Continuous Issue of being stuck on Loading Screens

ditto. World server down

Have the same issue as everyone else all of sudden. Never had any issues prior to this but been getting stuck at 70% on loading screens followed by the “world server is down” prompt when trying to log into any character on any realm atm

Worked fine 2 hours ago and nothings changed on my end so hope they fix it soon

Was playing without issues, now the same is happening to me as well. Can even get into the game, it’s stuck in the initial loading screen when entering world. tried also different realm, but it didn’t help.

I managed to get back into the game. Enter the same portal to Silithus and now frozen at 0%

Itt will be smthing with the server side…

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I got the same issue, stuck on the loading screen and progess bar over 70% then return back and popup - server is down.
For what i spend fk money bliz? day to day I hate you more and more

We are aware of an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in slow or failed login attempts. We are currently investigating the cause and will provide updates as they are available.

Is this related by any chance?

nooo way :)))

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I think so,since many people try to alt+f4,restart their pc,or just restart bnet.

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Same here, couldn’t even login here after using the authenticator…

It seems like this issue is affecting all players… Server seems to be down…

Wow what a way to spend my few hours that i have free in the whole day after work to have this issue from the Blizzard side ruin my evening… Thanks!


Guys, good news! It worked for me now, im in game.

Try not to teleport… .:smiley:

now i am stuck with the 100% progress bar, jajaja

I experienced the same issue a few minutes ago. I don’t know if I found a possible workaround but I’ve changed servers and tried to log in there. It stoped at 70% and after a while it got an error message saying the server is down. After that went back to my main server and it loaded after 2 attempts.

Logged in on an alt in Outland, worked.

Logged mains in any major location, didn’t work.

Same happened to me and my friend, we can log back into the dungeon we finished, but as soon as we try to leave we get stuck on loading screens, same with other characters who are in the main world. My friend was able to load and play in the DH starting area. Hope this gets fixed soon ^^

I finished playing classic for the night (all zones and instances working as intended), then tried logging into retail with no success. EarthenRing and DarkmoonFaire, characters in different parts of the world (Zandalar, Pandaria, Stormwind, Garrison), all stuck on loading screen and then World Server Down error message.
Interesting thing is though, I could log back into classic with no problems, which gives me the feeling the issue is not on my end.

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i logged in :slight_smile: try guys maybe they fixed it

And this is the “#”&¤" that I pay for… add a few hours to my game time please for all the f**kn bugs that interfere!

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