Consider placing your character into difficult circumstances more often

PROFESSOR Brigante Xavier…


actually brigante i can confirm to you that i WAS the one who sent the emote, and that i emoted “swinging for your neck”, not “decapitating brigante”

as you can see from the picture, i am in melee range


Except by the people who were still actively RPing and who he RPed with while you stood & watched like the best silent stormwind observer

Nothing here for me pal, your post was just largely strange & didn’t apply to me so

I’m just a little bit cookey sometimes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If you wanted to be in more difficult situations, just turn the difficulty up to Legendary instead of Apprentice you stupid plebs.

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Incredibly strong thread so far but @Brigante, take this defeat, old buddy, this time the aerial council cannot save you :small_airplane:


death to the scourge

you know
so they’re twice as dead

Red Baron down

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Bring tha’ bjora around!

We’ll send this thread into the abyss…


You better have set the game difficulty to Legendary if you wish death upon me.

I look away for a while and this thread has gone from a reasonable point to… hell, I don’t even know anymore. Can someone redpill me with a tl;dr? I could’ve sworn this thread was just about some guy wanting people to take the risks of Azeroth more seriously.

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my body is ready

Apologies for veering off-topic. It was an error of recall I’d wanted to correct for a while.


You don’t you monster

Except by the people who were still actively RPing and who he RPed with while you stood & watched like the best silent stormwind observer

… I was one of the original few who actually started and actively contributed to the role-play that you keep saying I “didn’t participate in.” - There were seven or so of us to begin with. Amerdan hired my character. … I stopped actively contributing because I got exhausted from other about 30+ other people butting in non-constructively, (including you,) seeing as all your character and her pals did was stand around breaking the fourth wall about the “ridiculousness of Stormwind.”

The biggest of yikes. So misinformed you might as well be the head anchor on CNN.

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You don’t stand on roofs, do you?

I’m catwoman.

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Is this post actually anything other than throwing shade or is it literally just that, hawk man?

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Well given the last few, pretty much throwing shade, to be fair, but justifiably so, I would say

I like dogs.