Consequences of Overplaying... šŸ’„

My brother suffered dire consequences for being addicted to WoW during his college days. It was not just, play in your free days, study during exams - he used to game all night in his hostel, sleep during the day, and miss all his classes. He even missed two of his finals.

As the tip in the loading screen says: Take everything in moderation. WoW has some magical aspects to it that keep you want to playing but donā€™t do it at the cost of your life, like the OP said.

Be well, stay safe.



Thanks for sharing the experience <3

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I was gonna do thatā€¦ because I got mad with RNGesus and the corruption system.

So I was about to take out the trash and do dishes butā€¦ then I installed classic.

Iā€™m a level 59 hunter, I managed to tame Broken Tooth and have already done MC, have 4 pieces of T1 set in my bagsā€¦

ā€¦ about to do the ONY and BWL attunementā€¦

ā€¦ already looking for NR gear because AQ is right around the corner!

UH! There is honor grind too! :smiley:

Sorry, what were we talking about?

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Exactly xD

Strange but Iā€™ve never been less addicted to wow than over the last 2 years or so. I can go days on end without even thinking about logging in and usually the only times I do log in is either when there is literally nothing else to do or I want to park my brain somewhere for a couple of hours.


Full disclosure:

I went to rehab for substance abuse (in 2 months ill be sober for a year) but while i was there they classified me as a gaming addict as well, the problem with that is they say you need to sell your PC to completely get rid of that specific addiction.

Now i think that would be a bit harsh as you need the pc for other things as well.

But before that i put in about 7-9 hours of gaming in on top of 10 hours of work in a day, and that made me hella depressed, so i took a break and my mind sortof reset itself, now i feel good again, and i dont play into the early hours of the morning anymore.


Stay safe!

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bump for awareness

Bfa is coming to an end so dont over grind yourselves <3

Yesterday I played until 2:15 AM just to watch Sylvanas die in Silverpine

people say they can live without WOW, then read the posts yesterday when the game was down to see how desperate some folks are to play

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I remember back in college I was a real addict but I really wanted to graduate so when the exams would come Iā€™d just delete WoW and proceed to reinstall later after I finished.

It worked for me this way, since I couldnā€™t help playing.

For the folks struggling with WoW addiction Iā€™ll tell you what I told myself every time I needed to take care of myself.

WoW is a game and it counts for nothing in real life. You donā€™t want the years to pass without taking care of your real duties. You will look back at all the time wasted and regret it. Iā€™ve seen it first hand with my parents who had to work hard jobs with little pay.

We will all get to that point someday and ask ourselves if we could have done something more to live the life we deserve and the answer is most likely yes.

Have fun but donā€™t forget to live your life too. Take care!


this is a good period to take a small break before the prepatch imo

Did yall remember to drink water today? Mmmmm?

There is simpel solution for all of problems suicide.
Have you ever thing that some one can hate people?
They always wants something from me but never give me anything.
They always lie and cheat.

Hope everyone has a great day, a great nights sleep, and no worries.

Keep fighting the good fight!

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I donā€™tā€¦ I had horrible day at work, and Iā€™m still pissed :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Sometimes I hate working with people - I think I might change back to machines, they are easier to understand :unamused:

But it will get better - I have decided for fried chicken for dinnerā€¦ And I am not the one making it, I will just pick it up :poultry_leg:

And later, another char will get a brewfest outfit and look fabulous :star_struck:

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Very well put, itā€™s underrated but having someone to talk to especially it they are a little recepetive is addicting, it is like listening to the radio: You know there are other people already up or atleast you hear their voice and donā€™t feel that lonely al of a sudden except here you much more easily participate, join in group or just verbally.

It comes in pair with listening to the radio/music some podcast for me.


Somehow when I am feeling down and alone, I fire up Spotify to listen to live versions of songs I have already heard. No clue why but it helps.


When i feel burnout or get frustrated over specific things. I just go and do the usual that makes me appreciate the game and playing it. Helping all sorts of player types (except the PvPer usually).

I never do feel this burnout faster that alot others do. That way.