yeah i kinda doubt it its been years since we have this awfulforging
q u e s t i o n
m a r k
yeah i kinda doubt it its been years since we have this awfulforging
q u e s t i o n
m a r k
to some degree this will depend on what the process for removing corruption from an item is, and will cost. A nominal cost is fine, huge cost would just cause people to completely avoid the gear.
And for the love of god, the ability to turn off the cosmetic effect on the character model.
It’s bad. Why can’t we just have a system with gear where we get pieces as they are? No RNG involved besides perhaps secondary tertiary stats that have very minor effects if they insist. This is stupid.
not only its more rng because you will be trying to farm 1 bis effect out of 11
but you will want to farm it up with maximum corruption level - aka exackly what tf was
and on top of it you will have to grind corruption reduction currency
add to this mandatory ap grind
and mandatory sanity reduction grind - for wratharion cloak
add to this healers going through hell because everybody will have ton of negative debuffs from coruption
have fun
people will miss simple times of tf so hard when this tier will be over.
Oh well, guess I’ll play minecraft instead now
Yeah swapping out gear in M+ was a Legion thing, but plz go ahead and talk about my game knowledge rofl
Also, the druid is not my main so yeah, sry to bust ur bubble.
U just further embarass yourself
Because nobody would bother re-doing content if they already got all the loot, so you’ll have a harder time getting the loot you still need? I assume thats why…
The new system feels like its catering to the minority of players unlike titanforging which kind of impacted every category in the game. The only thing corrupted does is recreate the gap between players who does and does not mythic raid and that 15 ilvl is going to sadly make the difference .
also if titanforging is going then can the loot table be bumped back to +15 in mythic+ so looting mythic gear is viable again via something other than raid.
Maybe that’s their secret plan all along.
Create something so much worse so that people will miss TF and not whine about it anymore when it’s returned to us.
Wonder how weekly mythic box is gonna go . You’re gonna pray it just warforges to mythic raid level. And be dissapointed if it TF because you can’t use it, as you’ll be over corrupted. “Damnit another TF from weekly I can’t use, curse my luck”
I already see some amazing situations ahead when this is implemented.
Healer joins a group for a key, after start finds out the tank has like 70 corruption, that kind of stuff.
The forums are gonna be a cesspool of people complaining about party members in pugs
Why is that a problem exactly? BFA’s problem has been that it always feels like you’re never done with anything. Most raiders aren’t stoked to run raids every week just to have a chance to get a gear piece with a +10 item levels improvement.
post edited
Ofc they are not but at least there is a “chance” to get an upgrade.
An example being one of our Hunters who got a 450 ilvl Coral from Ashvane.
Now as I am sure you know trinket effects scale with ilvl, thats a HUGE upgrade!!!
So yeah pretty sure they were feeling bored doing HC but hey look at that!! Suddenly it was worth the hassle
Where did this idea come from though? It’s not like for the 10 years we had before TF people cleared a raid like twice and went ‘that’s it, got my gear cya next patch’.
It is another terrible RNG fest that appears to be even worse than WF/TF. Just give us a currency (obtained by a range of in game activities, raiding, m+, pvp, wq’s etc.) and a vendor and let us decide the ‘corruption’ we want.
Though, is this even needed, why can’t we just have a BiS and target that?
It’s not often I say this.
I agree.
Where did this idea come from though? It’s not like for the 10 years we had before TF people cleared a raid like twice and went ‘that’s it, got my gear cya next patch’.
Thats probably because on WOTLK lets say, people had limited attempts weekly, so they would practise on their alts and then attempt on their mains, and then when they run out of attempts, that would just be it for the week.
Nowdays you can mash ur head on a raidboss literally doing as many wipes as your time allows so you can see how longterm that might affect things. I guess?
It’s not a huge upgrade though isit. A 430 ilvl corals about 3% of ya overall damage. A 440 will be like 3.2%…
Yeah swapping out gear in M+ was a Legion thing, but plz go ahead and talk about my game knowledge rofl
Also, the druid is not my main so yeah, sry to bust ur bubble.
U just further embarass yourself
Firstly, every proper player has raid gear and m+ gear which you obviously equip before instance.
Secondly couldn’t care less what’s your main. You’ve only cleared 3 mythic bosses LMAO
my grandmother cleared 4… So stop trying to flex
To put it nicely
Where did this idea come from thoug
Mustique raiders have some amazing ideas. Always surprising you lmao
It’s not a huge upgrade though isit. A 430 ilvl corals about 3% of ya overall damage. A 440 will be like 3.2%…
The extra ilvl doesnt just scale the str/agil but also the crit variant.
Dont remember the numbers exactly but think the 430 gives around 110 crit per stack while the 450 should give like 150 crit per stack.
So on 10 stacks thats like 400 crit!
Thats alot on a 445 eq ilvl
my grandmother cleared 4…
Well then she still isnt good enough cause I got 5/8 Currently.
All that talk yet you offer no numbers or calculations or variants on the actual topic thread which is Corrupted.
And you think we are the showoffs trying to flex …
Enjoy the emojis. They fit ur maturity level