Congratulations! You Won World Of Warcraft! šŸ†

Iā€™m really confused. 1st we had Jito saying you canā€™t win at poker and now we have Ishayo essentially saying you canā€™t win at chess. Have I been playing poker and chess wrong this whole time?


Will say this past year i been on vacation more than i been able to post.

This is the longest i gone for a while without a vacation

Its been 5 days.


Yeah itā€™s weird, isnā€™t it. Almost feels as if weā€™re being trolled, doesnā€™t it? :upside_down_face:

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Keep up the good work! You can do it!!! :dracthyr_love_animated:


But they said we are the trolls XD.

Oh btw, looks like we are forming a forum dungeon running group for fun. You are invited to join us.

PS Puny your invited as well, we can measure paladins XD.


You are very kind, another time :slight_smile:

Doing some farming atm.

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Thanks but Iā€™ve already done my fill for the day; been doing timewalking and timerunning dungeons today. Thereā€™s only so much dungeon I can handle. :sweat_smile:

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TWW, you and me are doing a sparkle contest.


Itā€™s a date


It doesnā€™t have to be today.


Well, it would depend on what type of dungeons weā€™re talking about then.
If itā€™s M0 or M+ Iā€™m going to pass. :sweat_smile:

I appreciate the offer though! Perhaps a forum delve group in due time?

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Why not, we are doing really chill runs.

Sure we can do that.

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I guess unsubbing is the real win

I mean this game has no ending , whatever you do is longterm pointless

Earning a rare mount it given away 2 expacs later , or someone can solo farm it on an alt army.

Reasons we play is because we are addicted and havenā€™t found any better alternatives.

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Itā€™s my stubborness and principles, honestly. :flushed:

Iā€™ve seen the dungeons already; I donā€™t need to see them on a harder difficulty. :sweat_smile:

If i loot invincibles reins, archaeology tolvir mount or karazhan mythic horse i got what i want. Further not interested in anything. The break of 7+ years 3 or 4 missed expansions is too much for me to try to keep up. I just tried the game again cuz diablo 4 zuigt.

I just want to experience how it is to have those mounts. I better have my real
Life goals achieved.

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But is it the mechanics that are off-putting or that you think you will be dying a lot? I mean you can always pretend itā€™s like a normal run and ignore the timer.

No, itā€™s the whole notion of doing ā€˜the same thing, but more difficultā€™. It just doesnā€™t make any sense to me (because a difficulty challenge is not why I play games). In that regard delves will be a new experience for me; but even with those; I doubt Iā€™ll ever do a 9 or above Delve, because I just donā€™t see the use in that.

But besides that, I refuse to do that content out of principle, because I feel that if I do it, Iā€™m betraying everything I stand for (on these forums anyway).

The only time I did a mythic dungeon out of my own accord, was in BfA when Blizzard put a mythic-only dungeon into the Alliance main storyline (and I didnā€™t want to wait until the next content patch to continue that - when they added a heroic version). And I was SO mad about that; I raged on the forums quite a bit about it. :sweat_smile:

I won this game by being okay to not play it all the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I promise I will make it seem less difficult than a normal run.

I wonā€™t tell if you donā€™t.

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Iā€™m still going to pass.
I will know.