Content specific Class/Spec - Buffs/Nerfs (Passive Abilities)

where i wrote to add utility? dmg red% is a stat just as dmg%
passive ability just provides bonuses.

utility is a button which you press to get some temporal effect. (active ability)

Yeah, like boping someone. Like -10% damage reduction totem.

Like Zephir. Like healer externals (not direct healing).

Like mage shields. Like Rally cry.

All that are stats. With a CD though.

So you want to trade DPS for a defensive permanently or with a CD?

So on top of Damage, and on TOP of “utility with a CD”, you want to add another layer of complexity with permanent DR stats?

That layer of complexity exists already. And that is why classes that stack vers as their main stat tend to have an over representation in higher keys. Simply because they survive mess-ups easier.

yes for wow andys you can explain it like free (extra) versa for some specs/classes. but it’s not directly that way. but effect is similar.

If the effect is similar, then you will get similar results.

+5% verse to a class is “sort of” buffing damage by 5% across the board.

Blizz already does it.

And so what you are asking is to buff beyond balance the damage of underrepresented classes.

DH was underrepresented. Damage + surivi buff is literally what blizz did. Its meta now.

So your happy that Blizz is doing exactly what yo are suggesting right?

You are just bummed out they did not do it with warrior, the class you main.

I get where your going. :slight_smile:

Augmentation is not anymore mandatory tbh. Not untill +30 keys tbh. I can totally find myself in this, +28 - 32 keys are only played by people for the 0.1 % title anyway not for people like me or u.

Its good that blizzard did it tbh. Next season i want brewmaster and prot warrior to be meta i dont care tbh. A meta u will always have top classes people need to realise this.

Hehe, thrash…

they should do it accordingly to different content types, and iterate faster. so it’s more evenly balanced (relative) after several weeks not months or year. dh has great utility for m+, thats why damage should be lower, survivability is fine cause hes melee. as i said you buff, everyone begins to play and you begin to nerf it a bit back, until it’s not meta anymore but you don’t overnerf it, small incremental steps. as i wrote ret pala is perfect example. if other “utility” specs would deal less damage he would become more relevant.

You are just bummed out they did not do it with warrior, the class you main.
I get where your going.

no. i am for any underrepresented spec. it would make runs more fun and diverse. (and you wouldn’t lose a lot effectiveness)

Its good that blizzard did it tbh. Next season i want brewmaster and prot warrior to be meta i dont care tbh. A meta u will always have top classes people need to realise this.

no. “everyone” should be “meta” and it’s doable. everyone who says the opposite has no idea about balancing the game, ofc someone will be more in favor but you could compensate this for others so they have their place and it’s more a question of preference.

dh was skyrocketed into meta that shouldn’t be the case, or as i wrote you relative quickly nerf him back so hes just good.

about warr and utility, he has great aoe silence (taunt with interrupt) =) but the cooldown for no reason is 1.5 mins you could lower it to 30 secs and it would be almost the same as pala/vdh silence but they don’t do it for years, but m+ content requires it. i was always wondering why the cd is so huge it makes no logical sense because it’s just a aoe taunt (with talent an interrupt)
on such things you can clearly see stuff i balanced by incompetent staff. who does max 15-20 keys where you literally just do your rotation and you time it.

everyone whos protecting blizzard’s decisions is a mental loser and is supporting the toxic environment. same as the one who is against removing key depletion (or keys at all) etc.

Man just stop crying there are protection warriors with 3675 rio doing +29 keys, same with destruction warlocks with 3664 rio, survival hunter same story so yes u can say those classes are fine. Maybe some people are just bad simple as that.

no you don’t get it, they fix (if ever) things too slow. TOO SLOW. it all can be done much faster and better. and everyone would be happier, feel more comfy. it’s not about particular some one, but everyone.

and yes stop whining and continue to eat zhit, thats the mindset of pillars of the society. when you could improve things, just don’t do anything and wait when something happens on it’s own.

and all those high rio players have high skills players who plays with them. in some way you can say they are boosted or better to say they are not gated by meta and other players because they have someone to play with. did you wait 2 hours to get into a key? if no then don’t talk here.


Your entire idea behind classes and specs having a difference in utility and damage is hard to balance, since both class fantasy and already existing abilities, utility and DMG profile expectations have to be kept in mind.

Additionally. buffing some specs with a ludicrous +25-50% in dungeons specifically, as the example you gave with having different specs specializing in certain fields (DMG, Utility, mobility, etc).
That would make META specs and fotm even more predominant.
I remember a time in BFA I think, when prot warrior was busted, mainly because it’s damage profile was bigger than the other tanks.
And a time on shadowlands when prot paladins did as much if not more single target damage, than dps. While still being a tank. AND having the utility on top.

And because of their numbers being tweaked higher than the other tanks, they were automatically picked more often, or favoured over other tanks.

From my understanding, META mainly revolves around DMG profiles, with a
Utility being a plus but not as important.

Utility being sigils, stuns, silences, skips, etc. To ease or skip certain parts of encounters.
But with higher pushing groups, utility is not as required when a group is well coordinated and rehearsed in the dungeons. Since why usually see high DMG specs being used to clear a dungeon faster (Mw, Holy Pal in Sl, Unholy in BFA, DH, Aug, Fire in BFA, etc)

And the META i am referring to, is minmaxing specs to do the hardest content in the game, which automatically changes the community perception of what to “play to perform”.

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i explained, you buff then nerf until it’s not TOO good. but just good. if anyone clearly stands out - nerf a bit.

so your suggestion is to do nothing? great huge post about nothing. my suggesion is to iterate fast and address things how they really are and not on the paper. on paper +20% damage may seem a lot but in really (overall damage at the end of dunge run and considering utility time saved by it) it may be not. you need adjust balance according to reality not someone’s fantasies and assumptions.

My post was specifically to call out that having a big damage difference will make the META even more pronounced. Not to give my own suggestions.

it will balance out things, if damage is TOO high you just nerf it. it’s very simple and another dude told me what damage doesn’t matter xDD you should decide does it matter or not. (ofc it does because all dungeons are timer limited, but some 0iq andys think otherwise, the other important aspect is surviving the dungeon, but this aspect goes after damage cause if you have insane damage you can allow you to wipe if in the end you manage to kill all stuff in time)

for example yesterday we wiped on 26wm on second boss most would just leave we continued to play and timed it (damage was good).

and in bfa problem with prot warr was the mastery stacking after that they introduced diminishing returns for secondary stats. just bad borrowed power design. and also target caps. sl 1 was giga nerfed and unfun to play for any tank except dh. (and yes prot warr in bfa should have been nerfed as well cause it was too dominant, it applies to everyone)

I agree on your every take. Just stop wasting your energy on people with no IQ. If I wasted my energy in this game and irl like that (and I know I can’t change a thing about it, or any problem) I’d literally go mad and start cussing at everyone (which would make me the bad guy for some reason).
Enjoy the game as it is, if you can… maybe they’ll do something in the future. Half of them arguing with you actually have the same opinion as you but they like to be known as “smart” with making sure they don’t say anything against the game and the current meta so they wouldn’t be flagged by the community. (kinda like voting for Biden)

Play the game for your own fun and try to adjust to the way it is right now. You’ll be happier.

nah i don’t really care much, i just posting my observation over the years, cause many don’t do or can’t express it right. i can quit the game and don’t bother much. i just want to get 3.5K and improve some stuff before i go.

it’s bit offtopic but one day i want to do my own m+ game (timed dungeons, mechanically very close to wow) without all this cancer where it’s more about fun and skill of players (and not various gatings).

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