Corrupted gear from visions

So I heard that you are supposed to get corrupted gear from finishing visions. Is that the case?

My cloak is lvl 5 and I also did a bonus objective on the last run. So far i have only received mementos and cloak upgrades.

Thanks for you answers

I had the same question.

Yes they should have dropped gear

i think you only start getting it after the 21st. with the next reset.

i got a 430 piece though.

I did a few tier 2 runs. No gear has dropped. Just sparks and corrupted mementos.

I got some 420 pants from one.

Thy for the answers.
So it would have been better to keep the “keys” and wait till next week?

If thats the case I feel kind of frustrated now -.-

Nope, there’s a proc chance but non guaranteed corruption for visions

Raid has a bunch of baseline corrupted weapons and the weekly chest item has 100% chances to corrupt

Got Boots with corruption and a Socket.

On my dh alt ofc…

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i dont even get uncorrupted gear from my visions, just vision talent currency and the cloak thing

i ran 4 visions and didnt get anything except cloak upgrade and tokens
3 times just killed thrall and 1 time did 2 objectives + thrall…

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I got one corrupted piece on my second run. It was a 420 item level piece though, hence I scrapped it. :pensive:

I thought of that, but I had too much fun and couldn’t keep my vessels intact :confused: I even went to do intro on a lot of alts so I could get my visions fix …

I wish we’d have more activities like these :frowning:

You can only get 1 gear / week on your very 1st one after weeky reset, which goes up, depending from the bonus missions and masks you use. up to 470 with 5 masks and all bonus q.
Atleast i remember it works like that, unless they changed it.

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