TLDR: every spec in game should have a passive ability which is active only in specific content type (raid, m+, pvp) which adjusts class/spec stats accordingly to the needs of the content, which will make lesser usable specs more usable in those types of content. (this prevents balance changes in other aspects of the game)
meta was always there and will be always there in a way (but not necessarily). and because wow is a very complex game and m+ wasn’t initially planned the game wasn’t designed around it. and so it comes what some specs/classes doesn’t really fit into that type of content (gameplay) or are less effective than others but having own strengths which are better in other type of content, this problem can’t be solved universally (making the class good in any type of content without making it just plain OP).
the game should have spec/content specific passive abilities which adjusts most basic stats of the character, like a overall buff (or nerf) to the class/spec.
right now “meta” is around utility/usefulness which is totally fine but then the class/spec with lower utility must have just more plain stats like +Overall Damage% / +Damage Reduction% so they are more buffed which increases they usefulness in dungeon (they deal more damage than the utility counterparts and require less healing)
for example right now VDH has great utility and the best damage of all tanks. the direct question is why? it’s literally OP. classes like VDH should have moderate damage or even lower because of their overall utility/usefulness and specs like brewmaster/prot warrior should pump damage and be more tanky. this all should be adjusting according to content type, right now i am talking about dungeons. this way you could in very short term balance most classes/specs and make them more viable in the specific content type without breaking them in others.
the 2 counterparts are
Utility <==> Damage/Tankiness
the “stupid” specs should just pump the most, and the specs with awesome utility should be in the direction of supports (i am not telling to nerf them hard but there should be an ideological adjustment, great example are retr paladins they are balanced, have great utility and decent damage, but not more)
applying it to reality you could choose some baseline what is “fine” (damage wise/survivability) and adjust specs stats according to their effectiveness in the current content type.
so for example you don’t nerf any good specs but just buff the one which are not, so their overall effectiveness is closer to the top specs (as mentioned it’s easily done by increasing specs +overall damage% and +damage reduction% / + healing% depending on the needs, in most cases you don’t need to introduce more complex stats/conditions but you could with the passive ability)
this is a very simple and clean way to make almost any spec viable. i really like how the reworked warlocks and hunters are fitting in m+ and this should be the case for any spec, some just need more damage/tankiness thats it.
it should feel like…
“i have a pala tank great! he can heal me, dispel me, save me in critical situation, and even resurrect, i feel really safe and comfy, but the damage isn’t that great but we will make it up”
“i have a warr tank, this will be a quick one. he just blasts like no other tank, because it’s the only real thing what he provides” and this difference between specs should be noticeable, and not like +10% dps, it should be in range of 25-50% depending on spec overall effectiveness, so you have a reason to make a comp around it. if you “overbuff” you can always reduce the values until it’s not OP but viable. right now it’s not the case with many specs.