Corruption Effects Adjustments : Nerf all the buffs…buff all the debuffs. Corruption gear = useless. Thanks I guess.
OK about time too.
So when do I get the corruption back that I had to cleanse off my gear because the effects kept killing me?
How to fix a broken game, by blizzard:
Introduce an even more broken system so they forget about it.
Might just delete ev from the game. With this so called fix r3 will deal less damage than current r2 for double corruption cost. Funniest part is twilight devastation remains untouched despite being just as strong as ev in m+.
That is cherry on the cake, because i cleansed said corruption from my boots after experiencing not really impresive uptime of the buff.
right numbers can solve many ‘boring to play’ issues
Blizzard math is like reading instagram posts about “models”.
I don’t have any of the top tier corruptions on my char, so I should be happy.
Still this is such a D move by the developers to anyone who has spent a lot of time and resources on improving their characters.
I could understand if there was some tuning to be done after going from PTR to Live. Especially in the week leading up to Mythic release. But a FIFTY percent nerf the week after mythic raid is released, COME ON… No wonder the player base is shrinking every day. People are spending a lot of time to improve their toon, only to see it being destroyed by a hotfix one week after all the tunings should have been finalized.
I wish the approach was to buff the majority of the corruption effects to make them a bit more comparable with the stronger ones rather than nerfing down the ones that feel super powerful. Given that the system comes with heavy, gameplay-influencing drawbacks, I think the effects should feel OP to make players feel like they’re getting awesome powers in exchange for the downsides.
I’ve really loved the risk/reward element of corruption so far, but when corruption effects are just boring numerical things that happen in the background it often feels like the drawbacks are an annoyance best opted out of. Echoing Void (the only strong one I’ve gotten so far) feels amazing by comparison. It makes me want to stack more corrupted gear and learn to play around the debuffs rather than just cleansing the effect off. When you can see the buff exploding out of you and tearing through the health bars of AoE packs it’s makes it all feel worthwhile. It’s exciting! And dodging those eyeballs and things from beyond is a fair price to pay for so much power.
I worry that excessive nerfs will neuter that desire to risk higher corruption values. Effects that actively debuff you need to be very strong to feel like they’re worth it, otherwise I’m just gonna sit at a level that barely exceeds my corruption resistance.
By all means tune, but please don’t put a damper on the system by nerfing fun. Try and make all of the corruption effects feel exciting and powerful rather than mediocre. Tempt us to risk chasing those higher corruption values.
Theres a difference between fun & dps with defensives
I like to tank, but the whole dps aspect is pretty meh, if i wanted to dps i’d go dps
Well i guess we are different then, ofc dps should be above tank dmg wise, but if i olay tank i wanna be more punch bag/utility bot. Tanks should have damage, especialy on aoe… St is different story…
They should have SOME Damage
WIthout any corruption i do 50-120K dps with my shield bingb**ging as palla, with corruptions its probably gonna be higher than that!
All i’m saying is i want defensive play & healing to be a part of my gameplay when i tank
Although with this dps-tank s**t we’re probs gonna get less of a tank shortage in the future to be fair since they will play more like a dps
Meanwhile good dps can do 300k… I see nothing wrong there tbh
Ive got pretty decent coruptions dps wise (press f for ev) yet i still need my AM, roll defensives and selfhealing, even kite time to time (looking at you necrotic).
Not sure tho, there are pleople like you who wont play tank cuz its appealing to be more bruiser than tank because of dmg, and also even if we can pump big numbers with good pull and cds, coruptions and whatnot, good dps will outdps us hard…
Tanking will remain tanking, with or without more dmg, so if some1 doesnt like it now, more dmg probably wont change their mind.
And also, there are no real tanking (healing) coruptions so its not like we have much choices… Its either bigger dmg or nothing at all ( yea ik, few stats proc or % stat increase but thats lame imho)
But for me dpsing as tank offers extra layer of game play. if tanking reduces down to just ‘taunt at 2 stacks’ I would quit raiding and with this also the game. Because tanks (my preffered role in this game) has no content outside raids and dungeons.
Opinions and stuff~
it was still strong, but not in need of a 50% nerf if you only had 1 equipped.
A lazy and lame hotfix. Expected but well…
So when people say the tank rotation and current form of active mitigation aren’t fun or engaging, what they really mean is they want to do as much damage as a pure dps spec?
No, just half of it. But as seen in raids we do occasionally out dps people too.
And active mitigation… happens once per “cycle” then there’s tank swap because you do not have more cooldowns,
… trust me it is boring part of raid tanking - “tanking” itself if there’s no additional tasks, or challenges.
Nah, I just find bear fun in quite a few situations. I also find Blood DK fun. So is Vengeance DH and Paladin. Warrior and Monk I don’t find as much fun, but I’m not stating my personal opinion as a fact.
I’m not sitting here saying “TANKING IS FUN” only because I enjoy tanking. And hell I’ve been burnt out on and bored by tanking as well, stuff happens when you play a role for several years, but does that mean tanking inherently is fun or unfun? Nah. Playing Moonkin is boring as hell to me. Does that mean moonkin in general is boring? Nah. I love playing ele. Is ele the most fun dps spec in the game because I enjoy it? Hell no.
It’s what’s called an opinion. If those “people” you’re referring to have an opinion built by their own experience, good for them, but most people sadly don’t. They repeat mindlessly what “influencers” and most importantly, “Influencers” who have no idea what they’re talking about say. Be it preach, who says every content that hunter will be bottom tier, be it those clickbait youtubers tallassian or something? And Bellular? Never watched any but have read their names a few times when people refer to opinions and try to validate them using examples such as “XYZ said”. Hell, there’s world 100 guilds running bear tanks, regardless of people saying they’re bottom tier. There’s World 100 guilds running enhancer shamans and ferals regardless of people saying they’re bottom tier.
Stop trying to convince others of your opinion, stop stating your opinions as facts and stop letting yourself get influenced this heavily by people more famous than you saying stuff. Make up your own damn mind and form an own opinion, how about that?
So every time we finally get corrupted gear and then finally fight through more rng to finally get bis corruption…
They patch multiple times in a few weeks apart and change everything again…
RIP gg
It’s always opinions, though. I mean, unless someone says, “fact is…”, or it’s material that comes with statistics or an analysis, I always read posts as opinions. Everything I post here is my opinion.
I enjoyed bear in parts of Legion a lot. It felt good then. Right now, bear feels fairly “barren” to me, very simplistic, but yes, it’s just my take. I play resto and lately feral again, after doing moonkin for two patches (didn’t really enjoy it).
Man, I really hope people that whined about Titanforging are enjoying this Corruptionforging. Seriously, give me back Titanforging please.