Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

Please fix Devour Vitality on the raid polearm for feral druids/guardian/survival and brewmaster monks. Currently it doesn’t benefit from any crit modifier you have including gear/traits and even your racial and will only crit roughly 5% of the time which is base crit chance.

@Kaivax Riddle me this, howcome Blizzard can restore any other item in world of warcraft expect Corrupted items that have been “Cleansed”.

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You have to make sure you check bosses such as The Hivemind mythic, that suddenly becomes undoable for some guilds because of the corruption nerf and change the boss accordingly please.

We told you corruption was a badly thought out system. 2 weeks in and some people are yet to have any good one. For a casual it might be ok, for a guild trying to progress on mythic, this is way too impactful. Why on earth do we have to bench people that were unlucky and have 10k to 20k less dps from a god forsaken passive that depends on how lucky you are on drops. Is this good design? really?

Seriously. This is really bad. You can relay this to the dev, as a 16 years veteran, I told you like many many others that this was bad whilst on ptr, it is still BAD on live.

To the dev: start listening, start listening, start listening, because you are not.
Admit you can be wrong and that some designs are severely lacking. Get back to telling the high above you that quality and good game design is what keeps your fans and customers engaged.

Also to Activision pen pushers and excel aficionados, keep your hands off the design of our games and stay with what you know.


Damn you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You started with muh Infinite Stars, then Twilight Devastation PvP nerf and now muh Echoing Void?

Right today when I got a waist with it :cry:

By the way, RIP to people who bought BOE for these corruptions, kek.

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nerf it for tanks only, if that is even possible, for dps its ok since it cost a lot of corruption to use

I finally got my first EV corruption today and now it’ll prolly get slammed. won’t say I’m not disappointed but I guess I understand, it’s quite nuts.

haven’t been able to use twilight devastation yet since my other corrupted items are quite awful.

Tbh I like the idea of twilight dev and EV almost being designed for tanks. I like to have nice things, don’t nerf it for tanks only.

Just delete that trash system its wayy more trash then everything u dif ever before…


Delete that trash pls !!!‘n

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So by time I get some good corruptions, things get nerfed ot the ground.

… and imagine if Blizzard would have something called PTR for testing. But of course not! PTR is for what ? streamers to promote material and not for testing things ?

Does Blizzard think that this roller-coaster buff, nerf saga is fun for players ?

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par that most people who test things on ptr do not acutaly test anything at all, instead they search for the most op things they can use in game instead, I even heard of people avoiding to use some items due they do not want it to be nerfed at all.

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Just remove corruption already, it was a failed mechanic even before it hit live, but you decided to ignore this feedback :roll_eyes:


You know very well that gathering data is way more accurate on live than on the ptr, since there are way more players. It’s always been like this and will always work like that.

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:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


Titanforging RNG was the frying pan. The devs jumped right into the fire.

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You guys are stu*** and it shows.

Instead of creating a system where you can spend Corrupted Mementos to corrupt your items with your chosen corruption and it’s subsequent side effects you went full NCSoft slot machine style, with an RNG system spitting out 99% useless corruptions and 1% useful corruptions which will be better than the rest after the nerf anyway :rofl:

RNG fiasco is the best way possible any human designed to hemorrhage players, even more than p2w :rofl:

yes, of cpourse they couldn’t have predicted power of corruption effects. I do not buy that. Those pepople get paid for their excel calculations. Especially, when some notes come out from PTR by players.

no, this is laziness or hiring wrong people for wrong job. And youd think that corporate has some standards. but then again they also hired one of the worst writers in gaming history, so they have no standards at this stage.

Great! another “victory” by community ,We had perfectly fine ,broken yes but FUN system.And now thanks to Method wannabe so called “community feedback” fun system is being nerfed to meaningless proc’s like we dont have 150 of those allready.

Corruption isn’t a perfect system. However, I really don’t think outright nerfing corrupted gear is the right approach, unless you accompany that with reducing the corruption on gear itself. The whole thing that makes this system interesting is the player agency when balancing the risks with the rewards, and if you keep nerfing the rewards, the risks become increasingly less worth it and you wind up pushing players more strongly back to more traditional forms of gear.

I really liked the fact that item level became less of a factor this patch, and I am concerned you are slowly retreating back to your old ways of doing things.


Fully agree with this point. If the effect is being nerfed so too should the corruption on the item. A +75 corruption for a tier 3 stars (pre-nerf or even post nerf) is worth the trade off IMO.

However they’re still going against their gear philosophy going into BFA along the lines of ‘we want you to know that if you get a 5 ilvl upgrade its an upgrade. We dont want you to have to extensively sim yourself’.

With this system you HAVE to sim yourself as that 440 item could be better than a 470 item due to the corrupt effect. Hell my 460 trinket from wrathion is a downgrade in my sims compared to my 430 coral and spyglass.

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