Constant Crashes - The memory could not be “read”

Hi again,
So after few tests I’ve disable “Optional GPU features” and since few hours no crash meet.
But the rendering and graphics are more poor and they are ugly.
So when I disable “Optional GPU features” these next graphics options are OFF:

Anti-Aliasing —> OFF
Multisample Techniques —> OFF
Multisample Alpha Test —> OFF
Ambient Occlusion Type —> OFF

So yes with “Optional GPU features” OFF I have no crashes but my WOW is downgraded and not beautiful.
I hope that for the official release of The War Within Blizzard will be fix this problem because I don’t want begin TWW with a WOW is downgraded and not beautiful.
I play with WOW since Vanilla and it’s the time that I meet this problem and it’s not normal to downgraded and not beautiful just for get around this bug who appear since this last upgrade from today.