums boring aswell, maybe its time to just quit it all?


One would think that yes

How do you win? According to that long past by date thread if you bought a WoW Token for gold! :crazy_face:

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Ishayo’s never heard of ‘checkmate’.


I have won several times then :blush:


Have you not been on vacation a lot during that? or you just stopped its hard to tell nowadays.

Bit of both.

I stopped posting for well over a year at one point, not that it was noticed

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