Convoke the spirits

Blizzard received alot of feedback that balance is not balanced. spec played worse than in bfa/legion imo. Damage was nerfed multiple time during alpha/beta. Astral power generation was nerfed. We need convoke for burst potential in pve.

classes whining about pvp convoke can use iceblock, tutle, kick, hide or anything else. wtf is your problem :rofl:

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Balance druid dps is good ever since wod, so what are you talking about?

Personally, I liked the BFA moonkin much better than SL. The only good change in SL is starfall.

Eclipse is a very awkward and counterintuitive system. It is not fun at all.

I perefer BFA empowerment system + SL Starfall.

And ofc nerf convoke and make class abilities count. The borrowed power system is a cancel to class/spec balance.

simply if u dont know to interupt that cast u will always die from it

Oh right, because unkillable Priests are soo ok…

Convoke is easy to CC in the arena and in BG is rarely useful so if you can’t CC something it’s on you :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Convoke is rarely a god dps ability and quite frankly Sub Rogues are more reliable one-shots than Convoke ever will be :sneezing_face:

L2P and stop whining and policing niche stuff which lets people have some stupid fun while mostly being useless :smiley:

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I love watching Boomies anywhere just Convoke and cast Thrash like 6 times lol.
So scary!

Real talk, you’re a priest. Silence, aoe fear, Dispersion if shadow, wings/pain suppression yourself if holy or disc… you aren’t supposed to stand there Mind Flaying or Smiting something that’s unloading their entire kit on you. Your entire class is meant to be used, not just your damage abilities. Especially in PvP.
You’ll die to anything that way, especially rogues. Heck, even a warlock or mage will waste you in seconds if you don’t use your kit.

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When I read “Convoke the Spirits” a silhoutte of fat boomkin appears in my mind, hands raised swinging both arms to right and left, someone dying randomly, makes me laugh.

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most common sense nerf to convoke would probably be to either give it the rdruid treatment (it uses less spells if you’re resto), or remove the ability to cast spells that you do not currently “own”.

and sub rogue cc having cooldowns too?
they too do 100-0 in shadow dance


No? BoP from a prot pala is still a BoP.

Shadow dance is 8 seconds long. That’s not exactly a feat. What’s the rogues target doing during those 8 seconds? Cross stitching?

Trinket CS then they’re either forced to blow CP on KS (massive dmg nerf) or they’re forced to waste a global reapplying CS, and they only have 4 secs of the crit leggo from opener.

A sub rogues Shadow dance outside of the crit leggo and shadow blades ain’t that scary. It’s what, 3k or so SS (pre reduction). I’ve thrown hammer of wraths and judgements for more than that at my crappy ilevel

It’s the interaction of shadow blades, the leggo and shadow dance. Just know a sub rogue HAS to pour everything into their stealth opener to kill you quickly so be prepared to trinket and CC them immediately and if you can reapply CC on trinket. If you do that before they revanish, they lose either the leggo buff, shadow blades or both. And they’re always in CC range because they open on top of you.

From the looks of your profile, you’ve never even got over 1600 rating, so you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

Here’s a scenario for 3v3:

Druid/Warrior/Paladin vs whatever else - warrior engages, paladin starts healing, they start hitting the warrior/pala. Druid is stealthed, finds a good moment and pops out ready to nuke, enemy team sees the druid, and position near a wall. Enemy team sees “Incarnation” appear, and immediately line of sight. Anyone with a ranged interrupt keeps it ready to use, and immunities/personals are prepped in order to reduce damage. Incarn ends, druids damage is now reduced, convoke is fairly useless.

Another scenario would be an unholy DK running at your face, and now convoke goes on their army of the dead, trolololol.

In order to land a good convoke in arena, you actually have to line things up properly with stuns, interrupts, bait out personals, and you don’t just insta-pop it, you have to play the properly.

In RBG, you prep the convoke, and half the time it goes on pets or gets really spread due to the fact that there are so many targets, unless you can manage to focus it onto one player by staying out of range of everyone, or by line of sighting everyone you dont want it to go on.

Now take a look at a few of the higher level balance players in arena, and you’ll see they actually have Kyrian. Why? Because they can get 100 Astral Power, pop Kyrian + Incarn, and crit for 18k+ on each Starsurge. And yet you don’t see people complaining about the non-interruptable instant cast nuke that they do, because it’s not as obvious.


:clown_face: yeah so ez

He means “guardian of the ancient queens” a pvp talent.

Lol this is why this forum is so much fun.

Everythings is fine just use every cd you have to counter 1 ability. Convoke can kill you even through it tho…

Im not saying boomkins are number 1 problem in wow. But some of these people here defending it are so funny …people still thinking blizzard read it here? You think blizzard will nerf it because some random dude made a topic about it on EU forum? Stop panic defend your spec you are fine. It will not change anything.

Bookmis are op as af in RBGs they are 1nd spec and top represented even more then healers. Thats issue with boomkins.

i do that and they stun again and again
no only fix is to give them cooldowns on each stun

It is indeed very funny to see people defending these things with ridiculous reasons, lol.

A rogue can only stun you 3 times before you become immune.

