Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

Why no rewards?!
How is that realistic. I’m saying ‘almost no rep’ reward. Because THAT is what most people seem to get hung up on.

How is it realistic to ask for no rewards?!
I’m not asking for rewards to be removed from M+. How does this in any way seem fair or even realistic to you?!

No they’re not and you’re acting obtuse. And I’m quite sure it’s on purpose just to antagonize.

It’s not about ‘not being able to pace myself’. It’s about LIKING that there’s always something to do and work towards in an MMORPG. Something that used to be completely normal.

Go bother someone else.
I came up with a perfectly acceptable solution and you insult me with your obtuse, narrowminded reply.

No rewards. Get out of here with that nonsense.

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I’m so, so glad this got reverted! I genuinely enjoy spreading out my WQs over a few days and doing them whenever I have time! I genuinely hated the feeling of ‘Ugh, I should go to bed but these world quests reward something I need…’.

Genuinely, thank you Blizzard!


I wouldn’t say that it’s 200h of gameplay but people are discovering new hidden things like mounts, pets and whatnot to farm on daily a basis now.

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I also said “next to no rewards”, like 5. rep. The guy above who was on your side also said “No thanks” to this.

And there would be something to do with more weekly content or just in general solo content they could add, that you could do any time. You didn’t reply to this point, because you’re hung up on 24 hour world quests for some reason, you’re looking foolish at this point.

Yeah there’s plenty of interesting stuff to do, but there could always be more imo :slight_smile: The world content people really need some love in WoW.
24 hour dailys are not it though.

Very happy, that you kept it semi-weekly…


Well ive returned to the screen multiple times dead becsuse of where ive left myself.

Also just being able to use my old mounts would be nice.

that sounds like a terrible idea. Lots of choice for some but for a few people it would def be bad for their health!

Im confused though…are they doing daily or keeping to twice a week?

I prefer the twice a week approach though. Means you dont have to sit there and nolife the game or feel bad if you miss a day.
Not like there arent a ton of things to do every day anyways. Dungeons, PVP, crafting, collecting, rep grinding/exploration.
Not to mention the fact that there are repeatable blue quests all over if you want to do something structured everyday.

I think some people are panicking about having to set their own goals and still want to be told what to do every day. Much better for your own well being IMO if you can fit WoW around your life and not the other way round. :wink:


How did you survive the previous couple of expansions where you were grounded for a year?

I never died afking on cliffs or a road that has no mobs.

WHere do you even afk?

That’s where you and I differ I guess, I’d feel bad that you’d miss out as a result and be behind on getting the things you want, therefore would be against it.

I agree. However 24h dailies are something if not nothing. Idk I’m waiting to see how things play out at higher levels of renown.

But on a side note it baffles me how do people complain that there is no content in the game when they choose to ignore most of the content available. I mean my core interest is M+ and Raiding, if you think about it my weekly content runs out faster than an open world player, as I have to do 8 dungeons and 1 raid per week. I fill out my time with the open world content and mount farms. From my point of view I don’t really get the issue from both sides of the argument but that’s me.

EDIT I do however like the idea of more WQs in terms of quantity that are on a longer respawn rate.

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Same method as today. Dying randomly in a forest.

I said itd be nice not compulsory.

Flying up to some safe spot nearby is not an option? I mean unlike SL there are plenty safe areas to afk in around

I am not gonna share that same opinion of yours.

Factually, there’'s pleny of places to chill. If you need to fly five seconths to a save spots, then whats the problem?

I dont see a problem. All I see is a person whom doesnt want to play the game for whatever reason, cares much about ‘dieing’ even thou you can repair everywhere and if gold is an issue somehow…

You need to be more careful where you leave your character unattended :slight_smile:

I’m really sad that you are keeping it semi-weekly. As I’m starting to run out of side quests, without world quests resetting more often, especially since there are just not many of them, I am very rapidly running out of things to do.

I’ve already given up on professions outside of the weekly quests. I’m not much of a M+ player, and I have no plans on doing LFR with group loot (because that was a nightmare the first time around), so right now I’m looking at an entire expansion where I log in once or twice a week with just not much to do. It’s giving me serious WoD vibes.

excellent to hear that you’re keeping them semi-weekly!!!

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Lion’s Pride Inn is a good choice.

Lol your weirdly aggressive over this. If pathfinders avaliable i will get it, if it isnt then i wont. I dont care. Lol.

Clearly you lack insight to having children to why a emergency may arrive.

I dont care if i leave my character dead, i dont see the issue with getting pathfinder if made avalisble really. I do play the game lmfao, your weird aggression is seriously beyond understanding tho lmfao.

I didnt say i have a issue eith dragonflying. But if theres pathfinder i will get it. Its convienant to have the normal flying for specific circumstances.

Depends to where i am sure at times but being able to just fly upwards afk is just convinent as i said not nessercary