Continution - vote kick Deserter buff

For starters, I have to create another topic as the original one got closed down - without us being given a reason for that. Continuing the discussion from DK players with negative IQ:

Agreed - in general, people’s ability to lead a discussion without being personally attacking, vulgar or, simply put, toxic in any way, is questionable at best. One might still argue that when given a rank (MVP in this case, whatever it means regarding the forums - I haven’t been much active here so far to actually know it beyond the general meaning of the shortcut), one should be prepared for a higher level of toxicity and be able to withstand it - and I know from personal experience, both RL and virtual, this is not always easy to do…but I also know that locking a topic straight away, even if you feel like it’s a thing that you have explained a milion times, is not the way to go - providing the discussion isn’t really just trolling, hating Blizzard and so in, which, in my opinion, it wasn’t.

Deserter after being kicked should be removed immediately, period. The only thing that could be abused if it wasn’t there is someone just porting out of the dungeon and not leaving - but at that point, he is to blame for being a j**k, not the entire system for being stupid in the first place.

I do agree with that, more or less - most posts are about removing the thing, not adjusting it. My personal opinion, however, is that there is no other way - unless we / Blizz / literally whoever think of a technical way to recognise abusers (those people that, as you quite adequately put, hold the rest of the group hostage), we are presented with only two suboptimal possibilities:

  • either we say that we risk punishing “innocents” (people who are doing nothing wrong and get vote kicked) in order to be sure that the abusers won’t go unpunished
  • or we risk letting abusers go unpunished, but at least won’t punish innocents unjustly.

Profesionally speaking, I’d go with option number two any time - for me, convicting an innocent is far worse than letting a guilty guy go free (and please, keep this civil - we’re not talking about letting a serial killer walk). Also, since a lot of people just are what they are and will abuse the **** out of everything, minmax the same thing out of everything and pour hate to anyone who doesn’t play in whichever way they consider the only correct one, we can be sure that if we go with option one, it won’t be one innocent griefed, it will be lots of them. Put that together with legitimate kick reasons (for example getting UK / Nexus at lvl 79, ruining the dungeon for all the lower lvls /200xp per kill, I have posted in a topic about that recently/) and you have a situation that Blizzard knowingly risks putting a Deserter on customers who did nothing wrong, preventing them from enjoying a part of the game, justifying it by “there are abusers and we don’t want them to walk. You’re just a collateral damage, suck it up”…and I don’t consider this right, even should it mean just leaving a more or less free way for abusers. The cost of “catching” them is just too high - in my opinion.

So yeah, the posts are about cancelling the debuff in this case, not adjusting the system. Thing is…with the two wrong option we have (and sadly, I don’t see a third one that would work, removing the Deserter on those vote-kicked is the lesser evil, literally. At least I think so and obviously am not alone, but of course, a poll among more gamers would be needed before making a conclusion as to what people actually prefer.

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I would like to chime in that I have no moderation powers and the lock was entirely done after about a half dozen offensive posts were removed and the thread was going off-rail too often.

You raise good points about the dungeon system but with the overburdended moderation I cannot see Blizzard shift to reporting the VTK reason and the moderation thereof as an example or other proposed systems.

I think the XP part was unintended side-effect because of “powerlevelling” in HC mode where they could safely cruise through it and still receive full XP. This was then patched for all dungeon modes :thinking: causing a ripple effect of unwanted players reduced XP and dungeon matchmaker not taking into account of that due increased parameters.

If it would it also increases queue timers so I’d propose unnerfing it as long as the party members are queued solo as opposed to premade.

I strongly believe that if there’s any actual feedback we would like to give about the topic we should do so through the suggestion box.

I think it’s important to give Blizzard feedback through proper channels so they can keep improving this wonderful game.

Apologies, then, didn’t know either of those things and since you’re the only one with some semblance of rank, I jumped to conclusion. My bad.

Yeah, the RDF level issue would have several possible fixes…that’s the less complicated issue :slight_smile:

“DK players with negative IQ.”
Ye no idea why that got closed, a mystery.
Don’t think Sherlock Holmes could solve this one. Scooby Doo maybe?
Call in Inspector Gadget for that investigation.

It’s absolutely blank here, can’t imagine why.

Your guess is as good as mine.

It was before HC, those adjustements were done in the end of TBC classic to nerf low lvl boosts, but now it’s not so important because we have unlimited lvl80 boost in the shop, so now this change can be removed.

The mods on this forum are babys. I recently got timed out for quoting pulp fiction. Grow some facial hair will ya

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