As said if you trinket the first cheap shot, their next one can only stun you for 2 secs, and then 1 (if they’re doing this they’re using globals to stun you which means they are wasting their leggo crit and generating half the combo points they would otherwise)
If they kidney shot you (if you trink the CS the Kidney will be maximum 3 sec stun, using all CP) then they have used their CP which means no Eviscerate which is one of the “big bangs” of their opener.

To put it bluntly, if a rogue is keeping you stunlocked and you aren’t trinketing their CS, and you die in the stunlock, clearly the rogue is outgearing you, because it is not possible for them to spend that many globals keeping you stunned AND simultaneously keep the damage high. Every CS they reapply is a Shadowstrike wasted (and the crit) and every KS is a evis wasted. There is no way you should be dying to a rogue that gets maybe one SS and one evis off during a stunlock, no way in hell (even if both crit and we assume NO armour reduction with a huge ilevel and shadowblades, that is a maximum of maybe 20k damage assuming both crit which is not enough to kill a character in gear worse than mine. Maybe a bit more if we assume they used Echoing Reprimand instead of SS.

Now speaking from experience of playing a sub rogue, if I wanted to guarantee a stun-kill on the target a few things needed to be true (may be easier if one is kyrian, i was night fae as originlaly i was outlaw)

  • I needed the crit leggo (every sub has it so w/e
  • They needed to NOT trinket the initial cheap shot so i can unload the 4 secs on them uninterupted.
  • Nobody else needed to interrupt me or otherwise “save” my target.
    This was a few weeks ago when I was 188 ilevel.

So generally if that was true, i’d do what most sub do going for the kill, i’d approach my target, activate cold blood and activate shadowblades and cheap shot them, activating shadow dance immediately.

  • Cheap Shot (4 sec begins) they lose 10% HP due to CB (minus versa) +1 CP
  • Shadowstrike (critted for about 5.4 k average in my gear factoring reduction, plus about 2.8k from shadow blades) = 8.2k damage + 3CP
  • Shadowstrike (same again) = total 16.4k damage plus 10% (average 2.5k say) Now at max CP, the target has about ~2 secs of being stunned left and I have ~2 secs of crit leggo left
    Evis - About 6k crit plus 3k from SB = 25.4k damage plus 10% max HP
    MFD + Evis = Same again.
    That’s a total of about 34.4k plus 10% of their health, which will kill most targets. It relies completely upon them being stunned for the entire duration, because if they break free and CC me, It screws things up. If I waste a SS slot or Evis slot on CS or KS, that’s about 8k damage I lose, which means they may survive.

Generally when most people get “oneshotted” by Sub, they’re failing to take account of one or more things:

  • They didn’t have trinket for the CS. This isn’t news, most classes can kill you within a 4 sec stun when using all of their offensive cooldowns at once.
  • The rogue is using all of their offensive cds at once, which means that not using any defensives at all, and expecting to survive, is naive.
  • They are failing to take into account that the rogue may not be the only one attacking them, but because the rogue opened and stunne,d they attribute the deletion to the rogue. Sub is often paired with fire mage, and fire mages can burst very quickly very heavy, and it doesn’t take them long to throw out 10k or more damage. If both sub and a fire mage open on you together, it’s very hard to survive, but that’s not entirely due to the rogue.

I know from my experience that sub isn’t this “one ticket to victory” because i’ve played against enough players who knew how to stop my opener. Sub plays in a very telegraphed way, and is all about the leggo and the true stealth opener. If they cannot exploit that, their damage is mediocre at best. A sub rogue out of their leggo window without shadow blades is laughable at best and certainly less threatening than several other classes.

The trick is if you see sub in a game, you know that they will be aiming to do, delete you in the opener. They always will try and do this because if they don;t, they waste their leggo window and their calling card, so prepare for it by being ready. I’ve played against people who slammed me hard, but also people who made stupid mistakes lie trinketing my sap fgs which is just asking to be oneshotted. I’ve had monks destealth me with ring of peace when they saw my allies approaching forcing my vanish early (which means I can’t use it to escape or to go for a second kill window) etc etc.

Like a Boomkin and a Fire Mage, a sub rogue in the game requires you to plan for their predictable strat of “kill before it moves”. The difference is the rogue is more predictable because they HAVE to do it on their opener. The fire mage or boomkin can keep their hand steady until the opportunity arises and then go into big bang mode by casting the relevant spell. That’s why imo they are harder to fight. A sub rogue cannot hide in stealth until “the right moment” if their allies are being wailed on else they’re doing nothing to support the fight. As soon as they appear they MUST engage their burst. The boomkin can easily play slow, wait for the enemy healer to begin trying to kite melee and when they’re isolated use wildcharge into position and covoke them into the floor all within a few seconds.

dude please, convoke is the best thing to happen to druids since legion. I am so happy for convoke that i can have the choice to use it as resto to do damage or heal.

People moan about convoke as it is clearly overpowered yet they never seem to mind their own overpowers. As a feral, mages, hunters, ww’s, rets, rogues can easily take me from 100-0 in the blink of an eye but somehow it’s unfair if you can do it back.

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