Convenant ability problem

Just watched Preach’s interview with Ion and I can’t simply understand why Blizzard can’t accept the fact that they are introducing flawed(or almost) systems.
You can’t blame the community for being so pissed and frustrated after what we endured during Legion and BfA, flawed systems on top of the systems, grind and much more. Ion said that they didn’t like introducing the option to respec your azerite armor. Because why should you keep a piece of gear that is good in more situations and you can respec it when you can farm days for another piece of gear: this sounds like fun.

I really hoped for the Convenants to be a story and cosmetic choice. But it is not.
I understand their philosophy, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t like the fact that if I want my character to perform better I have to choose a convenant that I dislike. I will have to create the same class and run a different convenant for cosmetics: that sounds like fun.

My solution:
Let us select a convenant we like and give us the option to choose from all abilities. We can choose the pairs like they are in the game right now.
‘But that will ruin the immersion, and, and you can’t implement such things and bla bla’
I agree, it’s not easy, but all you have to do is to change the names and aesthethics of the spells.

Let’s say I’m a priest and I choose Venthyr. I want the abilities pair that right now is at the Night Fae. The furry transformation and Fae Blessing.
Instead of transforming in a furry, I will transform in a swarm of bats, and instead of being surrounded by helpful spirits I will be surrounded by helpful spirits but with a gothic look. It’s just white pixels right now, turn them red.
Same goes with the the Necrolords, you can transform in some sort of abomination. Wouldn’t that give immersion?

Ok and if you want another pair of abiliies? Respec for a amount of gold(preferabily) or anima. Let’s take the gold for example, you start with the classic low amount of gold : 50 and it can increase to 1000. The maximum amount can be debated, we want something high, but something that a casual player can affort.

I wouldn’t mind the respec of the convenants, because what I described here requieres a lot of work, but right now we don’t know how hard it will be to rejoin a convenant. I don’t want to grind weeks because I went to a convenant for some sweet single target damage and now I want to run M+ and I need the one that I had before.

Have a great day!

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Wait, you guys are respecing your azerite gears? why…Ion was totally right on azerite pieces. It doesn’t/didn’t need respecing option for purpos of you constantly respecing it around. Only reason for respecing azerite pieces would when you take wrong one or the stats change.

Not necessarily, it shouldn’t too hard to implement (some buttons in the soulbind interface, change the effect visuals with a new tint, nothing gamebreaking).

Two issues tho :

  • Class abilities shouldn’t have a crazy impact on your performances. One ability on a 2min CD won’t suddenly make up 50% of your dps in the long run. Instead soulbinds and maybe the covenant specific legendaries Ion previously talked about (not confirmed yet tho) should still have a bigger impact on your performances

Even if you get the abilities, what makes you think you still won’t have to pick a specific covenant for performances ?

  • Some in the community actually appreciate having to make a choice with actual weight and consequences. Your suggestion to a difficult choice is actually to make it as irrelevant as possible so that it no longer matters.

That’s not an improvement imo. You don’t make a choice better by taking away a big part of what made it interesting in the first place.

Out of curiousity, just how big do you imagine the gap between covenants to be in order to feel forced to pick one rather than the other ?

The Azerite reset cost was something a casual could easily afford, yet if anything it proves that a cost isn’t enough to incentify players to not use it over and over again. It already failed once, why would this work this time around ?

An interview claimed they were thinking about around 2 weeks iirc, so that you may do it between tiers or if you really want to but not for the sake of performances.

People were respeccing azerite gear at the start because they play multiple roles.

This was “fixed” by getting the same item piece and keeping it alongside that one.
Which defeats the purpose of having stats switchable between them: Int converts to strength when i switch from holy to ret.

This is a degenerate solution for a problem Blizzard let occur. They thought the price was a deterrent, apparently for some it wasn’t and Ion even acknowledged this in the interview.

If the azerite powers were locked to your spec and switching them made the gear have them for your then current spec, this wouldn’t have been an issue.

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No we dont respeec we litterary just have 20 different azerite pieces in our inventory at all times for different occasions. Like this system DID NOT work out.

I can, and do.

If any of the people actually quit during BFA like they said they were going to do then we wouldn’t be having these horrifically negative discussions and blizzard wouldn’t be hiring 2,500 more developers.

Haha no we dont. Most people just have their best 3 azerite items for their main spec than 3 worse for offspec. If you think most people drag around 20+ items in invetory then you are truly delusional.

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You don’t even play the game anymore, why are you talking like you know what people have in their inventory?

When I said “we” I dont mean most. So please dont assume so. But everyone I play with. And we sure do run around with mastery sets contra haste and different azerite sets for different content. And as far as I am aware. It is not that uncommon as you make it seem.

I do play the game.

Did a survey of peoples bags did you?

Didn’t think so. Stop making stuff up.

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And you did survey of people bags? To claim this?

I’m not making a claim, I’m simply saying you have no justification for yours. Is that too complicated for you?

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I have common sense. You truly beliave that majority of players what spends their 1-2 hour a day doing world content/LFR/LFG and transmog runs have 20+ azerite items in their bags so they can min max? M i only one who think is such stupid assumption?

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Yes, cuz it is not one based in reality. Pages like bloodmallet, warcraftlogs, simcraft etc etc gets MILLION hits a month. I think you are severely underestimating how many people are doing this.

Those hits are not unique players.

even if u devide it by 10 its still a significant number, massive in fact.

It isnt its pretty mall number compared to rest of playebase.

We’re getting to the point where we’re losing meaning because we’re going to be arguing over whether 50,1% of people can be proven bla bla.

From my side, every player I know has multiple sets of azerite gear for different specs / situations. On my monk I have them for all 3 specs. On my druid I have them for balance and resto. I’m far from alone in this because I push somewhat hard content and group with likeminded people. I don’t think you as someone who hasn’t even finished lfr is qualified to say how other people approach the game. Majority? Possibly not, but a lot do what I do.

Are you doing mythic+ and raids? Becouse of you do its pretty normal you will bumb into such player far offen. Most people do not run mythic+ and do not run any sort of raiding. Blizzard will always prefer majority having fun over majority what want min max.