Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

I guess I overreacted a bit then and apologize for it.

The issue with these statements such as “Bear is boring” is, people often don’t identify them as opinions, especially when the “influencers” i’ve referred to in my earlier posts state them the way you did. They hear these statements and regard them as facts for the future, thus turn opinions into facts in their mind and end up sharing said opinions as facts.

And in the end enhancer players who are insanely strong for m+ get declined for +10 keys because they’re not an “S Tier class” like that video who rated classes for m+ and raiding stated. And I believe those opinions made fact are a huge issue for the less competitive scene, because those people simply don’t understand how much more important skill is over anything else in the game. But that’s just me ranting, because some people simply don’t get that a good player on any class is better than a bad player on the best class in the game. Not even in Cutting Edge or Famed Slayer guilds.

And yes, I’ll agree, bear was a lot more fun in legion, especially due to their OP as hell artifact weapon, but ever since the change came that allowed me to cast remove curse, soothe and hibernate in bear form, I’ve become the m+ mechanic powerhouse which revived the spec for me and it’s honestly been more fun than ever, even if they’re not nearly as powerful as they used to be.

Anyway, as I’ve said, since you yourself don’t believe your opinions to be facts, I don’t believe we have a disagreement and apologize for reacting too harshly.


So, is that it? or am I gonne waste my time again hunting the best next corruption just for it to be nerfed next week…

This… I… Can someone… What!?

So now, 4 weeks in, corruption suddenly needs balancing? The traits that everyone knew from the word go were broken are now officially deemed broken? And the weak ones we all scrapped or cleansed might now suddenly become numerically viable? Not to mention the suspected stealth nerf of infinite Stars…

What the f*** is up with Blizzard lately? It hasn’t evn been one and a half years since Legion closed it’s doors, an expansion where transparancy and communication were such important things to Blizz that i don’t mind saying that Legion, when it came to how patches were implemented, was by far the best expansion ever. And this is how it’s followed up? It absolutely amazes me how 17 months of bad management and handeling of patches can lay waste to a companies credibility in their FANS EYES.

I mean we’re not talking about some snobby Yatzee or Jim Sterling here but Blizzard fans that are not leaving but have left. In 15 years of Playing the game i have never seen the Cities, Servers or Forums as deserted as they are now. But I’m getting off point.

How did Blizzard expect this would go? The gear was available for testers only for a short while before if was basically shoved onto live, seemingly with the thought of “ah, we’re gonna figure it our down the line and adjust things then.”
No, wait, sorry. That was Azerite gear. My mistake.
Corruption was available from a Vendor for a short period of time, then the PTR was rolled back, the vendor was gone and once it went live, corruption was then pushed out, seemingly with the thought of “Well, since it worked so smoothly on 8.0, we’re just gonna repeat the process.”

It wasn’t tested or balanced in the slightest, evident by Blizzards “Panic-buff” to Ra-Den and other bosses of up to 60-70mio HP once they started plowing through mythic. How can you keep making the same dumb**s mistake so often? Isn’t there some small red lightbulb that goes off in someone’s brain when they see these patterns repeat?

And what about the gear we cleansed and/or scrapped? will we get gear with the affected traits back? probably not. Because who cares about Customer Service.

Test your Sh*t Blizzard. You do Raidtests on the PTR. Add a week. Give players the opportunity to test these Crucial Systems that you are implementing. Hand out Corrupted gear, put them in front of Bosses and tell them to go ham so you can figure out how this stuff is scaling.

You used to know how this stuff works ffs.

To be clear, I’m not mad you’re balancing Corruption. it desperately needs balancing. What I’m asking is how the hell did this go live!? What was so pressing and important that it couldn’t wait another week or two?

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We have been reading your thoughts on the Corruption changes and have decided to hold them for regional restarts next week. We understand the impact they will make on your gear selection and agree that it makes more sense to do it at the start of a week.

Also during regional restarts, we plan to make some tuning changes to Mythic N’Zoth to better align the encounter with the changes that are being made to players’ Corrupted items.

Thank you all for your feedback on this.


On your next report, please add that “Players really do not like this yo-yo with gear… no, not really!”

When you do that I’ll buy you a coffee.

I can survive some RNG, I can survive getting things later than others, but I have cleansed so many ‘lolkek’ items because I got a 75 corrupted infinite stars. So that character ends up being practically naked and back to square one?

