I’d rather see them provide utility to classes like warrior, who atm brings almost nothing to a group. Just buffing damage and having up to 50% disparity between the tanks just means that the low damage tank wont’ be picked and the dps/healer meta will just shift to make up for the lost utility.
I think it would be more fun with added utility options in the early parts of the class trees, and with all the systems and borrowed power we had over the years I see no reason to not give classes like warrior more group utility. If we can have Death Knights turn into blue faeries and blink around as a translucent horse, I think we can live with warriors having a bloodlust/CR and and perhaps something else with their shouts.
I don’t think homogenization is bad with the current game design. If Blizzard wants to have dungeons and affixes that requires all these things, then they should expand the toolkit for classes that gets left behind. Or they could balance the dungeons more where you don’t have 80% of mobs requiring interrupts and instead a better mix between mobs who cast stuff and those that simply melee the tank really hard, which is an area where prot warrior is great (or at least they used to be. I haven’t really played mine much the last few expansions).
If it was up to me I’d give all tanks a CR, because they are the least likely to die in most situations and it makes the most sense to give them the ability to CR. It’s not that hard to give it some class flavor to make it fit into the game.
Same goes for giving all healers Bloodlust.
For warriors specifically I’d maybe put some extra effect into the shouts.
- Bitter immunity for example could work on up to 4 party members, and maybe also work on magic considering it has a 3 min CD.
- Spear of Bastion could have a silence effect on it, or maybe have Disrupting Shout do it if you want the utility for tanks.
Just off the top of my head. I think it’s just one of these subjects where Blizzard are too stubborn to update specs to fit better into their current game design. Warrior are still stuck on “Me angry. Me smash” design.