Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

I wasn’t too bothered either way but saying you’re going to change it and then changing your mind again shortly after is just lame.

Many people, myself included for alts, were saving the ones with gear rewards so they got the best scaling they could but just went and did them earlier today anyway since they thought they were going to be daily again.

I know it doesn’t really matter in the long run but it’s still annoying to be messed about.

The more i think about it, the more i would be content with daily world quests if none of them gave any rep.
Still give gold and gear or whatever for doing them, but no rep.

In place of their rep, add a weekly quest to do 10 world quests. This would reward rep.


Oh believe me, I know.

I still remember when we asked for barber shops in Vanilla and we were told it was physically impossible because of the coding and would never happen, ever.

They may be improving, for lack of a better word, but they’re still far from there.

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Okey i remember my BFA experience. Every single day in week free do all world quests to gain reputation and items. That tooks me 80% of my play time. I don’t even seen a mythics or raids because i don’t had a time. Now…i unlock that world quests and i don’t see them anywhere on map. Not a single icon or npc with rewards + i will not have a time to grind that. Impossible with 2 days free out of work every week.

Soo…how do i fire a ticket for refund?
I bought 12months of sub but looking a that here is nothing to do im not interested in playing…

To be honest, I’m actually very sorry that this is so divisive…

There should be a way that daily content is offered that does not affect progression possibly???

I will say personally, I’m ambivalent either way. I get there eventually on what I wish to do, the only way the game controls my play is by still having past areas I can’t do by myself.

However, everything else, I just do when I want, I have never really felt the overriding pressure to compete here.

That said, gamers are vastly different and all play styles should be catered for, nothing stays stagnant not even an individual gamer, we all change, adapt, live vastly different lives.

I’m not sure how to find a solution here that will please the majority of camps. I hope that Blizzard can find some compromise, something that doesn’t feel like it needs to be done, but is there as quest content for people who like daily tasks?

Before DF i would have said daily but now I’m really enjoying them as biweekly

Keeping them biweekly is fine as long there is more of them at a time. As it stands, there isn’t. We just have less WQs overall and less rewards compared to previous expansions.

They literally need to triple the amount of WQs active at a time to make it somewhat comparable to what we had before.

We have lost something in this exchange.

Love being timegated due to crying whiners on the forums. Bravo Blizzard, Already running out of things to do due to this. Nothing to do but log in and shove my thumb up my bum then afk in the major city.


except Raids are already on a Massive cooldown, u CAN only do each boss Once per week, your reality is warped,

heres a Small message for you.

as a M+ Player. U would only have 1 days content before running out of things to do progression wise, the inital gear frenzy only lasts a Short while til ur basically relying on Vault reward each week.

As a Raider, u only have 8 bosses a week, again a Singular day after a few weeks and it becomes older.

as a PvPer once u reach 2k u have no more progression in the game, then repeatively queueing for PvP past that, its the same as u Just killing 20 of random monsters and sending urself 100g from ur alt.

yyou propose a meme, which is the Reality of other modes which proves how out of touch you are.

U get punished. In any field of play when ur Unwilling, to play more then 10% of the games content. it dont matter if u raid, do M+ do PvP or do Openworld. the only difference is, We in M+ or Raids or PvP, dont get Mad and start screeching the moment we’re forced to step out of our content like u do.

we just get on with it and go back to our content once theres more to do.

what ur asking for is the Equivalent to

No Weekly raid boss locks, endlessly farmable.
every 8 M+ Dungeons complete award a Second piece of gear. so u can finish a week with 16 pieces.
PvP ilevel just endlessly goes up in ilevel the more games u do.

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4 times actually


With that logic why would you do a sweep of WQ’s? You’re going to replace what you get from that in days in M+…

WQ’s that compelling for you?

When i saw this i was hoping they would become daily again, these aren’t the SL WQs that felt like a slog to do, these take 1-2min each and with dragonriding, traveling around is so much faster.

Support site with refund option.

There’s an option for refunds where it will take you to where you can request one.

Additional info below from their site.

Refund policy

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We’ll refund any unused World of Warcraft subscription within 14 days of the purchase.

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It felt good when you were done with WQ’s and weekly quests.
It gave time to do something else like alts, profession, PvP.

Now we’re back to endless grind like in previous expansions.

Literally a whole lot of people were happy with limited amount of WQs and weekly. Why change something that isn’t broken.

This is a great decision Blizzard. You do not need to punish one group of players to satisfy another. World Quest enjoyers are lost without the guiding hand of a ‘quest’, but there is in fact so much repeatable content in the game for them, such as repeatable events, rare elites and so on. There are many daily activities, but World Quests are the most ‘mandatory’ of them, and enforcing daily ‘mandatory’ fun on all of the player base to satisfy a small group would’ve been a bad move.


Far too many people not reading or understanding that the decision to make this change has been reversed.

Kaivax, you need to make it more clear in the OP since you’ve only crossed out a tiny part of it. Always assume people won’t read things properly, they will go straight to the bulletpoint and stop there.

Happy they reversed the intended change. As someone whos been playing DF every day since launch, theres already PLENTY to do without throwing a whole bunch of daily chores at us. Those people who claim theres nothing to do in-game are like a bunch of hounds, rushing into McDonalds to fight over finishing that one tray of cheeseburgers standing on the counter, before anyone else can have a bite. Then they complain half an hour later that theyre hungry again, when they fail to realize that the cheeseburgers didnt provide any real sustenance in the first place. Stick to your guns Blizzard. Theyll never be satisfied no matter what you do, and they need to learn that its actually ok to have breaks once in a while.

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Thank Frick. I’m really enjoying the fact that I don’t have daily pressure to do things. Means doing alts are less stressful on top of my already stressful 50-60 hr work weeks.


Semi weekly is great, daily is just stressful, having to think about logging on every day, whether you want to or not just to keep up sucks.