Considering suing blizzard

This is bait.
/spit you boosted ape.

Good haul so far?


Legendary reply from Blue.


How is this legendary? While i have no idea what this thread is about (i stopped reading after “i bought the deluxe edition”, i can understand the frustration towards blizzard. There are currently so many bugs and many other mistakes.

I know the blue guy here is probably just a CM or whatever, but i find his attitude towards a (too much) paying customer very unprofessional. It does not matter if the OP is a doofus. (which he obviously is, since he bought the deluxe edition)

If the blue guy has time to post some silly pictures, he should go and give the dev team a stern talking to instead of browsing the forums.


Lmao I knew you’d buy it.

I find this attitude a great relief. This makes me as a paying customer very happy and makes me want to continue to support them and their game.


You find the CM’s attitude unprofessional? Oh boy you should have seen back in the day when the devs stood on stage telling players to literally “get better”

Go away snowflake.


You do realize that CM’s have absolutely no say in what the development team does?

As for the OP,
:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

“…will isntantly be flooded with hate whispers from poor people, god this community is awful.”

You deserve all the hate and /spit you get. I would /spit on you too and believe me… i’m far from being poor.


hmmmm thats something a poor person would say

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It’s an obvious joke and you don’t get it?

It’s obviously a satire post.

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Sounded legit until the scarab lord part tho imo

Cringe troll thread and of course we will see a blue post on a troll thread. Answering real threads is overrated anyways.

karen detected


Ahaha you people are funny the least.
It’s like you didn’t know what you were buying. I’m not defending Blizzard, they are a money grabbing company, that’s a fact but I cannot stop laughing at “whales” like you.

How am I a “Karen”? I calmly voiced my opinion about a post. And I am correct as well. The state of the game is not very good at the moment, so employees should maybe do something else with their time than making “snarky” comments about a customer. Even if it´s just a CM with no real say.

As far as i understand it, your “Karens” are almost always loud and irrational. Maybe you should get your insults straight, before using them on someone.

it’s also painful how woefully un-self aware Karens are…

The comment wasn’t snarky and you constantly reminding us that the OP is a ‘customer’ is right out of the Karen playbook.

Very easy to claim you were ‘calm’ in a text format.

Finally, the blue post was funny and deserved. The OP’s post is obvious bait. I don’t know if you actually bothered to read it before getting triggered on their behalf.

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It’s this employee’s job to interact with the player base.

They interacted with the player base.

They didn’t interact the way you wanted them to. You are upset.

Would you perhaps like to speak to Tritambarum’s manager?

And calls others “Karen”

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: