Consider placing your character into difficult circumstances more often

Just FYI: `


I’ve run more plots the past few months than you have your entire life, kiddo

[x] Doubt.

I lower my guns

What is it with people bragging about LARping on the AD forums


As a result of the conspiracy theories running in the air and due to my immense boredom, I’ve decided to place the OPs thread under a microscope and critically examine it bit by bit, so nobody else has to bother. This will be entirely unoffensive, so not even remotely worth reading.

All players have a different approach, especially in regards to the loosely established ‘tiers’ of role-player that they are, to role-play. I would not consider it to be a problem beyond a ‘personal’ one.

Irrelevant to you, perhaps, but not to the player or those that they interact with.

It’s sad to say but we are all bubble role-players in our own way. I’ve branched out recently, and have tried role-playing with a variety of serious and non-serious role-players alike.

I have characters that are specifically intended to lack depth and play the role of borderline self inserts, like Mion because I’m small irl, and then I have characters that I actually take the time to bother writing.

Just as ‘entertainment’ is a subjective matter, so is one’s approach to role-play and while I’m free to turn my nose up at someone’s creative efforts, as shallow as they may seem to me, I do accept that it’s a preference that I’m welcome to indulge in or ignore at my leisure.

I can’t say I overly agree with this, and I haven’t experienced anything like this. Whenever I approach role-play on a character, regardless of who it is, I do everything within my power to produce interesting, organic and unique situations for them to enjoy.

You might want to broaden your search, in my honest opinion. You’ll eventually find some people who can meet your needs if you look hard enough. Ever since I left Stormwind, I’ve found so much GDRP that I’m practically sniffing my own farts.

As a bit of personal feed back, a problem many people may have with your presentation is that it’s very ‘this is a problem because I don’t like it’, which is just a bit silly.

All in all, have a good day!

Yup. I wouldn’t even report my worst enemies, because it’s pretty childish to silence discourse. I actually usually agree with a lot of what you say and I’m a small fan of your work.

As in, I do read a fair bit of your stuff when I’m bored off my bewbs.


Shame that wasn’t the character who sent the emote…even if it had been, still God Emoting…

Guess its OK when some people do it? Quality RP there…


Unless you start paying my sub i aint doing anything u tell me 2 sweaty xxx

crazy thread glad you made it btw



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That would be Ignorak, the one who was chopping at your head.
Here’s him responding to and accepting your choice to avoid the attack rather than God-Emote through it: `


Its called comparison. I was comparing three different types of RP and how they operate, which was relevant to the conversation at hand, that’s why. Two sets have obviously enforceable rules systems, one does not hence the distinction…

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If I larped I wouldn’t tell anyone.


his name is igronak for christ’s sake how hard is it to spell it right?


I will never get it right.

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I’m honestly still getting over the shock from Elyza’s presumption that I’m -that- close minded, or would lower myself to posting on a character that isn’t Mion.

I like consistency.


Wasnt ignorak one of the thor movies

You’re probably thinking of Igor

MMO RP is like a sandbox with hundreds of different pen and paper roleplaying groups running campaigns simultaneously. The idea that we’re collectively one big session wherein everyone has to abide by similar codes of conduct hinders RP more than it helps it. If you’re not a big fan of people in low-stake situations, or the way people casually socialize in-character, then maybe you would have a better time staying away from Stormwind and enjoying the company of roleplayers who share your values.

It would be more effective to do that than half-heatedly doing whatever this thread is meant to be doing.

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yikes brigante… seems like we live in different realities…


Nope, that’s not the one, the emote was specifically “Cuts off your head with his Runeblade” But then given that there was a vast mob spamming emotes it was hard to keep track, I do remember that one though “Cuts off your head with his Runeblade?” He doesn’t even say whose head! What is this madness, Oh Gawd, Twenty more Emotes incoming…


Allow me to show you the full crowd: `

Of those joining the fight, he was the only one with a runeblade.