Good my raid character only ever got 1 useful corrupted item (a 100% corrupted raid weapon) …

But… yes, do me a favour and add that 1st line statement to your next report. Thank you.

I need coffee. This what I feel about this all.


Super appreciate your communication and attentiveness to this thread and others. Thank you!


… and that too. I knew I forgot something from my last post. We appreciate the news and communication, even when we are not amused about the message itself.

fair enough i suppose. at least there is communication this time. and while the CM’s dont have any hand in what Blizz does as a company, they tend to get the most of the communities anger.

But what exactly has just been said, other than “we know that there are forum posts” and “we’re gonna delay it”? Nothing. None of the valid points raised by hunderets of people have been so much as acknoledged.

What is gonna happen with the gear that was cleansed/scrapped?
Why wasn’t this testet properly?
Is this it or will there be more sweeping adjustments?

It’s the silence that get’s me. If there’s issues, why not just come out and say it? I know I would respect them a whole lot more and have a lot more patience if they would just talk with their playerbase about the issues instead of this hide-and-ambush approach

Where is class tuning? Shadow is so weak. Especially M+ so come on, blizzard!

So after the 50% Echoing Voids nerf, will the amount of corruption get a nerf, too? Losing half of the damage while taking the same big corruption like before is not a fair deal.

given the dominance of Echoing void, it is way too cheap in terms of corruption for the damage it provides. I doubt the corruption will be lowered and it doesn’t need to be. If you lower it people will just equip more of it and the problem remains.

If you look at how it works, based on player health, it seems to me that it’s meant as a Tank corruption to provide a counter measure to the increased damage output of the dps with corruptions like Twilight devastation or Infinite Stars. But it doesn’t just do that, in many circumstances it outperforms them in terms of dmg dealt while being lower in risk. Tanks are by nature a lot more, well, Tanky than dps and they are naturally the focus of the healers. Meaning they have a lot fewer problems dealing with corruption side effects. The 50% nerf is more than warranted

No, you don’t

I become relevant as a Sub rogue in PvE content only with Echoing Void.
Will you buff my ability to do AOE when you reduce my outcome damage by 20% cause of Void nerf?
Or I will be laughed and rolled eyed yet again every time people will look at my spec at the start of the M+?

At least lower the corruption that Ech.Void gives (60 corruption for half of the damage it deals now will be almost undesirable).

ev dominated only tank’s single target.
also damage per corruption point wise, gushing wound is the best i believe, it goes under radar mostly because very few if any managed to get 3-4 those corruptions.

You’re a dps class with 3 dps specs. Not every single specc of yours needs to perform in every situation of the game. If you only hat one dps specc, you might have a point. But choosing the one specc your class offers with those weaknesses, is a choice you make.

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I never said EV is the best one out there in terms of damage per corruption, just that it is extremely dominant at the moment :wink: Gushing wounds does appear to be stronger but it also seems to be a lot rarer. And as war as ‘loot logic’ goes, something a lot rarer being stronger is ok to me :smiley:

People what whined about titanforging never wanted corruption. I dont know where this idea that items has to have some sort of rng upgrades come from. There is very simple solution. Remove titanforging and do not add anything instead.

extremely dominant means best, right? it is dominating only single target tank damage. everywhere else it’s just strong. People say it’s op even on ranged which is false statement, i did run some m+ on my priest with ev r2, tentacle r2 and gushing wound, they all got about the same damage at the end. Melee dps with ev r3 usually have it at roughly 10% overall damage, hardly dominating for 60 corruption price. EV is too common somehow, so most people runnig with it, other options which is just as strong are rarer.
-50% damage is equal to deleting ev from the game, even for tanks, not really great move to make something commonly found on items worthless.

Best get used to long grinds for gear/rep/borrowed power.

I think it will be even worse in Shadowlands.

No, if I meant best I’d have said best. Dominant means you see it a lot more often than the other effects in M+, be it because of strength or community perception doesn’t really matter.

You forget the Tanks threat multiplier. Sure, after the nerv they won’t be #1 on the damage meters in m+ anymore, but so what? They’ll still do good damage with it and it serves it’s purpose to counter the massive threat 2-3 ion cannons from devastation can produce