Constant Crashes - The memory could not be “read”

Hi guys,

I’ve been playing this game pretty much from the very start on various systems. All been working fine. This morning I am bombarded with…

The instruction at “0x00007ff7abcf8a37” referenced memory at “0xffffffffffffffff”.
The memory could not be “read”.

Why on earth is this!?

My system has more than enough memory, I’m running an RTX4080 so there should be no problems what so ever! I have been playing on this system for months without issue.

Annoying to say the least! Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated!!


Got same issue at my Razer Blade 16, never got any crashes with the game. After this morning update it all got crazy

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Absolutely sucks!!

In a strange way though I’m glad it’s not just on my end. Looks like they done gone messed this one up again! I know there are always going to be teething problems with updates and expansions but this is making it pretty much unplayable, especially in group content!

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Same here. All characters crash for what seems to be no specific reason. Tried to disable addons etc. Nothing has worked yet.

Same here.

Tried to disable all Addons as that apparently helps but I crash within about 20 seconds of logging in.

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I have exactly the same problem!

I never had this issue until today´s weekly reset. After this, it all went crazy…

I managed to tweak it a little bit by turning off “Advanced work submit” and “Optional GPU features”. U turned it off and now the games has not crashed for 40mins (still counting). Before this, it all crashed within 10 minutes, in some zones (Emerald Dream) it was an instant crash.


Same here,

Here is the screen of my error:
ht tps://

I too have this issue! Mine started today with the pre-event happening, I participated in it once. It crashed once during it, and since I’ve left the area, it crashes constantly. Right upon booting into the game it gives the same error. (Didn’t have any issues before today.)

Reinstalling the graphical driver did not help. Scan and repair didn’t help either. Any addons have been disabled.

Edit: This is on win10, 64 bit. RTX 4060 TI.

ht tps://

Edit: I gave it a little bit, and was able to log into the game now after ~15 mins. Haven’t changed anything since, so no idea what’s causing it and why. Going to leave this post up though, maybe the event is causing the crashes.

Edit2: Some 20 minutes later after the first edit, I’ve crashed again. Different character, in Shadowmoon valley this time as I was levelling up my rogue. Definitely some weird server issue going on.

ht tps://

Edit3: And another crash, couldn’t even play for 2 minutes.

It’s not related to addons, myself and others in a different thread turned off all addons and the crashes still happen, sometimes it takes 10 minutes or more but the crashes will happen. They screwed up something during the server maintenance.


Try disabling Advanced Work Submit and Optional GPU Features in the graphics settings. This (maybe?) worked for me, because after disabling I am now on for 2 hours already without any signs of crashing. Game looks a bit worse but I suppose it is better than crashing before they fix it

EDIT: I turned these things back on and it crashed immediately. So this is surely the fix for me at least. I guess I will play the game rather pixelated than crashing all the time.


ht tps://

Initially I only disabled Advanced Work Submit and crashed in 10 minutes again, now I’ve disabled both. So far it’s running, fingers crossed!

2 of my characters can not be played anymore, it crashes when logging into them instantly. Good thing MoP Remix provided me with 14 other max level toons.

please fix this so I can play my main again…

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Disable Advanced Work Submit and Optional GPU Features in the graphics settings.

**Pin this to the top! **

Both my characters that wer crashing now work again with this disabled! Thanks to others for pointing this out!


i cannot log into the game… even my battle tag stay on conencting…
i tried to restart it several times. that didnt work out.
i tried to log in the game manual without app, that also didnt work?
am i the only one with this problem?

Try disabling Advanced Work Submit and Optional GPU Features in the graphics settings.

Where are these settings?

At the top of the options menu to the right is a search bar, if you type them in they’ll show up. You can also find them under Options → Systems → Graphics → Wayyyy at the bottom. Below advanced. Under compatibility settings.

ht tps://


changing those settings didnt work out for me…:frowning:
also my battle tag cannont connect to any server.

Just wanted to say that disabaling those options worked for me.

Thank you for those people, much smarter that I am, who figured it out!


Having issues with b-net is a different issue then what is talked about in this thread. Might wanna make another thread.

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