Well yes but a heroic raider ainy gonna do mythic and aint gonna. Do lfr
As someone who it basically a solo World player (I do the odd normal raid and a dozen or so low M+ an expansion) I am currently not playing because there is TOO MUCH to do in the open world I cannot process all the information so I’ve walked away.
You are welcome to your opinion (as are we all) but to say non-big-3 players want daily WQs incorrect, some do. I for one wholeheartedly welcome the change to twice a week (AS LONG - and this is important - we get to the same point in the same time - ie get the rep, renown, currency to buy the items we seek) .
I understand (and often agree on these very forums with you Tah) but on this you don’t speak for all Solo-world players (just some) and this is why it is difficult for Blizzard, it is impossible to please such a diverse and ranging player base. They just have to try and annoy the fewest they can and on the WQs it APPEARS that twice a week is that sweet spot. I wait to see what solutions they come up with for this (as indicated in the latest Blue Post)
Enjoy playing, there is so much to do right now my head it spinning with it all.
I feel like there’s a “times change” reference somewhere to be had here…
After seeing today’s added quests, I wonder why they bothered.
More dragonriding races.
Two ‘climbing gear’ rewards.
Old Gral’s teeth still dropping out, he lost 3 last week.
A dagger, for a caster?
A 1H sword? ditto.
Stealing a stag beetles plums, erk.
Brackenhide Hollow hellhole, where mobs hit me for 50k plus.
Not impressed.
Slow gain of reputation and further, fast chance of items. Not a 30 hour grind to do a WQ now, is it? And guess what, I do enjoy playing my character and flying about (if given anything worthwhile to do). I do not enjoy sitting in the infamous basement for 30 hours killing elites.
Many do to practice rotation in LFR and get mogs and other items. And usually the frist 3 to 4 in each raid on mythic setting are easy access so yes there is a poss to do it 4 times per week.
Well yes but to them its collecting transmog the same as when people run old raids, its not progression for them lol. Theyre doing content for 0 reward.
But theyre flexing into other content then the content they play for as activities to fulfill their time earning other things realisticslly.
No heroic raider ‘practices rotation’ in LFR
Im aware, hence why i only addressed transmog lol. Some do completionist stuff such as that in their free time to occupy time
All I’d like is for weapon rewards from WQ’s to start corresponding to my currently selected loot specialization as opposed to randomly awarding me intellect weapons despite playing WW - if I wanted MW weapons, I’d have set my loot spec to MW
Thank you Blizzard.
I’m very pleased with this expansion over any of the other once so far.
The game is fun now I don’t feel stressed or pressured into having to login every day to keep up.
I have one main and I can enjoy it, I can take my time to enjoy it, every other expansion I have felt the need to rush rush rush.
My friends that have more time to play just level up alts, but I can still keep up on my main and have a life on the side.
I cannot stress enough, please don’t just listen to the people on twitter or this forum heck don’t listen to me, I never post anything but I still feel like I play more then other people, but I’m still a casual, and I only found out after it was decided, find a better way of asking or measure us.
For me the main problem with daily WQs are the following
A) Gear scales so if they offer gear I will be forced to do them.
B) Renown gives campaign which means as long as they give rep I’m forced to do them.
I have 3 -4 days a week where I have nothing to do now, not really, a few loose daily quests. Earliest I have ever cancelled my sub, just no content unless you m+ or raid or pvp, could at least rely on a lot of dailys and wq’s before, now barely any, and tradeskills are heavily limited behind weekly knowledge caps. see ya next content release… maybe.
Simply not true… no content you want to do… There is so, so ,so much to do in the game if you want to do it. If you don’t then maybe cancelling sub is for the best.