Considering Some Semi-weekly World Quests Becoming Daily

Give whatever reason you want, but don’t say there’s nothing to do in open world right now.

Wrathion farm
Dragonscale farm
Centaur farm
Dragon races

There’s so much to do in open-world there isn’t enough time for everything. A better sentence would be “there’s nothing that interests me left after a week”.

Ehm no?


There are 4 WQs up in Zone A.
They last for 3.5 days. I do all of them on day 1.
I do another 4 quests the next day. And another 4 quests the day after that.
That’s a total of 12 WQs done.

Person 2 does them once per 3.5 days. That’s a total of 4 WQs done.

That’s not the same amount. At all. :sweat_smile:

I think you were misunderstanding the suggestion.
The idea being suggested is that each world quest that spawns every day, will last for 3.5 days.

Mmmmh… But that will lead to MANY quests for player 2 (per that example: 4+4+4 after 3 days - and all of them running out at different times… Sounds like a mess tbh).
Not sure they’ll like that.

But whatever, I’m happy it’s going to be daily.

So happy! :blush:

Im very happy too!
The game just isnt that fun without daily world quests. This change is amazing :smiley:


It doesn’t need to be world quests perse, but yeah… Daily content for sure.
I want to be able to log on every day and always have something to do.
That’s why I like MMORPGs.


I would have been only one work week of this chill. After that there are also the primalist invasions you can grind.

But i need to say when daily world quest would have been a thing this week i would not be able to get 2 Chars to the gear that they have now. Skill 6 professions, do all side quests on one char, grind Wrathion and also be able to chill a bit with half a day of.

Was also planing to play the side quests on a second char this thursday and friday with the darkmoon buff still active. But i dont think that will work anymore since i want the missable rep from WQs more than the one time rep and i need to work so not much time. And got no time on saturday since im not at home. Without the change i could speed the WQs and Wednesday and then have almost all of the time after from on the other 2 days for side quests. Not to forget M0 next week but i got Monday, Tuesday and maybe Sunday for that.

And when the next week ends there will be even more to do with primalist invasions, m+ and raids. So i dont think i can really finish them any time soon.

i’m very disappointed…
that semi-weekly system was awesome. I did some WQs and have plenty of time to do other stuff. Doing dungeons with my friends, pvp, farm, playing other characters whatever.
playing with other games…
All of my friends, guild mates said that they very happy about that new system.

now we forced again to do daily quests (because yes boys, just because we call them “world quests” they are dailies, nothing else… the only difference you aren’t do exactly the same quests over and over every day, like in BC Sunwell, Wotlk Argent etc.)

For all of you saying that you don’t have to do them. But yes you have. Or you strongly should! Atleast most of them. If you do them, you get better gear, more rep, more gold etc-etc…
And for love of god, you want daily stuff to do in game? Go find a guild, do dungeons, do higher and higher mythic+ keys, raids, battlegrounds, arena…
If you want to do WQs because of the “daily stuff” feeling then play with browser games :smiley:

But yes, whatever, good choice blizzard, make them daily, people with nothing else to do, just grinding in wow day 'n night, will complain at january 2 about no more content in game, nothing to do, when will the 10.1 come already?


But how long will THAT last? Those are for gear; and the ilvl on that is extremely limited for world content. Besides; those invasions are a bit of an aquired taste; they’re not going to be to everyone’s liking. I know I definitely prefer WQs to those invasions in terms of gameplay.

Why though? More so on an alt… WHY?! You already get more rep if your main reaches certain renown, but a lot of the unlocks are account wide. So… Why?!

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RIP promises of not forcing players to grind.

What next, more daily stuff? Torghast? Covenants farms?
SL was the worst due to amount of “work” needed to be done to keep up with the game.

I just hope the Blizzard will not fall into the same trap again…

Oh this is a great change! Once done with the world quests I already had the feeling there was not a lot of variety, and this helps a lot :slight_smile:

Yes a lot is account wide but sadly not the gear and not the recipe and while the gear does not really matter the recipe do. All i really do it is for the recipes.

I mean how long will world quests last they only bring you rep and gear too and that will be full at some point too. So its not that diffrent. At some point i can stop for world quests for good that was always such a relieve in the past addons.

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At least have the courage to be honest next time

Bad change for me. I liked not having time limited world quests that felt were ‘necessary to do’ and needed to get done.

It was nice clearing the map of world quests and just finding other things to do in the game. I was actually fishing tonight because I thought , why not? I’m not having to justify fishing vs world quests and repping. It felt like a good change of pace.

On my guild’s Discord everyone was happy that Word Quests were fewer and less grindy. Please think about reverting this change.

No you don’t get better gear from WQs or renown if you do M+, PvP or raiding. You really don’t.
Yes you get rep… And? That’s for cosmetic stuff that gives no power whatsoever.
More gold? How?

Nope. I prefer doing world content because that is what I like most in this game.

If you don’t want to do daily things, then don’t play MMORPGs. :person_shrugging:

Noone is forced. You don’t need to grind. Feel free to do some WQs twice per week. It will be exactly the same as it is now.

Please understand that. None of that daily stuff is mandatory for ANY power. If you mainly want to do M+, PvP or Raids, you don’t NEED WQs. And if you want the cosmetic rewards; those will be there all expansion long, so don’t worry. You’ll reach max renown soon enough without grinding.

WQs weren’t mandatory before and they won’t be mandatory now. No one is forcing you to grind anything. They probably just listened to the solo/open world players who felt like there should be more for them to do. I don’t have a problem with it.

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So much for “we’re done with daily chores.”

Thank you for the week where I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything if I didn’t log in… and thank you for the other changes, nerfing the respawn rate for Wrathion/Sabelian mobs and a few other respawn rates, reputations, drop chances… It was a week where I felt pretty lonely in the game, feeling like I was the only one who constantly couldn’t believe that “we’re listening” - “we’ve changed” could be true and telling people not to celebrate prematurely felt so futile. Thank you for making this FIRST week look the way it did and not letting me off guard or be grumpy for too long. I couldn’t have done it without you. <3


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How can you keep on par with daily-grinding player in terms of faction reputation?
For example - now I can do it few times per week and have the same faction level as everyone else, but after the change, I’m not so sure.