Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

It was only fun for the players who won the corruption lottery, and it sucked for everyone else.

It cost a lot of corruption for tanks too,but yeah God forbid tanks contributing to the damage, while dps should keep their toy unnerfed?

If that trait will become useless, it should be fore everyone.

Season just started,everyone will get best items soner or later,maybe even later today who know


Yes, the season just started and people get benched or not invited because they don’t have OP corruptions. This really did need to be addressed urgently and I’m glad they are doing it now. It should have been done when this was on the PTR already. But doing it now is better than later.

EV will still be good. But it was extremely OP for several of the tank classes/specs, and too strong for melees in M+. Melees do not need to get even better in M+ than they already are.

(And I mainly heal this tier, so I have no stake in this, though I have an EV 3 belt for when I play kitty or bear.)

Shall i reminder you and other complainers that this very community and youtuberes Belluar mostly,was asking Blizz to make broken and Fun items,and game to be less e-sporty.We got what we asked for literally !

Everybody cries how there is such a demand for tanks, and now when even tanks can have some fun finaly u ask for nerf… U people never are briliant, instead of buffing those weaker ones lets just nerf everything…

Or maybe you are just dps that got destroyed by tanks on metters? Who knows…

I take the possibly-unpopular view that tanks SHOULD be overpowered as a bandaid to the design choices that were made in BFA, at least until they completely redesign that role. I don’t care if we end up with “DPS Blood DKs”.

It is hard enough finding tanks in Mythic+. Taking away what little fun they have is not helpful to anyone.


Exactly this, few tanks specs had fun in pvp too and people cried so they were nerfed into oblivion… Just buff dps/stat ones coruptions and let tanks have some fun too

And i just got belt from assault with ev r3, about time i guess.
Yet instead of playing with gear trying to fit it in, i am now waiting for “adjustments”. Damn this really infuriates me.

To be fair. You really should have seen it coming.

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Tanks are few, and good tanks are even less.

Yet there is some sort of hate, towards the role.

How dare tanks contribute to damage?
How dare tanks have fun pressing button?
They should just afk there and let dps do everything.

And people wonder why dps que are endless lol


So I guess for now we should hold on to all corrupted gear that we get, don’t cleanse anything, as it may be changed again.

Looking at the differences on Bloodmallet (though i do appreciate that’s based on sims), i can see why some are being reigned in. I do hope the lower ones are going to be picked up some though, just so it doesn’t feel quite so bad for people who get them.

We’ve seen this before, as has been mentioned many times, with the early leggos last expansion. Keep that in mind, i’m sure you guys remember how unhappy we all were with that kind of differential

This actually.

This is the only reason why I run corruption on my gear. The reward has to be greater than the risk, and if balance is too much off now, I am going to agree with people that this really should have been sorted on the PTR. You are playing with a scale very easy to tip with this system. Don’t tip it the wrong way.

In this case I think it would gave been better if you buffed other corruptions, then buffed raid bosses. You might be seriously messing up the raid latter with this, for those who aren’t rushing. Not gonna lie, I am probably one of those who will get halted greatly in comparison to those who went into heroic before us. Not cool. At least that is how it sounds. I am a heroic raider, but we’re clearing normal before we’re starting heroic, and we raid 1 night a week. Not fond of the thought of us going in with a handicap compared to those heroic raiders who skipped normal.

I’ve updated the original post in this thread with:

Update – 5 February 8:40 p.m. CET

Soon today, we’re going to make the following adjustments in a single hotfix:

  • Echoing Void damage has been reduced by 50%.
    • Echoing Void no longer deals reduced damage in PvP combat.
  • Deadly Momentum’s buff duration has been increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
  • Void Ritual’s stat bonus per stack has been approximately doubled at each rank.
  • Surging Vitality’s Versatility value has been increased by 10%.
  • Avoidant now subjects you to 20% less Corruption at each rank.


Some people have spent millions, i in my little world have cleaned some corruption. This is total BS — Blizzard, small indi company

This is not acceptable, messing with the WFR in this way - raiding

Should have made visions more in depth as a mini game (tough like Mage tower) with corruption items to only be use inside them.

Dayum, I feel like someone shot me with a gun on my head :smile_cat:

It was fun killing people without pressing anything.

Tanks being boring to play (and bear certainly is) isn’t solved by a randomly obtained corruption doing massive amounts of passive damage.

Was not talking about corruption in that line, but the general idea of the average player that tanks need to be dummy barely doing damage.