Most of the classes can survive / counter it if they use their kit. Some classes has it super easy, for some it’s harder:
mage - block or risk temporal
priest - dispersion
lock - have your pet/pets out (this will redirect some casts to pet), plus timely healthstone /pre-shield
rogue - vanish or dodge
monk - karma
druid - funny thing - they are most vulnerable to convoke, since they have little tools to counter it besides bear/barkskin/staying in stealth
hunter - turtle
shaman - totem / draw out elemental for extra convoke targets
paladin - bubble
warrior - not the strongest class to counter convoke besides reflect/def stance
DK - all the anti magic stuff is enough to keep DK alive, plus all of them are necrolords which gives pre-fleshcraft.
Also you can shadowmeld if you have correct race, and just omegalul see boomie casting heals with convoke.
Difference from sub rogues was - they could 1tap you in 0.1s out of stealth at any time of the fight, which was impossible to counter.
What also people need to understand - convoke (together with incarnation) is a 3min CD and it has to be respected by using defensives. Once you see a paladin with wings rushing to you - you will click some defensives, same with boomie - you need to respect offensives.
If you go by 1v1 , how anyone can counter it’s not a that big of a deal.
It becomes big deal in Rated BG with class stacking…
Or the capability coming as opening after stealth …from somewhere in the map, where you don’t pay attention…
Also…we don’t need one shots of any case…they have nothing to do with skill, it’s too rng…and practicality if it succeeds it takes the game, if it doesn’t …
I’d like that if it was guarantee pressure, with lower cd ,more controlable and not 1 shot.
Saying this… it’s one of the 2 reasons I don’t play my druid now…
If i won’t take it…no rated… If i do i dislike the way it works… Too rng. And it’s only power is class stacking that makes it from upper mid to hero…
What the hell… some of you have done only very casual PvP, or played only one patch on one spec.
Let’s start with the fact that most abilities are on GCD, so the "just use Interrupt, spellsteal, and do your deeps friend, doen’t actually work that well. People also routinely forget that as a Druid, the player can stay in a cat form and not risk getting tunneled from the get go (something that shadow priests are painfully aware of).
You are also not dueling the chicken - you are in active engagement with 2/3 players. The mindset of blowing all your CD in order to survive one overturned spec, in order to have 0 defensives for other specs is hilarious.
Ice block - AKA stay afk for some time, while other players zone on you. I Assume you are talking about Alter time and the shield, which again fall into - blow all of your CD in order to avoid one overtuned ability.
Actually no, you want to greater fade or even void shift if you can, dispersion is a very unreliable thing currentl and you can’t do anything but run within it. I Am surprised you are not talking about Desperate prayer, but i am noticing a pattern.
Why would I do that over using Netherward?
You mean sub rogues. Also hilariously enough classes that have invisibility as baseline are not so easy to catch by other classes with invisibility, shocking.
Best way to beat overtuned stuff, is to bring another overtuned stuff.
Bring a chicken in order to fight other chickens in a mirror match.
AKA the “stop doing anything” button, and this is not the best tool hunters have to deal with that.
Interesting enough, you are a shaman, but don’t mention Astral shift.
Bring the overtuned to fight the overturned
Oh yes, because spell reflect into charge would never work. OR god forbid using ignore pain or other defensive options.
You are clueless at best about DK. No, DK don’t have “all the antimagic stuff” - DK have Anti Magic Shield, Anti Magic Zone, Icebound Fortitude, anti magic enchant, Lichbourne, 1 emergency heal, 2 heals and demand, melee heal (nerfed to hell), not all DK are even Necrolords, and frost has additional shield. All of those defensives and DK are currently the worst PvP spec unless you have a chicken, WW monk, or a prot paladin up your backside to keep you alive.
You can just balance it by restricting it in some way in pvp. How do pvp changes always have to affect pve and vice versa. They did the same thing with mortal strike for warriors 3 weeks ago.
Your answers just shows how closed minded and clueless about other classes you are. And yes it’s better to drop a totem, which will eat all spells for 3s, than use astral shift. As a DK you can also summon pets - they will eat like half of the starsurges that othervise would hit you. If you try to survive boomie with simple dmg reduction CDs it won’t work, you need to be more creative.
If you can’t stand vs convoking boomie - just save yourself and delete the game you simply expect that you should survive boomie without a single defensive when he pops everything (incar, convoke, trinket). After that boomie is just dmg sponge for 3mins. You have to trade vs boomie, simple as that. If you don’t - you die (then ofc post in forums that caster killed melee which shouldn’t be possible).
I understand that for melee it’s bad reputation to die from a caster (oh these destro locks deleting melee back in bfa, and the outcry in forums), but never I have seen a single melee come to forum and say - hey I killed this lock in 3 globals (2 secs), I think my class is to strong.
Been saying it in other posts, and will say it again here:
The problem with convoke isn’t that it’s impossible to deal with. It totally can be dealt with.
The problem lies in how cheap it is. How easy it is to mess up responding to it, and how, quite often, the result of not reacting 100% correctly to it ends up with you instantly dying to a SINGLE ABILITY.
No lone button should have “enemy is very likely to die in less than 2 sec” as part of its function. Even in this over-the-top bursty meta, most other classes have to at least do something besides “hide in stealth at max range, pop convoke and win unless instantly countered”.
It’s trash design in PvP, utter, complete trash. It’s a cheap gimmick that utterly wrecks beginners and discourages them from even trying, and it’s an annoying chore to deal with for more experienced players because they have to plan everything around it.
Convoke should be nerfed to the ground in PvP, and if the druid turns out to be helpless and weak without it, that’s a fundamental screw-up on the class design that should be rectified by buffing their abilities outside of Convoke.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with convoke, most classes have an ability that is exactly as powerful as convoke. If anyone has problem with interrupting a 4 sec channeled spell, they are bad at pvp.
Yes, it is a design flaw. Balance druid is only good because of Convoke + BoaT + Mastery stacking. If you don’t build and play entirely around Mastery, Convoke and BoaT, you will barely pass tanks in dps. If you do, you top the charts. There is no in-between.
This is not unlike BfA where you needed to stack a specific Azerite trait on all your gear and if you did, you were top of the charts. If you didn’t, you might as well not show up to raid and no one on the raid team would tell the difference.
There are very few Balance druids that actually enjoy playing BoaT and having all their numbers tied to one dumb RNG button. There’s prominent Balance druid mains and theorycrafters in the community that openly call for a NERF to BoaT and Convoke and a buff to other leggos just so everybody can play in a different, more fun way without dropping in dps to the level of a hunter pet.
You wanna know what it’s like doing Twisting Corridors as a druid? On double digit floors, my gameplay is: walk down the corridor until I encounter an elite, press Convoke to kill said elite, walk down the corridor until I encounter another elite, GO LITERALLY AFK FOR TWO MINUTES UNTIL CONVOKE IS OFF COOLDOWN, press Convoke, go down the corridor for a bit, encounter an elite… If that’s not degenerate gameplay brought upon by a fundamental spec-warping design flaw, I don’t know what is.
For some reason, the dev team cannot figure out how to balance Balance (badumm pshhh) for two expansions in a row. And the fact that it is an INTERNAL balance issue (ie. problem when comparing abilities and mechanics within the spec) instead of an EXTERNAL balance issue (ie. comparing performance between different classes) it doesn’t get any exposure and pressure for change from the community, people are more invested into pushing for ‘buffs’ that ‘fix’ underperforming specs based solely on numbers. Balance druid numbers are up there when played in the ‘correct’ build so no one cares how dumb, unfun and degenerate the ‘correct’ build is.