Considering suing blizzard

I am not upset about the post per se. It´s more about the state of the game that miffs me a little bit.

Like i stated earlier, i didnt continue reading the OPs post after the words “so i bought the deluxe edition”. It is astonishing that you guys appear to be just fine with the way the game is right now.

extensive arguments = karen

good one mate

publicly disagreeing with something =/= karen

Actual 80 iq take

still more than your 8 iq post KAREN

this part killed me

the irony is beautiful

the only irony is that you are still here crying about the boost

Oh dude, didn’t you know? GMs and other representives have no way to contact the devs or anyone else working at the game.
Why else would they tell US to use the ingame feedback option to “notify” the devs about major bugs.

When the german servers got translated by mistake and made a mess with addonfolders, etc. they told us we should mass report it ingame, that way it will get to the devs easier/faster/saver. Not sure exactly what the phrasing was.

It just shows how unimagenable inconvinient everything is for everyone, if the support, that gets payed to keep direct contact with the player and would have the best image of the current situation of the community… can’t even send a priority mail to a dev, when it comes to REGIONWIDE BUGS that have major impact on the game, that has to be fixed asap. It’s just sad.
I think even the monthly cost of the game starts to be too much with the constant degrading quality of the game and complany that developes it.

TBC announcement was the worst time I ever had in WoW. Not playing for 2 month in phase 2, because of perma corpse camping and 8 to 10 hours queues starting from noon.
The TBC deluxe edition is the same price as retail deluxe edition. Just that the game is just already finished and done. They did almost nothing with the games. The “changes” we got are just balance changes that the original devs did later on(and considered it a refined form of the game) or was suggested by the community, which mostly are also just later changes bringing forward.
The current devs gave us: 70$ Deluxe edition for free mounts on every alt, 40$ free character boost to save 5k Gold and a lot of time to get a free profession slave, “enough time to level our shamans/palas”, unless ofc another MMO wants to “TEEEEEEESST” their game and they felt threatend. Gosh, all those poor shamans in our guild that are completely burned out already and still have the whole TBC launch after without a day break. Great introduction, unique feature to classic to have shamans and palas early for opposite faction, that completely changes raid meta while prepatch. This is somethign that we never had before. And it’s 2 weeks. We can’t even get the raid together, because people are so burned out from 24 hours leveling as shamans or boosting guildies that want a shaman, pvp grinding for honor/marks in preperation for TBC and… ofcourse… people who just want a break before TBC, because they were raiding for 2 years straight and planned to take a break for 2 weeks before TBC… well … with the mindset to have actualy 4-6 weeks of prepatch.
Oh yea, also chronoboon. Awesome introduction to the game. Classic Era is destined to die with their “marketing strategy” and in Prepatch, it’s even bugged. Unironically the best unique change, that wasn’t part of vanilla, that actually fought major problems that the game had for many month, was introduced weeks before prepatch. We had days with this boon, after many many months without it.
And blizzard is so grateful and gave us DMF again. They even say “we know how much you like it, so we bring it back for the last week of prepatch” With boon it isn’t too bad anymore to try to sneak it out there. Just a few more gold you have to pay to get DMF also in your boon. Oh, well. Doesn’t matter, because DMF gets purged in Naxx. They definitily know why we LOOOOVEEEE Dmf. It’s for our level 5 gnome alt, that you walk over to mulgore in 3 hours for the extra sweet 10% damage while leveling. Can’t believe I took 2 hours extra time to get DMF on my main just to instantly lose it the moment I pop it. And ZG, also downgraded once in the boon, it’s better to keep ZG unbooned. Just sad. Makes my favorite quality of life change of the game absolutely useless once again and leaves me pretty much with nothing left I currently enjoy about the game.

I am like a broken record, I don’t care to keep repeating myself, but I care for what they do with this game. I lost so much fun with the game, just with the direction blizzard is pulling it to. And people will just buy this stuff, because it’s just ingame advantages. People payed 40 accounts to farm frostgiants ekos for thousands of gold per hour. Ofcourse everyone with a rather solid job and some brain would not take a level 58 character for just money.
Guildmember bought their deluxe edition even on completely seperated accounts to have the extra mounts and boost.
It’s just pay2win. And not putting money in the game is just an disadvantage. In a world where min/maxing is the meta, there is no reason not to do it, no matter how much you hate it. And people are loving it for the same reason. It’s just ingame advantages for real money instead of time and effort.

And the most hurtful thing is, that blizzard keeps telling us.
“We are listenting to your feedback”. Especially after this cloning service scam they tried to pull of.
There is absolutely no community behind blizzard anymore. There is just buyer and seller, the shared bond of having the best and most succesful game there is, is gone long time ago. There are just those people complaining and those people who tell others to stop complaining, because they are not affected by it. Until those person is affected by something and no one cares for their opinion.

I hate what this game become. And with TBC being one of my best memories from my past, I feel like a first born child is getting massacred in front of me and I am helpless to help. I will definitely not try wotlk. At this time, TBC will already be close to retail with ingame purchases and gold buying/selling over wow tokens etc.
Everyone who still doesn’t believe that this super expensive “services” isn’t the first step for a fullfledged ingame shop over the duration of this expansion, still has to much hope into this bloodsucking company.


I know that the CMs dont have “access” to the DEV team. My comment regarding this CMs response was merely born out of anger and passion for TBC.

Like yourself, i consider TBC the best version of WoW as well and i wholeheartedly agree, that Activision messed the launch of the prepatch and the expansion itself up. Their only reason was to screw up other coming MMOs and to boost their Q2 a little bit more. And the sad thing is, that it works. Look at all those fools buying the DE and boosts and whatnot.

tbh any CM who behaves like this should be instantly fired. its extremly unproffesional and shows how weak blizzard is as company .

I’ll give you a like due to

Priceless :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Not sure if you are trolling or not^^but there is no need to go that far.

Well you did knowing buy the MT in an era of hatred to MTs and in this instance the MT your purchased is full of badges that say “look at me - I bought the MT and lined the pockets of greedy Blizz who are now more likely to add more MTs”.

It’s painting a big target on your head for those that like it or not will express their dislike for people fuelling the model.

that isn’t what irony means.

Thy irony is you crying and calling others “Karen”


You kinda hadd me until the death charger and scarab lord. Good one.

how about responding to actual threads with proper concerns instead of just posting a meme bait picture on a troll thread?

but i guess that’s too much to ask right, gotta make sure the TBC moneycows go brrrrrr

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I mean we kind of already established that criticising something doesn’t = crying but ok, stick to your 3head take.

another karen detected

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I’d say make the deluxe edition cost 7000euro for a boosted character with duel-glaives!
i’m pretty sure some will buy that xd

Not in the way you are karendodger

The OP of this thread is the definition of entitlement :smiley: